Massive Car Pileup I-84

Published 2022-02-21
Happened on Monday (February 21, 2022) between Pendleton and La Grande, Oregon.

All Comments (21)
  • @jcmickeyd1225
    Didn’t think I’d have to write a disclaimer but I guess I was wrong. In this video, we are NOT laughing at those getting injured. We are NOT laughing at those getting in accidents. Not excusing our laughter, however, laughing is a common coping mechanism in uncomfortable situations. We would never wish this on anyone, nor would we laugh at those getting injured. Stay cautious on the roads and drive safe. ❤
  • Thank you for sharing this! My husband drives truck and was caught behind this. I'll be able to show him what happened to give him an idea of how long he'll be stuck on the side of the road. Very good video, clear and steady 👍👍
  • @timmarquez713
    This video is a very clear indication of how much freight is actually moved by truck! It’s crazy!
  • I don't understand why you thought it was funny at first... I'm a professional truck driver. I might see things WAY before you do... We save families everyday just because the general public is not educated on how our "not truck" works... We don't stop when you cut us off( We don't leave all that space in between vehecles to be nice, we don't want to crush your family) 🙂
  • That is one enormous chain reaction! Really good quality video, thank you!
  • @garyscott5161
    There you go tailgaters! Wait till all the 18 year olds' start driving those semis! You ain't seen nothin' yet.
  • @alialmamun9769
    I drove through there 3 days ago, I stopped for food and heard some locals talk about this
  • first thing that has to happen to avoid these big-ass situation is truck drivers need to start using the CB radio like we used to. We used to talk to each other or talk to the people going the other direction let them know what was ahead of them if something was going bad you could have worn them and they would slow down ahead of time. The second solution is everyone needs to pull their head out of their ass slow down and drive appropriately for the condition people are getting ridiculous on bad roads.
  • I was in the middle of this pile up, but saw it coming and took the shoulder. Vehicles were passing me way too fast so I Drove on the shoulder to the next LeGrand exit. People, is listen to me, I drive 18 wheels. I drive barefoot so I can feel the road beneath my feet and I felt the slip, so I slowed way down. People passed me at high speeds, even after I pulled to the shoulder. If you see a semi truck suddenly slow down or swerve, there is something ahead that you cannot see. Follow the truck, copy it. The driver has his reasons. I didn’t get hit at all, but the pileup continued from Pendleton to Baker City.
  • @gfunk4014
    Thanks for sharing I saw the scars in the dirt the day after but haven’t seen the actual video. Be safe out there
  • Just drove threw this area 24 hrs ago and One can still see reminisces of this horrible pile up.
  • swift unit in the middle of this mess without a scratch?!?! impressive.
  • I’ve driven that road a hundred times. The Blues are so dangerous in the winter. In the 70’s I watched my brother crash in front of me on that stretch one winter day.
  • @knittingmum3657
    how much of this would happen if they slowed down and had a CB
  • I drive over cabbage 3 times a week. Accidents are really common especially in the winter with people driving too fast.
  • @RoadWarrior48
    Know this Highway, some areas have curves and hills. Heavily traveled and treacherous weather! All takes is one getting sideways! What really pisses me off is the RV set ups that should NOT be allowed to drive in these conditions!! Notice the one completely smashing a vehicle and sure the people were injured. Stay off the dang road if you’re towing!!!
  • @scottdowning799
    I've been driving a truck out of state for 17 years this is exactly why I avoid this level of whether