The Menu (2022) Movie Review | Horror? Comedy?

Published 2022-11-21

All Comments (21)
  • I think the reason they didn't react more at the end was set up earlier. Chef Slowik says "ask yourselves why you didn't fight harder, you probably could have escaped if you tried" and in the same scene he asks the actors PA "what school did you go to?" "Brown" "any student loans?" "No" "you're going to die", which is the part where Margo comes in after the fight. I took their acceptance at the end of another commentary about classism: the "common folk" himself and Margo got where they are because they had to fight to survive. He fought his dad, Margo fights Elsa. Margot gets to leave because she fought to leave, because she was used to a life of struggle and scraping. The rich in the film aren't used to fighting, they're used to life being handed to them, so when death was ultimately handed to them, they accepted it. That's how I took it anyway.
  • @susshexe7987
    I found kind of cute that for a moment "Margot" seemed to remind Julian the joy of cooking with love, back in the day when he started flipping burgers. It was kind of wholesome to me. His subtle expression during that sequence was really enjoyable.
  • @charmed4life1
    I think you answered your own question about why nothing happened to the men when they were caught… I feel like it was a commentary on even when men are caught being harassers they still get to go free.
  • if you work in a kitchen, the comedy in this is spot on. i saw it with a couple of cook friends and we were cracking up in the theater. the moment when the chef yelled "there are no substitutions!" almost broke me
  • it was so funny when the caption said 'Tyler's bullshit' hahaha
  • Two things that I thought were going to happen in this movie but did not are: 1) the guests were being poisoned, but for the poison to work they had to eat at least a bit of every dish 2) it was going to be revealed at the end that one of the ingredients of their meal was human flesh, maybe Hoults ex girlfriend.
  • I love how it takes a jab at the rich high society people and all of the foodies and food critics 😆
  • @DeniseDutton
    I didn't realize how much pitch-black dark humor would be in this film. And I too was seriously entertained. I'm really wanting to go again, just to see the cast dig into their roles again. One of my favorite things this year!
  • I don’t think this is a spoiler, but… I REALLY wanted to know what was on Margot’s tortilla.
  • @hermunkulus
    If Willy Wonka 1971 and Ratatouille had a demented baby, this movie would be it.
  • @anac5656
    I think that them accepting death is a part of the horror actually
  • Tell your cat I said "pssp pssp pssp", so cute! I'm really looking forward to seeing this once I can stream it, the cast looks so good
  • @Zurisht
    The dish before the hunt was called "The Folly of Man". The folly of man in this instance is that the men believed they could get away or escape. The women sat around and ate a dish and calmly spoke. At least, this is how I interpreted it.
  • @marrus1372
    "How do we describe this movie?" "MREOWWW" Love it. More interrupting cat content!
  • i wasn’t that excited for the menu because i absolutely thought it was going to be another cannibalism movie so when i watched it i was pleasantly surprised. i also went in completely blind, and that definitely made the experience better. one of my favorite films of 2022!
  • @pinkflipphone
    for me it felt like it was commentary on the relationship between art, artist, and audience, as well as struggle of making art under capitalism in particular, because the audience members give you the money you need to survive, but in return they feel so entitled to do what they want with you, all the criticism, unnecessary input, and the way they may not respect/understand the work or consume it the way you intend can drive you mad. it's clear when you see that he is punishing people who don't care about the art and just wanna flaunt their wealth, people that don't care about it and consume without thinking and don't bother to commit the experience to memory, the one who goes too far as to idolise him, the critics that are so careless that they ruin people's art and livelihoods with their words, and so on. i think at one point he even said something like "you ruined my art and my life" to all the patrons. it really resonated with me as an artist lol.
  • @ali-rw3mg
    i saw the menu last night and it was so interesting. I didn’t expect it to be as funny as it was but i think it helped the story. the only thing is it was kinda predictable but i enjoyed the strangeness of it. nicholas holt was great bc i haaated his character the entire time and ralph fiennes was amazing. the jabs at the food industry were hilarious with the little one liners. my favorite part was when tyler was cooking.
  • @AlexaDonne
    OK first, my cats were freaking out at your cat 😸 Second: I've been anticipating this one! I went to college with one of the writers and back in the day was a fan of his radio show and sketch comedy group. He was a few years ahead of me in school but I recognized his name immediately when I saw the trailer for the first time! I didn't manage to get out to see it this weekend, but it's part of my holiday weekend plans for sure.
  • @Ajh2239
    Definitely went for a cheeseburger after watching this movie 😜