Sekiro: Ranking Bosses Strength Based on Lore

Published 2024-03-17
It's finally here! Sekiro Bosses Ranked by Lore!

I have compiled all of Sekiro's Boss encounters and ranked them based on how powerful they are according ONLY to their lore.

As always these are all my opinions, though a large amounts of research go into the videos in this series, there will always be some level of subjective world building required by Fromsoftware games, you're likely to have differing opinions - that's fine and is a cornerstone of why this community is as alive and well today as it was the day the first game was released.


0:00:00: Intro
01:20: Sixteen
03:12: Fifteen
07:50: Fourteen
11:21: Thirteen
17:10: Twelve
19:02: Eleven
22:56: Ten
29:00: Nine
37:20: Eight
44:30: Seven
53:05: Six
58:15: Five
01:00:47: Four
01:04:09: Three
01:09:35: Two
01:15:42: One

All Comments (21)
  • @TrendingFrog
    I agree that Owl is probably stronger than Genichiro but there is no way that Owl actually took down Genichiro in battle, he doesn't take fights he doesn't have to and I 100% believe that Owl pulled a sneaky on Genichiro like he did with wolf
  • @greatwhitnorth
    I’ve binged all these “strongest based on lore” videos you’ve done. It’s some of my fav content I’ve seen on YouTube recently. Bravo!
  • @fidiasgaming4076
    I'm pretty sure Isshin does not adopt the power of tomoe, because when he does the lighning strikes, he catches the lightning coming down from the sky, he does not generate it like genichiro This wouldn't really change the ranking, it's just an observation regarding your analysis
  • @TrendingFrog
    another amazing video but a quick correction, Shinobi is a very specific type of person, a ninja, and characters like Emma and Gyobu are definitely not Shinobi, neither is Tomoe, they would more likely fall under the Samurai umbrella (i hate being the glasses emoji guy but thought i'd mention it anyway 🤧)
  • @SadlyEmbers
    Couldn't have more perfect timing. Getting lunch right now and I got a gem to watch as I eat. This series is amazing love seeing it. Keep up the work king.
  • @tpearce713
    I don't think Isshin is using lightning of Tomoe, he's just doing lightning reversals on the thunderbolts from the storm
  • @3einEye
    Both the script and the vocal execution are stellar. They increase my enjoyment of the video ten fold!
  • @marcwav
    I need Sekiro 2 more than any other sequel.
  • @palerite
    Your analysis of Inner Owl is amazing and my favorite piece of content on this game - wonderful job.
  • @darthTwin6
    I hope this video blows up! The quality was off the charts! Keep up the great work
  • I loved this video, but i think i disagree with how Genichiro and Owl were ranked above present day Isshin. As far as Owl goes, i can't say for certain whether he would rank higher or not and don't have too clear of an opinion, the best we have to go off of is how he says "few could have hoped to defeat him" of Isshin, even in his weakened state. This doesn't tell us whether he considers himself as one of those few or not. However with Genichiro, i am more strongly convinced that he was in fact lesser to Isshin despite his illness and old age. The ministry only sends spies to Ashina so long as Isshin is alive, however weakened he may be, and they begin their siege when and only when he has succumbed to said Illness; despite Genichiro still being very much alive, and having gained more strength than ever, with Tomoe's lighting and the black mortal blade. The whole point of Genichiro's tragedy is that no matter how much he sacrificed and how hard he tried, he simply wasn't strong enough to save Ashina: which is why he resorts to using the black mortal blade and killing himself to bring Isshin back, as he himself could not compare to him, and was unable to stand against the forces of the interior ministry once Isshin had fallen. Of course this is all based on my interpretation of the story, and i'm just sharing my opinion, nothing against yours! As i said i really enjoyed the video, keep up the good work ❤
  • @nathansmith116
    Gosh man. Keep it up please. I love long form content I can vibe with and your research speaks for itself.
  • @wielandrothe3726
    I enjoy all of your lore Videos, thank you. Must be a lot of work to find all this Informations
  • Headless ape would be literally unkillable for the majority of the things you ranked higher than it lol
  • @richa8855
    Hey this great stuff, I look forward to seeing more, and I hope you find success on YouTube!
  • @Clovear214
    Love the amount of lore you give in these videos.🤘
  • @Noxeternis1
    I'v really liked these ranking bosses based on lore videos and have learned so much about the lore as well as the bosses.