Yamaha CP-70 recording technique #2 (Demo only. See description)

Published 2013-08-23
This is a piano only track so it might sound kinda bare.

Once again we have the beastly Yamaha CP-70B electro-acoustic grand piano (the B stands for "break your spine moving it"). This time recorded direct plus M/S microphone pair 4" above the damper rail at middle C. I've never seen or heard a CP70 recorded this way, but I really like it because it gives you the ringing, otherworldly quality of the internal pickups plus the amazing dynamics of the acoustic sound. This is what distinguishes the CP70 from both electric and acoustic pianos. You get literally the best of both worlds.

An M/S microphone pair means you put the 1st mic facing the strings (set to cardioid pattern) and you put the 2nd mic sideways (set to figure-8 pattern) with the lobes facing the R and L sides of the piano. You can sorta see it briefly at 0:12. Once I get this technique finalized I'll do a video of exactly how to set it up.

For a historical spiel about this amazing instrument, check out the description in my Henry VIII video. This is a demo of how it sounds when used in electric & acoustic modes together. I'm still experimenting, but if you like how it sounds let me know and I'll upload a video on exactly how to set it up. Or if you have a cool way of recording your CP-70 please let me know!

Bonus points to whoever can spot the dog.

All Comments (15)
    this is great jc its gets better and better every time i hear it .its full of life.
  • @L00PdeL00P
    I love the chorus-ey sound of the CP-70, it’s a different kind of sound for an electro-acoustic piano.
  • @alexparr569
    I have a CP-70 B and I gotta try this!  Thanks for sharing.
  • @ZeroChannelZero
    Thanks man! I hear ya got some strings on the way. That'll really sweeten the mix
  • @TSTBand
    Hello, excelent playing!, i have a request video, can you make a video showing how the eq section of the piano affects the sound of the piano plugged in? i'll appreciate it.
    yeah man i can see the whole thing now.think about how you would arrange string parts to this i am going to get live strings for a live video ill call you sat.
  • @isakstruck73
    Try this: blend the acoustic sound with the line out signal but bass frequencies only.
  • @mattborba1340
    Is this just th emic'd piano? or is there direct signal from the outs as well?
  • Distance is a bitch brotha.... and time moves faster than is fair....but we came close once. If I can help with vocal tracks let me know... This is a beautiful piece. Randy
  • @AnFithich
    Anyone claimed those bonus points yet? Cause this bitch needs some points in Perception (too much In Sight not enough Observation) so I'm claiming them on behalf of the Crazy Fanbase (Scottish Division) of which I am appointing myself House Captain of the Fanship. Actually I'm just gonna go ahead and crown myself Hallowe'en Queen of Scots while I'm at it. In seriousness though... if a song could travel back in time and heal a broken heart, then this did right now, in linear time. I was a black dog under a keyboard, once upon a time. And for about a decade, I haven't been able to listen to beautiful music, keyboard in particular, because I can't go back and be there again no matter how much I wish I could. I don't even know why I didn't click away from this autoplay since I've become so good at avoidance. Maybe the hourglass in me is running out so fast that it seems not to matter anymore, so before the last grain of sand falls, all that is left of fantasia, maybe you should know as sand slips through my fingers, that it helped something; healed a sadness I was carrying around since I found a photograph of hands I'll never see play again. And in the least weird way possible, you have beautiful wrists, my hands want to draw hands again, suddenly. I wouldn't, without consent, of course, but even though I quit college to get away from having to do Life Drawing and it seems like my hands remember what it is to draw hands, because of the hands who drew my hands being the same hands that played my lullaby and put me to sleep for a hundred non-linear years... in the silence after my soul sleep for so long I forgot... I forgot about music and I forgot about art and I forgot that my hands can draw hands and sometimes I wonder what else they remember... I don't have time, to draw. Too much poetry-prophecy and spell-songs to write but, "It is something to have been." Or maybe I will let my hands draw. These hands remember holding [He]art These feet remember cinders sigils embers This soul remembers Being A/Flame They say you see a movie of your life, before the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can look at the scenes from the first 7 year cycle without crying at what I lost sometimes. For this, and Everything/Else Thank you.