Diorama of Moonlight

Published 2024-06-08
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This video is structured to enjoy the story, so it does not explain the diorama-making process.
The making of this video is in video No.29. I would be happy if you could watch that as well.
   • The making of No. 28 "Diorama of Moon...  

Also, on Patreon, I share the progress of my work.
Please support me if you can.

My book is scheduled to be released soon.
I plan to make it available for purchase on Amazon.
When the release date approaches, I will announce it again.
I hope you have a wonderful day.

Thalasso hobbyer
【YouTube】   / @thalassohobbyer  
【Official Site】www.thalassohobbyer.com/

Illustration by
兜鴇 鴻(Toutoki kou)


All Comments (21)
  • I was moved to tears by the end of the video. I will now go and tell my mother how much she means to me
  • @Sestra_Prior
    "please don't cry" ... immediately bursts into tears 😭. Truly beautiful and heartbreaking, all at once. Those little waterlilies were just lovely.
  • If I remember correctly, Japanese people say "The moon is beautiful tonight" for I love you. Then the shrine god is like the son telling his mother he loves her to comfort her 😢 Thank you for the new diorama, and a kind of horror ghost story one, just in time for summer! Hope things are going well for you and your family!
  • @ten-chan1015
    "If I could be reborn again..." I knew the next line. I knew it before you said it, and yet - "I would want to be your child once more" - it hit me like a knife, and I started crying again. The art is so beautiful, both the diorama and the painting at the end. What a wonderful story, even though it is sad. Thank you for your amazing work!
  • You thank us for our precious 16 minutes. Please do not forget that it was you who made them so very precious with this wonderful offering. I am overjoyed to see you back. It was a wonderful, compelling story. And yes, quite beautiful in its own way. Every time I watch a new video of your creation, I have to stop and realize how much I needed this. A pause in all things but this, your journey of creation; a peacefulness despite any lurking dread; a quiet compassion even for things one might fear. Thank you. Thank you so very much.
  • @user-do3iu7dk3r
    髪も白く、体も骨ばかりになって、それでも首を長くして待っててくれたんだろうなって…… ずっとずっとずっと待ち続けたお母さんが、小さな祠に何を見たのか、確かめるようにすくい上げるように祠に手を伸ばしている様子が、悲しくて切なくて美しい光景で いつもたらそさんのジオラマはストーリーの一瞬をそのまま切り取ったような綺麗さで大好きです……今回はストーリー性を強く出してくれてて私はとても嬉しい……
  • Thank you for your beautiful craftsmanship and care. My mother passed away three weeks ago. She always did the absolute best she could for me and my brother, and I miss her dearly. There really is nothing like a mother's love.
  • people always say art is about emotions. but i think art is more. i've always believed that true art doesn't just convey emotions, *it tells a story*. and this is the perfect example of that.
  • @muathangtu8276
    In Vietnam, we also have a similar story, but it's about an women holding the baby, waiting for the return of the husband who joined in the war. She and her son turned into the stone.
  • @user-jb8bw9lm8i
    この人のジオラマの好きなとこはちゃんとストーリーとかキャラクターがあるとこだよなあ…自分がそこにいる気持ちになれる 神聖さがとても好き
  • @user-dd9si2eu9e
    ご飯食べながら見ようと思って動画見てたのに気づいたらご飯食べるの忘れて見入ってたし、 お母さんの能面に涙の痕が出てき始めたところで表情が悲痛すぎて(能面のはずなのに)胸が痛くなったし、 序盤の「ずいぶん小柄な神様だな」で完成した祠見て「ほんまにちっさいな」ってちょっと笑ってたのに小ささの意味を理解して震えたし、 ラストスパートの語りでもうほぼ泣きかけてたのに突然の綺麗な一枚絵で完全に涙腺破壊されたし、 夜ごはんのからあげ丼が冷めてもうたやんけ……!!! 映画を見終わったような気持ち……ほんとすごい………… お母さんもだけど、息子も「自分のせいで母が苦しんでいる」っていう後悔で苦しんでるのが本当につらい 来世で幸せになってくれ、頼む……;;;
  • @JCetto.2612
    When the world needs him the most... He returns... I loved this, so much.
  • @podoke
    i am so amazed at how delicate of a facial expression you were able to sculpt. the mother's face holds such a specific emotion. it reminds me of when my mom is having a really tough day but forces a smile towards me and my siblings. there is something very haunting about that fake smile. conceptually, it is the heartwarming gesture of a mother's effort to present her best self to her kids. but as the kid it can feel very alienating to see your mother lie to you. i feel like you captured that feeling very well. if i put myself in the son's place, on the receiving end of that smile, it makes me want to say "it's okay. i know you are sad. you don't have to hide your tears and put on a mask for me. it is okay to simply grieve, to be frustrated, angry, sad and regretful. it pains me more to see you hide your pain."
  • Very sad story. The pain on Mom's face is heartbreaking. The spring is a beautiful place. Hopefully the mother will become less sad. And be able to see her son again. Thank you for the beautiful diorama. And story.
  • @bbrianaistree
    “Please don’t cry.” TOO BAD. this was beautiful! Wow.
  • @YasimaOnnsen
    制作お疲れ様でした。 美しさと哀しさに涙が出ました。 木々の静けさや岩や蔦の生命力、水面の清らかさや睡蓮の美しさ、祠に置かれた鬼灯の愛しさに、感動しました。 母親のひた向きな愛情と悲しみを、これ以上ない形で表現されていて、本当に感動しましたの言葉しか出て来なくて申し訳ないです。 いつも素晴らしい作品を、本当にありがとうございます。 事情があって、YouTubeでしか拝見させて頂いてませんが、本当に応援しています。 これからもお身体に気を付けて頑張って下さい。 投げ銭は微々たるものですが、作品の一部でも、オヤツにでも、使われて下さいね。
  • @randomfandom4H
    It's been really rough lately in life, to the point where I have almost completely given up. Your video made me cry so hard. Thank you so much for doing what you do and making us feel better about the world. Thank you.
  • @user-jy8fb9mc5b
    もうこれはひとつの短編映画です いつもながらの製作の細やかさも相まって 本当に素晴らしい…