Shipping Wars in Cartoons (And Why They Suck)

Published 2022-09-16
Shipping wars is a blanket term I came up with for the headscratching love triangles and crack ships that we all love to fuel and hate all the same. Here are some moments where some very popular cartoons dropped the ball with romance.

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Tracks in order of appearance (Repeats not counted):

Persona 5 OST - Wicked Plan
Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey OST - Toad Town
UNBEATABLE [white label] OST - Title Screen
Deltarune OST - Hip Shop
Komi Can’t Communicate OST - Lively way back home
Persona 3 FES OST - Mass Destruction
Self - Out with a Bang (Outro Song)

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#shipping #rant #videoessay

All Comments (21)
  • @dumbsville
    Shipping wars? CRINGE!!! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 War crimes? Real shit 🔥🔥💯💯💯
  • @handhelder823
    In my eyes, shipping isn’t cringe as long as it is done in moderation. It has the potential of hooking someone to a show and to absolutely ruin it. Sadly, the latter happens far too often.
  • I don't know why the 2010's were OBSESSED with love triangles & romantic subplots but it's absolutely killed the investment I had for a lot of cartoons in the decade. Fun Fact: the finales of Game of Thrones & Star VS aired the same day, so both adults AND kids got to be deprived of satisfying endings in 2019.
  • Imagine if Aang started the series dating Katara, and in season 2 started dating Toph out of no where, and in the Final Minute of Sozins Comet decided to Kiss Sokka, and every Avatar comic afterwards was focused on explaining why them Dating is a good thing That’s the Best I could explain The romance in Korra
  • the way Marco confessed his crush to Jackie was pretty cool actually. he mentions how he doesn't know If he likes her for her looks or personality. but what he knows that she deserves someone who wants to get to know her and wants to be that guy. that hit home with me. it's too bad the show shat the bed so hard
  • Viewer : Wow this show is really neat! Forced romance, ship pandering and love triangles : Allow us to introduce ourselves
  • @bxmluv
    I remember shipping starco in 3rd and hated Jackie with a burning passion but watching the show again, her and Marco would’ve been way better together and so would Tomstar. The two ships could’ve been great if the writers actually cared. And if Starco was gonna happen why did they keep dragging the ship to the very end it was a waste of everyone’s time. Edit: And don’t even get me started on Kellco
  • As an aromantic person, the obsession with romance and treating it like a superior form or relationship that happens in media and sometimes fandoms is annoying and exhausting. Some stories just do not need romance, and can even be made worse by forcing it
  • Shipping isn’t a bad thing but it’s incredible how out of control things can get.
  • @SNK_LRD
    The last thing you want in a relationship is for the reception to go from “They deserve each other 🥰” to “They deserve each other 😒”
  • @cece8638
    Mordecai always didn't know what he wanted. As a kid I thought he was like 16 but now I searched it and realised he's 23.
  • @squill9446
    You hit the nail right on the head with Frost and Fire. Having Finn screw up his relationship with Flame Princess is a good idea in theory and it sets up some great development for him later down the line but they took it way too extreme. Also didn’t help that Finn and FP’s relationship was so underdeveloped. A lot of it happens off screen so when Finn messes it up it feels like it ended too quickly
  • @Raph___A
    I actually never knew what it meant to ship characters until Starco became a thing and don't get me wrong, I really wanted them to become a thing and while I always knew they would end up together, the ending of SvsE was hands down one of the worst I have ever had the displeasure of seeing in my entire life. Doesn't ruin my overall love for the show, but I see no excuse as to why it couldn't have been handled better.
  • The thing that will forever tick me off when Asami confronted Mako about the kiss was that she only got mad at him for it. That type of heat was never once directed at Korra. Since she was the one who started it by kissing him first. Mako was in the wrong for kissing back and/or not pulling away the moment Korra kissed him. And Korra being in the wrong for initiating the kiss in the first place. Knowing full well he was already with Asami. Realistically, Asami should've been upset on both sides. But the writers made it out to seem that it was only Mako's fault for that happening.
  • @Cosmicfallsr
    I always hated the way Starco was handled and just the ship in general. Trying to have the two main characters have romantic drama ends up being the most awkward thing ever. I remember being told to end myself because I didnt ship Starco 💀 the Star vs fanbase was probably the most toxic and disgusting fandom Ive ever taken part in.
  • @gmaskdrawz
    Honestly, even as an 8 year old I always get second hand cringe simply from watching Mordecai's relationship status go so high for one moment and then crash and burn litterally the next episode.
  • @Rosemont104
    Romance? What romance? It's always two angsty parties passive-aggressively deciding not to date until they do at the very end of a show.
  • "Had turned into a mushy teen melodrama consisting of the writers smashing their toys together until the debris created something resembling a story hook" is such a perfect line
  • @redpanda7914
    They had so many ways to make starco official without ruining it