Putin's Russia: A Country at War with Itself

Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine has brought war back to Europe and is transforming Russia itself— dissent is crushed, propaganda is raging and fear is everywhere. Filmed over 12 months with unparalleled access, VICE News documents how this war is pushing the country from authoritarianism to dictatorship.

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コメント (21)
  • It’s been ten mins since this was uploaded and people are already saying it’s Ukraine propaganda. This is 44 mins long. You have not watched it. Also, Russia does terrible things under a brutal wannabe dictator. It’s ok to admit it. That doesn’t make all the people who live there bad.
  • @cj41079
    Soldier said protect motherland from invasion but they are invading Ukraine.....Are they that stupid?
  • @ben-mulchi
    As a Chilean whose parents went through Dictatorship, I admire Artyom so fucking much, dude got beat up, violated, and still protests and stands strong from within court, his spirit is unbeatable.
  • @hzmicide1738
    I wanted to cry after hearing Artyom got 7 years and Aleksandra was arrested too. That’s absolutely sickening.
  • @DarkVadimjke
    im Russian, i live in Russia. Its only a glimpse on what is really going on here. The level of repression is insane. I'm afraid to share my opinions in conversations with anyone outside of my family and close friends. When people say that Russians should just overthrow the government - they really don't understand what is going on here. Thousands peoples are in jail just for posting comments online or speaking out against the ***. I'm actually considering risks of posting this comment
  • @Lazirus951
    7 years in prison for poetry says it all.
  • @TheRealNAX
    That poor gentleman fresh out of hospital definitely has shell shock. The trauma these people must be facing every hour of everyday is unimaginable…
  • @KalorXDD
    Russian relocant here: these 44 minutes are some of the best material on English language about the inner situation of Russo-Ukrainian war.
  • It's funny how the bots complain about propaganda when this actually paints normal russians as humanely as possible, attending the circumstances.
  • @MeMe-cz6pk
    Decades ago we made a trip into what was considered Soviet Territory at the time. We were repeatedly told not to utter a single word that could be taken as anti-Russian. Their idea of airport security coming into the country was a soldier with a gun over his shoulder. He went through our personal possessions without saying a word, simply motioning with finger pointing. It really was a beautiful country. So many young people had approached us to learn even a few English phrases, so they could, one day, escape. We were told to tell them we couldnt help them. Inside the country we saw case after case of traitors who were doing the Russians bidding for personal and monetary gain. I didn't realise what " freedom" meant until we landed, safely, back on North American soil where we were free to express what we wanted. Since then, the border lines have been redrawn, but what remain the same is the attitudes. The old people keep their mouths shut, so they can survive on meager state pensions. The young people, just like back then, are the societal sacrifical lambs.
  • @buzzin010
    using the term nazis to define anybody who doesn't agree with you is insane
  • @oseqq
    Hey, Tucker Carlson, look how wonderful Russia is.
  • @kgraham5820
    20,000 arrested, 100,000+ dead in a senseless war and counting… where does it end. When will he be stopped?
  • @Duhclay
    Remember, In Fascism the among the first things to go are the Arts. Poetry, Literature, Paintings...journalism.
  • @afpe609
    "I will defend my motherland" Brother you are the attackers lmao
  • "I will defend my motherland!" Against whom? You have not been attacked. Uncanny how propaganda is working.
  • My grandparents were teens during WW2 in Germany. This reminds me a lot of the stories they told. Russians got their very own Führer now...