Zelda: Blood Feud Between ALTTP & OoT

Published 2022-08-09
Is there a bigger feud between Zelda A Link To The Past and Ocarina Of Time? Among the fandom, these two games have been going head to head since the beginning. This is my hot take on the comparison trap. This was originally uploaded February 12, 2016.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Ryan-Petre
    Arin's argument against OoT is the perfect example of an argument that, from an insular point of view, is coherent and logical, but one that is built entirely on questionable presuppositions. The most obvious example is his constant criticism of "HOW MUCH WAITING" there is in the game. Never addressing how a slower, more atmospheric experience is actually perfectly natural in a third person 3D adventure game. A style of game that is just inherently more immersive than any top down 2D game could be. He falsely assumes that a faster, more instantly gratifying experience is just inherently better than a slower and more contemplative one.
  • @TheShockVox
    I didn’t think this video would ever come out again. I played OoT as a kid, but never had nostalgic love for it because I never got far in it as a blockbuster rental; and even I felt Ego’s complaints were weak.
  • @dongodongo12
    I cant believe i once agreed with egoraptor on ocarina of time
  • @alphamarigi
    That sequaliteous video was ultra poopy. Ocarina actually aged really well. Replayed it around 2018 or 2019 and I had a GOOD ASS TIME. Even though it was the first attempt at a 3d Zelda I still found it way more engaging than link to the past as a kid when I had access to both more access to Link to the Past actually because I had it on GBA where as I was rarely aloud to use the TV for video games.
  • This was an interesting discussion I'd love to hear your thoughts on Breath of the Wild. It's interesting that the game sets out to be the antithesis of Skyward Sword while still using it as inspiration for much of it's overall story and design. I feel like there's a lot to discuss and analyze between their relationship as sibling games
  • @MatthewSmart
    I also don't think it helps that Egoraptor isn't exactly that trustworthy of a critic the moment you actually see him start playing games. I understand that Game Grumps is a comedy show first and foremost, but when you're ignoring obvious context clues and then blaming the game itself for your cluelessness, it lessens your credibility as a critic.
  • Someday we're gonna look at the ALTTP vs. OoT debate the same way we look at Star Trek vs. Star Wars nowadays. It's okay to like them both, your opinion on which is better doesn't make you a smarter person, it just means you have different standards.
  • @KyleTPoetry
    Comparison is the thief of joy... Yet passion for what we love sparks a flame we can't contain... It comes down to communication. ~*~ Emotion and nostalgia, combined with no guarantee both are willing to be patient with others ideas... Friction is guaranteed. But on the other hand, this is how we sharpen our ideas. In debate. In open forums. Gladiators in eternal combat, while the roaring crowd echoes on. ~*~ As for ALTTP and OoT... they're different energies. I separate 2d Zelda and 3d Zelda from the jump, no need to ask which one is best. At least not in a heated juvenile way we should grow beyond. compare focused topics. music. story. visuals. it doesn't have to be a battle for the throne. it's appreciation of existence. but hey... guess what.. videos and discussions like these are where we start. Love you buddy, take care.
  • @animeblade15
    You still make videos?!?! Awesome!! I missed you!
  • Both are worse than Spirit Tracks, that one has a Train that goes Choo Choo!
  • @IcyAuron
    I've never heard of this feud, and in fact, they're probably the two most beloved. They're also very different. I can understand OoT vs. MM, but not these two. Great video, though. I fully agree with the review scores being the real target. Anything that gets multiple highest ratings like that will instantly be a target.
  • @hyrulexz8719
    I never really knew about this blood feud I love both games respectively like LTTP is the best 2d Zelda game hands down while OOT was way ahead of it's time and a good first step into 3D adventure rpg games but honestly I don't think there is a "perfect zelda game" like they are all good in there own way
  • Interesting. I think Breath of the Wild has kind of overtaken a lot of arguements that for the longest time, were mostly between OoT and LttP. A very cool look back into that era of argument and thinking. Of course, I always have to put my vote with Majora's Mask.
  • @TheCreepypro
    I'm glad that this isn't a thing anymore because they are both great games and really enjoyable to play everyone will have their preference but that doesn't make one better than the other both should be played and enjoyed and people should make up their own minds
  • Nice video, Luke! It's a weird debate. I like ocarina of time more... purely on the basis that I grew up with it. Does that make it the better game? No, it just means I like it. Both are good games that, as Luke brings up - are very different and thus, hard to compare. But it inspires me to write one of those stupidly long essay comments, cause it's interesting. While I disagree with the points of sequelitis video, for poops and giggles, I'll play devil's advocate since everyone else in the comments is siding against it. Arin's perspective on the debate shows that it's a matter of taste. People who like fast paced games with minimal plot will prefer ALttP, while people who prefer lore heavy games with cinematic spectacle and environmental atmosphere are usually in favor of OoT. When you look at the other types of games Arin most enjoys, it's pretty clear why he likes ALttP. Mega Man X, which is quick, flashy, little dialog but has flourishes of subtle environmental storytelling and lots of charm. Castlevania 1, a challenging game which requires thinking about positioning but has little fluff and throws you right into it. Zelda 1 - still has the puzzle solving and combat of other games but you aren't restricted by a storyline and are able to move/figure out the world at your own pace, with few hints - meaning you need to think for yourself. His bias leans toward instant gratification but doesn't mean that he hates challenge and puzzle solving, which is closer to the experience ALttP provides. OoT is a slower game overall. It's got a lot of depth, but if you're impatient or not interested in finding that depth, why on earth would you like a game like that? Let's be honest, a fair number of OoT's defenders (myself included) like that pacing, lore and style of world exploration because we played it as kids - meaning we had the time, curiosity and enthusiasm to explore it until it became second nature. For those that could read well enough, Navi's hints were probably more helpful than belittling to kids. Those that couldn't but played anyway still had the illusion of freedom because they didn't understand and did what they wanted until they figured out how to progress.
  • @EthanFeelgood
    GOD (Yahweh) BLESS YOU, Luke, I grew up wit oot, but twilight remains my go to... Every year
  • Honestly, my opinion is the only one that really matters to me, so I really don't care about people battling it out over these two. The original NES Zelda will always be my favorite for a variety of reasons, and I've preferred every Zelda game after Ocarina more than Ocarina OR ALTTP (with the exception of Majora, which I played at my absolute height of "gotta have the Prima guide to get through this" and genuinely remember only one or two things about my experience with that game because I was more concerned about missing shit and doing everything right than actually playing and enjoying the game; it's also why I don't really play games with tons of missable content anymore). And I played the hell out of both those games at their respective times, and have a ton of great memories, especially surrounding Ocarina. But for me, the best game is NES Zelda, and the best 3D is Twilight Princess. That's just my own preferences. Maybe I'd care more if I were more torn between the games everyone else prefers, but I'm not.
  • Would love to see a BotW aspect introduced to the discussion