The LIMITLESS Power of An Alcohol-Free Lifestyle | One Year No Beer | Ruari Fairbairns | Rich Roll

Published 2024-01-08
Rich sits down with 'One Year No Beer' co-founder Ruari Fairbairns to talk about the mental and physical health benefits of ditching booze.To read more about Ruari and peruse the full show notes, go here👉🏾
✌🏼🌱 - Rich




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00:00:00 Intro
00:01:26 The growing popularity of the alcohol-free lifestyle
00:02:04 The slow paradigm shift in society's relationship with alcohol
00:05:17 The negative effects of alcohol and the need to spread awareness
00:08:30 The negative impact of alcohol on the brain and body
00:10:22 Alcohol's impact on sleep and weight loss
00:12:38 Alcohol as the World's Most Harmful Drug
00:14:26 Peer Pressure and Fear of Ostracization
00:18:05 The importance of control in changing the relationship with alcohol
00:20:52 The need to change the conversation about alcohol
00:24:16 Different approaches to alcohol intervention
00:26:12 Preventing rock bottom moments and promoting change
00:31:18 The impact of stress on alcohol consumption
00:33:16 Ad Break
00:34:28 The need for emotional sobriety
00:37:17 Addressing past trauma and its connection to alcohol use
00:39:22 The pattern of needing someone to save me
00:42:05 The importance of community in changing your relationship with alcohol
00:48:20 The letter to Richard Branson
00:50:04 The failed attempt at The Apprentice
00:52:00 Becoming an Oil Broker
00:54:49 Setting the Crude Oil Price
00:57:00 The consequences of unhealthy behavior patterns
00:59:12 The impact of spreading the message
01:02:25 The decision to leave the well-paid career
01:03:05 The importance of meaning and purpose
01:05:41 Ad Break
01:07:13 The turning point: starting meditation
01:10:45 Preventing a Serious Relationship with Alcohol
01:13:05 Raising Money and Impacting the Masses
01:16:38 Corporate integration
01:18:47 The impact of the program
01:21:08 Stepping it up a notch
01:22:14 Stealth drinking
01:23:41 Impact of the pandemic
01:28:55 The challenge of selling the alcohol-free lifestyle
01:30:12 Breaking bad habits and forming new habits
01:35:21 The hard cases and recovery modalities
01:38:27 Addressing lifestyle factors and core drivers
01:40:34 The impact of alcohol on sleep
01:41:49 Alcohol as a catalyst for transformation
01:42:54 Complete Control Program
01:46:14 The impact of trauma work and stress management
01:47:56 Embracing powerlessness and unmanageability
01:50:27 ADHD and its relationship with alcohol
01:53:03 The stress cycle and alcohol as a coping mechanism
01:54:11 The importance of meditation and tools for stress relief
01:56:19 Understanding ADHD and finding relatability
01:59:23 Finding purpose and fulfillment
02:01:26 Alcohol as a barrier to success
02:07:35 Meeting Richard Branson and sharing the One Year No Beer story
02:09:25 The importance of persistence in spreading the message
02:11:51 The importance of making fundamental shifts
02:12:35 The importance of accountability, connection, support, and education
02:12:55 The impact of changing one's relationship with alcohol
02:15:47 end

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Hi I'm Rich Roll. I'm a vegan ultra-endurance athlete, author, podcaster, public speaker & wellness evangelist. But mainly I'm a dad of four. If you want to know more, visit my website or check out these two the NY Times articles:

2630 Conejo Spectrum St.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

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All Comments (21)
  • @Noel-Mac
    9 days clean from heroin today, I haven't done this long for 6 years now... One day at a time.. 💙🙏
  • @kimberlyf4888
    Just hit 5 years alcohol free! It was the single best decision I have ever made. It's so much easier than moderation to know that the answer is always no.
  • @joko09010
    Nobody who gets sober ever regrets it, they only regret not doing it sooner. You’ll never regret NOT drinking! 💪🏻💙🙏🏻
  • This was a calling from god I’m 4 months clean and my energy and mental clarity is out of this world
  • @drironmom6815
    I stopped drinking a few years ago to support my husband when he joined AA and became sober. EVERYTHING is better now.
  • @robscragga
    I really needed this today. I’m a former high functioning alcoholic. I gave up the booze for 12 months, then got back on it thinking I’ve changed. How was I wrong! I fell right back into my old habits. I gave it up again after seeing what I was turning back in to. I’m now closing in on another year sober. Best thing I did. To say alcohol was holding me back is an understatement. Life is so much better now, the things I’ve achieved in the 2 years supersedes everything I did 25 years prior
  • @jancker06
    Today marks 890 days of sobriety for me. Thankful for each and every day. 🙏
  • @walkerdb84
    90 days alcohol free for me. I started "quitting" about 5 years ago. It's been a long process for me, going 6 months several different times, but then there would be that moment where i tell myself I'll just have a few... that turns into going back to the same old ways. For anyone starting this journey, be aware that after 90 days or so, you'll really start to feel a lot better. My mood is so positive now. When i laugh with friends and family, it is a great experience. It honestly feels like it did after a few beers when you're on cloud nine. Now it's natural. But it takes time to get there, so keep on the path and have faith. One day at a time. That's all we can do. One day at a time. Good luck!
  • February 26th is my 25th year sober. It is the most transformative and pivotal moment in my life! It was hard to quit but I think I would have died if I hadn’t stopped!
  • @SuperGrinch123
    I am on day 139. I was never a huge drinker to be honest (a couple of times a month), but when I did, I always woke up feeling like crap, embarrassed at my behaviour to varying degrees, and the hangovers lasted days if not weeks. It also held me back from achieving the goals that I'd set for myself by making me lazy and unmotivated. One day, after a particularly embarrassing episode where I'd had a proper drunken meltdown, I woke up the next morning and just decided I was done. Now, I've never felt better and more excited for the future!! 🙏
  • @tcjensenjr
    I stopped drinking on 8/1/2023. It has changed my life in so many ways. Rich, thank you for the excellent show and congrats on 1M subscribers!
  • @PatrickDelorenzi
    Recently hit 7 years living alcohol free and it has by far been the best decision I have ever made in my life. More energy, clarity, and connection to purpose
  • @RickJamesFPV
    311 days sober from Alcohol. Lost 45 pounds of fat without even trying.
  • @jaym1207
    8 years sober this year. You will be amazed how much clarity and time you get. Half my weeks were spent in bed recovering. Now I have 2 amazing kids, house, business 10x and relationship with my wife healed from nearly ending prior to stopping. Thanks for inspiring others and sharing your story!
  • @novice024
    I first tried suicide at age sixteen; last time in my twenties. I started drinking in high school, really hard drinking in the Air Force, moderate drinking last 10 years. Twice during the past year I said things to people that I would not say if not drinking. I have been sober for 26 days and hope to remain sober after 50 years of drinking.
  • @Thedesertguy75
    It's still blows my mind in how alcohol is such a destroyer of purpose, potential, and productivity. It's more than likely far more addictive than we know and because it's tied to so many social events, it can be daunting to stop. It has caused me so much grief, loss of money, health, friends, and loved ones. Even homelessness....I just couldn't believe it was the booze but for me it's exactly that. I'm now 48 and believe me when I say I feel like I wasted so much time in bars. When I drink I care about nothing and want nothing.... sober, I want more from myself and out of life. It's night and day. I sincerely hope that I NEVER go back to alcohol.
  • @Hison-Dcarman
    I started drinking alcohol since my teenage. Spent my whole life fighting alcohol addiction. Also suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @scottjackson163
    Coming up on 2 1/2 years alcohol free. I endorse all the positive messaging around the benefits of quitting. More energy, more mental clarity, calmer demeanor, better relationships, more usable time. 👍
  • @lynnkraus9542
    I am 65 years old and alcohol has been a huge part of my whole life. My parents were both heavy drinkers, my mother an alcoholic. I eventually married an alcoholic and unfortunately the disease killed him, along with my lovely stepson. Despite all of this, and being an attendee of AlAnon (which I highly recommend for families and friends of alcoholics) I am also a drinker. (What!?). This just goes to show the influence of social manipulation and long time habits. My biological son, 32 has gone alcohol free after his own struggles with the poison and I am hugely grateful! Now it is my turn. Last year I did dry January and am doing it again this year but want to take it further. This podcast and the comments are so encouraging so I thank you Rich Roll, it came at just the right time for me. I’m going to research OYNB and continue to seek support in my efforts. I know it’s not going to be easy because of my long time social connections which are important to me, being a widow. THANK YOU!
  • @Betterialist
    In the Netherlands i heard many say "drinking with people is a social activity.. you can't have fun without alcohol cause people won't get relaxed".... I was in shock 😲. And because i don't drink at all, i was always in charge of bringing those "relaxed people" home safely (hammered and passed out). Ps: the conversations i heard during the ride home were the most idiotic thing i have ever listened to. And people who drink are 100% confident that they are effective and functioning. Absurd