Extra: Gates On Population Rates

Published 2010-10-03
Melinda Gates tells Scott Pelley that with increased health and survival of newborns, birth rates are actually going down in poor countries.

All Comments (16)
  • @ram0166
    Don’t you just love these people who decide for everyone else who should be alive? They’re monsters who should have their access to power removed
  • @raybeeism
    God of the Bible said "be fruitful and multiply". Not "don't over populate the earth"! But your god is not the same right?
  • @robbiechops6040
    Er maybe the reason she kept on having children is because 4 died? So if they had not died she would not need to carry on to have 8.
  • @cCiIcCo
    It's a necessity to have many children in poor countries. More children means better chances for the parents to survive in an environment without no health care system with no pensions or other securities when the parents become too old for sustaining themselves and that's why they have more children on average. Instead of vaccines they could turn their focus on food and clean water supplies, investing in schools and more hospitals and so on.
  • @kidt3068
    They speak for ALL WOMEN!!! Understood??? 2 children per couple! That’s what you want!
  • 3 words for you gates (and all those with whom you are associated - throughout the entire chain of command and each related family chain) "CAUSE AND EFFECT" You better be prepared for what is coming next - there is no escaping the inevitable, rest assured that the "Silent Destroyer" shall seek you out first, like a thief in the night...○ In name of The Holy Spirit and of all that is God in Creation, be it by His Word alone that all this shall come to pass ☆ In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen ~ What you have done to others shall now be done unto you ♡
  • @kenfrank3782
    2023–. As populations become more urbanized their health & food quality/ quantity improves…. Which is why studies are showing smaller families in the industrialized countries…. Which matches what Gates is saying… Problem is how to raise the health & food quality in 3rd world countries so this - rational decision by parents to limit their family sizes can take place. If parents in an richer industrialized country feel that they want to have just 2 kids vs having 4+ kids — because they can afford 2 kids and still have enough money left over after paying their monthly bills that they can save some money and have a better life style for each of them—- as opposed to having more kids and not having an enough income to stretch to support themselves— which could mean poverty for all of them…. Than that is a rational choice for people…. Which is why contraceptives, abortion (even limited), and even national healthcare if a country can afford it … should be offered to all - if their citizens which to use them.
  • @kenfrank3782
    Some are saying that population control is creepy— China is a good example of that since their past efforts of 1 child per family has come back to harm the society as they saw a boom in boy babies vs girl babies … The OCED Industrialized countries however have had more luck with it since they have been able to let their citizens choose the family size they want— most choosing smaller sizes so they can afford them and give their kids better healthcare and education… as well as saving money for wealth building etc. We humans are animals— and like other species of animals we can overpopulate in the right environment creating our own downfall…. This is what happened to the population on Easter Islands resulting in warfare over resources & later cannibalism . It’s the same thing with the rabbit population in Australia when they were introduced— overpopulated and mass disease spread killing vast numbers as they reduced crops and vegetation… Same with rat populations in Europe etc.
  • @m1p84
    2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. We need God’s help and guidance. Peace, grace, love and understanding be with you all.