The 5 KEYS To Mastering Your Aim - Apex Legends

Published 2023-02-26

All Comments (21)
  • @odinjoel1010
    TDM has been helping me so much with my aim, the constant fighting is perfect for warm up
  • @KitsuneHimeR
    You basically said this, but you have to keep positive vibes. If you feel yourself getting better at Apex, don't be afraid to pick up weapons you shyed away from. I've learned to love the car and r-99 by practicing and just knowing I've gotten better and can control them more . The alternator will always be satisfying, though too
  • @javenivey2110
    This has helped me improve so much, especially following my target instead of my crosshairs, and not panicking/ raging when i miss my shots or die, but my strafing is also getting better. Even if i lose im still having a good time. Thanks again so much😊
  • I appreciate you breaking it down to the basics. I started playing on Xbox as a kid and played halo a lot, but I was always in multiplayer lobbies, Lan and then online with Halo 2. But the difference is it was heavily casual and up until now so was COD, Halo Reach added abilities but mostly the multiplayer was slow and consistent. These games now have so many different mechanics and concepts behind shooting and moving. I can appreciate the simplicity of your video because it helps me understand that I never treated Apex in a way that challenges me as a player, if I can focus on being a human calculator ill be able to get to masters.
  • Yo all that stuff in The range where you show your specific practice and warm-ups was super helpful and appreciated, great vid as always 🤘
  • @cdico1062
    Thank you so much for your informative vids....I look forward to new content every week!
  • @Optimus338
    Thx for this helpful video, keep doing this really good job 👍🏻
  • I think you are the most helpful out of anyone. Thanks bro
  • @Yacopsev
    Im opposite - when adrenaline hits in, I get some kind of superfocus and quicker reaction time so I land my shots better and will to survive makes me do pretty smart stuff. It's shame I can't play like that when I'm chilled out. Anyway I think that guys advice with single fire weapons is great - shotguns made me got my first kills in apex - I had to make my shots more precise instead of rushing b with flatty(with no knowledge of recoil and even didnt knew what stabilizers did, I took only mags and scopes.)
  • @Bambeakz
    Nice guide. When I was younger I was pretty good at shooters but now I am older and play a lot less shooters this game is so freaking hard for me. I lose almost every 1v1 so I hope this tips make me a better help to my teammates instead of only reviving, spotting and finding good loot 😅 My favorite weapons are the PK, Prowler, R99 (alternator to start) and I start to like the Nemesis and I just can’t understand why i sometimes melt people but most times it is more like panic shooting while missing all my shots 😔
  • 5:57 nah that wall bounce on the Bloodhound was filthy always good gameplay if you ever stream on this channel I would check it out
  • @daidai9774
    I would love some help or advice, hopefully I'm not the only one who does this... Whenever I get into a fight I always find myself accidentally pressing the crouch button, and I have to compensate my aim and movement for it and because of that my opponents are usually just headshoting me. I'm on PS5 my crouch button is the R3. I'm an average/below average player but I do this so often and idk how to stop it.
  • @wavierdig
    Also Weapons have consistent horizontal recoil And the same way holding down keeps it from bumping up Moving left or right keeps it from bumping sideways This is most noticeable on the flatline as its recoil is a zig zag And when accounted for makes it arguably more accurate than the r301 At least for me And for recoil smoothing this is either what it is Or something Idk about
  • It's funny back in titanfall when you use the car it's almost a sin to ads, the hip fire was just to good. You could easily hit shots from some distance just with hipfire on the car. Miss Titanfall