Published 2022-03-16
Shimano Stella 8000
Daiwa Saltiga 12 Braid EX PE #4
Halco roosta popper 135 47g


Detalji :
Mjesto ribolova Lustica
Kao i obicno odlazim na svoju omiljenu postu .Jutro je bilo mirno bez vjetra i talasa ,sunacano i nije bas odavalo neke sanse da ce biti ribe .Poslije jedno 3 sata ribanja uglavnom jigovima ,odlucim probati poper .Poslije nekoliko zabacaja dobijam griz tune .Borba je trajala 1 sat. Bila je to zestoka borba s obzirom da se riba zakacila za bok ,tako da sam u jednom trenutku ostao na par metara strune na spuli masinice.Srecom stala je i polako sam je krenuo vracati ka obali .Imao sam srece sto je taj dan moj otac bio sa mnom i dosta mi pomogao oko izvlacenja.Hvala vam puno sto pratite moj kanal ,nadam se da cete uzivat u video snimku.BISTRO!

Fishing spot Lustica
As usual I go to my favorite post. The morning was calm without wind and waves, sunny and did not give any chance that there will be fish. After 3 hours of fishing mostly jigs, I decide to try popper. After a few tosses I get a bite of tuna. Fight lasted 1 hour. It was a fierce fight since the fish got caught on its side, so at one point I stayed a few meters of string on the spool of the machine. Luckily it stopped and I slowly started to return it to the shore. I was lucky that my father was that day with me and helped me a lot with the draw. Thank you very much for following my channel, I hope you will enjoy the video.

All Comments (21)
  • @dan_kay
    No motor, no fighting chair, no buddy to take over – that's how you battle a fish fairly. Well done!
  • @tsotsijan
    Whoever had a tuna on a rod without additional equipment knows what it means to have such a catch with this gear, it's like the old man and the sea. Fair fight for the tuna, respect!
  • @ryananau4322
    Every fisherman that has ever been spooled before had their anxiety levels rise to 200%. Well done that was a nice fish!
  • Feelings of excitement, anxiety, excercise of patience, skill and strength and finally feeling of exhilaration... What a fight!! What a trophy!! Congratulations 🔥
  • I thought that first run would never end! Congratulations man that's the fish of a lifetime 💪
  • @haniasiri8624
    This was a legendary catch. I was short of breath and afraid to lose the fish. What a great catch and a great support from the other man.
  • @tjc1795
    Amazing! Catch of a lifetime, bet you didn't think you're gonna catch that, when you woke up that morning. Thanks for the upload.
  • Holy crap, that's some catch from the shore. I was nearly shouting at the screen "DRAG, DRAG, HES GETTING TIRED". Well done and well deserved. 👏
  • @samihanski4086
    Wow. What a great catch and beautiful fish. It would have been a hard-fought battle even from a boat, but being able to fight it successfully from a rocky shore makes it all more impressive. Congratulations.
  • svaka čast na svemu, ulovu, partneru i postprodukciji 🥇 Poslije ovakve borbe magnezijum je najbolji prijatelj 🤣 Bistro!!!
  • @johnnguyen9381
    I’m over here staring at the spool the whole time. He didn’t even have a full spool. Good job
  • @tabutog
    Thank you for always posting your equipment, a big help for us beginners.
    Doktooooore ! Ništa manje nisam očekivao od tebe nakon prošlog videa ! Svaka čast majstore , svaka čast.
  • @jolttsp
    That feeling when the run keeps running and you're watching your spool having already tightened your drag past where you're comfortable 😅
  • @jaykumbi
    The patience and faith of this man!! Well done mate. And look at the beautiful work of the zenaq. Just the finese it has.. piece of cake lol well done! Watching from Australia
  • @armint.544
    Svaka cast majstore!! Jos mnogo takvih ulova, i mozda se nekad sretnemo na tim stijenama, bila bi mi cast!! Bistro i pozdrav iz Sarajeva.
  • @alperkgn
    What is the brand of fishing pole?
  • @karakataka2334
    Kakav Drill .........! Za one koji nisu osjetili do sad, osjećaj je kao da ti je udario Jetski na štap ! Respekt za vas ribari, kao prvo na dobar ulov a i balansiranje na te oštre stijene! Svaka čast , idemo dalje !