Trope Talk: Urban Fantasy

Published 2020-04-03
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Urban Fantasy! A uniquely versatile and hybridized setting with a lot of fun potential! It's also got some uniquely tricky writing pitfalls, so let's talk about it a little!
Got a favorite urban fantasy story or a least-favorite urban fantasy staple? Drop it in the comments!

Our content is intended for teenage audiences and up.



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All Comments (21)
  • @grockman2795
    The Magic School Bus is Urban Fantasy, Ms. Frizzle is a warlock serving under a fey patron of knowledge, and the Bus is the mystical patron that no one ever acknowledges is sentient. Q.E.D.
  • @abikalin
    Red: “Where the hell are the Dragons?” The Dragons: self quarantining
  • @totaltcl1099
    1:14 "the heros will be handling magic...also drink coffee..." And my first addition was "and the elf side character will pull out a Glock to take out the big bad"
  • @imayeti.4674
    “The real world is actually really cool” I Finally had a reason to not go outside... and you ruined everything...
  • I love Rick Riordan so much. He started writing to show his son a positive portrayal of people with ADHD and dyslexia, and his belief that people deserve to have characters they can relate to (be it their race, sexuality, gender identity, ability, or culture) hasn't changed, it's only expanded
  • @fingerboxes
    I had a shapeshifter romance dream that was actually super hilarious on account of my asexuality: I was at this bar having a beer and some super hot guy walks up to me. We have an extremely engaging conversation about psychology which is a field I care a lot about and he was fascinating and intelligent. After talking for a while, he hits on me. I politely turn him down and he leaves. A few minutes later a super hot woman with huge knockers walks up to me and has a really interesting conversation with me about anthropology, another topic I care a lot about, and she was super fascinating and intelligent. After a few minutes she hits on me and I turn her down. Then he/she morphs into their real form and is like "Ok what the heck, I used feedback from your brain to make me the most interesting person I could possibly be to you. The first time you turned me down I figured you just weren't in to men but then you turned me down as a woman too, so what's up with that?" I explained my asexuality, the shapeshifter felt better about itself, and it was a really good experience. So I guess I befriended a dream incubus/succubus? Lol.
  • @cjsmalley5506
    I have what I call the "Five Minute Rule" for my writing: If I use a subject/topic/theme/creature/ whatever I mus be able to hold a Five Minute conversation about it without looking like a dumbass with someone who actually knows what they're talking about. If I couldn't theoretically manage that, I either don't include it or do more research until I can.
  • @yochlel2642
    Now here's the real question we should be asking: Is "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" urban fantasy?
  • That’s why I like Rick Riordan a lot. He apologizes and then adapts his writing to not make the same mistake again.
  • @milojared6986
    Red: starts talking about how a lot of horror is technically Urban fantasy Me, having just finished The Magnus Archives: oh, neat Red not 2 minutes later: "go listen to TMA" I feel vindicated
  • @potatorodka2795
    I was living with my boyfriend's rich father in a fancy neighborhood at the off skirts of town, where deer and other animals could be seen frequently moving through peoples yards at night. I was working a bartending job late and became increasing paranoid on my drive home. Physically and emotionally drained drained from work, the last thing I wanted to do was hit a fucking deer with my 2010 KIA in this rich person's neighborhood. I drove at 30 m/hr which is slow as fuck outside of a city, almost white knuckled looking out for any deer that could sprint in front of my poor little car. Driving through this neighborhood so focused on looking for deer and exasperated from work I saw something as the light of my headlights poured onto it, thin and tall and furry and wearing denim. I SCREAMED. Literally. I screamed in my car for a full second. And then my mind started to catch up.... wearing denim? It was a guy. It was just a fucking guy walking down the street with his dog late at night. Because my mind was so focused on looking for a deer when I saw a person in my headlights my brain blended the expected with the reality so quickly I almost drove off the road imagining a Wendigo. Anyway, that's why I dont believe urban myths about the mothman or what ever. It's just a fucking owl, dude.
  • @NovaStella_
    As a Native American person who really wants to become a writer, and also grew up on a midwest reservation...I really want this quarantine to be over so I can go to my local professors and elders to collect my tribe's mythology and folklore. I really feel like my community's stories have been unheard of for so long by the outside world, but they're so commonplace here where I grew up. For example, we have an old story about a woman who came to a tribe and taught them how to use tobacco and smoke it as a ceremony, and she could turn into a white buffalo calf. In the story, it's said that she could hear the weird pervy thoughts some guy was thinking of her, so she struck him with lightning and killed him. And now, there's an entire established shelter program in my state that protects displaced and abused women and children called the White Buffalo Calf Women's Society. But no one outside of the reservation areas really know about it.
  • @seankopper2233
    "It contains everything but the kitchen sink" - a world where everything seems normal, and also there are fairytails... But no one ever invented the kitchen sink
  • @recommn
    Judging by this definition, SCP Universe could technically be the biggest urban fantasy in the world.
  • @Jenna-hg4uh
    "Google says try seducing it?" OH come on, bard...
  • @TomSketchit
    The later points on mythologies and religions reminded me of a conflicting argument I was witness to once. Two people in a server. One was a Norse pagan who didn't have any Norse heritage to my knowledge, the other was someone living in Norway who studied Norse mythology as part of their heritage. I can't remember the specifics as it was years ago, but I think the two came to a disagreement over the characterization of some god that the pagan got very heated over. No hate towards either of them from my part, I just thought it was a very interesting exchange to bear witness to.
  • @annejia5382
    Gravity Falls is just straight up urban fantasy aesthetic. Like the vibes of the visuals automatically feels urban fantasy~