first time watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 | and ALL I DO IS CRY!!

Published 2024-03-30

All Comments (21)
  • @wwhn
    Hey friendsssss, if you would like for me to react to the reunion special get this comment to 500 likes.
  • @zaunitanil
    “Somebody finally got that hussy!” 😂 You are so fun and delightful to watch. Thanks for these reactions 🤍
  • @meaganyoung452
    When you cry I cry and when you laugh I laugh, it’s been such a joy to watch these movies with you! ❤❤❤
  • @tinktink50
    so idk if you realized but during snapes and mcgongalls “duel”, snape isn’t actually using spells against her he’s actually redirecting her spells behind him towards them two voldey followers (i forgot their names) snape always been on the good side even when he couldn’t be!!
  • @wolfgirl8282
    Yes please watch the reunion you’ll love it 👍
  • Babyyyyy we are crying together😭😭 harry potter makes me emotional EVERY TIME. My favorite movies since they came out🥺 forever will have a place in my heart ❤
  • @tinktink50
    28:15 “what was it about harry “ so Neville was born a day before Harry was, and as nevilles parents were part of the Order of the Phoenix they had defied Voldemort which meant he fit the description of the prophecy. Voldemort assumed it was harry and his parents though, not neville. which is why snape says “yes be he thinks its her son” thinking he was the chosen one. Also, Voldemort had not heard the second half of the prophecy yet which spoke of his destruction! so Voldemort acting on the prophecy is the only reason one of them had to die. if he had ignored it then he would not have been tied to Harry Potter.
  • @AstroBaby91
    Imagine growing up with this series. I was the same age as Harry in the 1st movie when the 1st movie came out! By the last movie, i was a MESS. So many tears. This movie franchise was so big that the last poster just had the date of release, no title no nothing. People just KNEW.
  • @M0psyd
    In the Order of the Phoenix Book, Sirius gave Harry the mirror as a means to communicate with each other, as Sirius had a matching one. (This wasn’t included in the film). Upon finding the mirror again at the end of TOOTP, Harry tries to use it to contact Sirius’ spirit, but as Sirius didn’t have his mirror with him when he died, Harry cannot speak to him, and he smashes the mirror out of anger. Aberforth gets Sirius’ mirror later, and uses it to check on Harry, sending Dobby to him Hope this helps, love your reactions ☺️
  • @jordy9096
    The thing about Snape is, while he was a hero and done the right thing, the movies portray him as a nicer person than he really is. When he came to Dumbledore to ask him to hide Lily, Dumbledore already had the Potters in hiding as he knew the prophecy, but he pretended he didn’t to use the opportunity to bring Snape to his side. When Snape asked him to hide Lily he actually didn’t even ask or care to hide Harry or James, after Dumbledore heard this he made it clear how much Snape repulsed him. In the books when Dumbledore says to Snape, “But this is touching, Severus,” said Dumbledore seriously. “Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?” And Snape replies, “For him?” shouted Snape. “Expecto Patronum!”. Snape genuinely did not have love or any feelings for Harry, it all boiled down to his obsession over Lily that he never moved on from.
  • @tinktink50
    this movie actually had a deleted scene i loveddd at the end draco actually switches sides and throws harry a wand to use when he finally reveals he’s not actually dead! omg i wish they didn’t cut that sceneee
  • @josephinalortz62
    I love recrying to movie scenes with creators 😭👌🏽 absolute best
  • I know you wanted Harry to mess Voldie up but he didn’t even touch him with his spell. The elder wand backfired Voldemort’s killing curse back to him. He killed himself.
  • @ysa7427
    The way I clicked on this reaction so fast 😂🙌🏻 also love that you caught the theme that keeps reoccurring of a mother’s love saving Harry, not many reactors understand why Narcissa lied to Voldemort because she just wanted to originally be a part of the status & riches that come with being a pure blood aristocrat but family always comes first to her & she knew Draco was meeting Harry so if he was alive she knew he spared his life or protected him in some way & so as a thank you to Harry & a fuck you to Voldemort she straight up lied cuz she just wanted to see her son. A couple clarifying things that the movie didn’t explain well but they explained it in the books to help answer some of your questions: 1. The reason Voldemort went after Harry in the first place was when Snape was a death eater & was truly working for the dark side he overheard Professor Trelawney & Dumbledore behind a closed door where she was going into her trance saying the prophecy we watched in the 5th movie saying the person who would kill Voldemort would be a boy born at the end of July but Snape only stayed for the first part of the prophesy & didn’t hear the rest of it & ran to tell Voldemort & they had enough clues to deduct it was Harry Potter which Snape knew was Lily’s son & as soon as Snape realized Voldemort was going to kill Harry he knew Lily wouldn’t be safe either & begged Dumbledore to protect Lily only & Dumbledore called him pathetic for not caring about the rest of Lily’s family for wanting Lily to himself but letting her lose her husband & son. So when Dumbledore says “don’t tell me now you’ve grown to care for the boy” he’s really saying “don’t tell me now that the boy has to die again that you care about him instead of care for him the entire time” but the movie makes it seem like Dumbledore never cared about Harry & that’s not true. He just had to do what nobody else could do because Harry had to die for Voldemort to be killed to save the wizarding world, he didn’t want Harry to die either it just unfortunately had to be done to save everyone for the greater good. But Snape did grow to care for Harry because he loved Lily so much & he changed sides when he realized Voldemort was going after Lily which is Voldemort’s greatest downfall…he cannot love so he can’t understand the lengths someone will go to protect someone they love even his own followers. But now we see the internal conflict Snape struggled with was seeing James in Harry because he’s a spitting image of his bully but sees Lily in Harry’s eyes, the woman he loves & Snape’s character is just so truly tragic but he’s a great character because it’s not like he 100% is perfect he still bullied Harry severely in the books that the movies downplayed how bad Snape treated Harry but he still protected him from afar but only because of Lily not because it was the right thing to do. 2. The way Voldemort died in the book was they were circling each other in the great hall & dueling with the whole school watching & he died like a man which is symbolic of the fact that Voldemort was nothing but a man without his power. 3. If you notice the allegory of the tale of the three brothers, Snape died for love like the 2nd brother, Voldemort died for power like the 1st brother, & Harry greeted death like an old friend like the 3rd brother. 4. Dumbledore didn’t raise Harry for slaughter because he didn’t know until the 6th movie that Harry was a horcrux & that’s when he realized & connected the dots when they saw that Slughorn memory (this is what the 6th movie shows if you go back & watch when you see Dumbledore say “magic often times leaves…traces” & he looks at Harry some type of way.
  • @romy1223
    You can take me on a date next time before you make me this happy !!! So glad you posted this this morning … been waiting!!!
  • @tinktink50
    you missed the doe patronus in the flashback 30:08 his is a doe because lily’s was a doe as well, mean he he loved her so much even after her death. that why he said “always” after albus says “lily, after all this time” !!
  • @bidishah
    That's some complicated wand math to figure out there with the Elder Wand, but Harry broke it down pretty nicely 😂
  • @thedivareview
    So much heartfelt emotion in this reaction, it was fun to relive this film with you. Thank you! I'm sure you've noticed the significance more after editing, but I'm sad when reactors have no reaction to the most heartbreaking moment of the film: "After all this time?" "Always." Snape's arc is the hidden jewel in the whole Harry Potter story. Alan Rickman deserved an Oscar nomination for this film. Starting with the gloriously filmed opening scene of the back of him standing in the window frame, utterly alone; as the colorful, lively Hogwarts where he lived & learned as a child, then returned as a teacher, is dark, cold, lifeless & gray, with the children marching in silent military formation. Ruthless, heartless Death Eaters run the place & Dementors fly around like wraiths, waiting for a reason to suck the life's breath from whoever they catch, adult or child. His face is the picture of "I did not want ANY of this." In one look, he portrays utter tragedy & heartbreak; being in way, way over his head, knowing it & unable to get out. First few minutes should've got him gold. But Snape made a deal: He tearfully pleaded for Lily's life, knowing Voldemort was on his way to kill her, & Dumbledore stood there, saying, "What will you do for me?" instead of rushing to save 2 beloved former students, key fighters in "Dumbledore's Army" & their newborn. PS: Dumbledore did not actually save Lily; but Snape made the devil's bargain, & spent the next 16 years risking his life, hiding in plain sight, but never able to be his true self. Having to serve as right hand to the beast who killed the one person he ever loved, & having to educate & live under the same roof as the infant she died to save, who looked (& sometimes acted) like a carbon copy of the other person Snape hated most. More torment for Snape that the child had the only living reminder of his lost love, Lily's eyes. Dumbledore made Snape do horrible, soul-destroying things against his will time & time again, despite the fact that Dumbledore failed his end of the bargain & all that was left of Lily was this brat that Snape never wanted to see. Snape made a very bad deal, but unlike Saint Dumbledore, he stuck with it, until it killed him. #RIPAlanRickman
  • @hej.anneli
    I love how your reaction portrays all of the unhinged emotions I felt when I first read the books & saw the movie. It's such a roller-coaster ❤