cautious serpent 0001

Published 2011-07-16

All Comments (11)
  • @thetruthrover
    lol. exactly. i wonder at what point snakes quit being vegetarian?
  • @Revolt1680
    That's not until the new system, when event the snakes convert to veganism and all their teeth will fall out so the little kids can play with them.
  • @RODikUlus
    Yep. Alot of Christians believe in cause and effect. So I ask them, what was the cause of the snake being cautious. if animals were "perfect" & weren't eating each other, nor was the earth in it's "perfect" state causing catastraphies ( such as rain :>D), then what would cause ANY animal back then to be cautious. The room is quiet after that. Also, it is very stupid for "God" to punish the instrument, rather than punishing the player. This is clearly a myth. Something else...
  • @thetruthrover
    @RODikUlus You are so right. Was it at this point that the Lord God Jehovah also gave the serpent fangs? I can't believe that i used to swallow this stuff hook line and sinker. I am starting to realise that debating over who interprets the bible correctly is second in importance to finding out the truth of the book's history. It would be better to nip the whole thing in the bud in my opinion.
  • @RODikUlus
    I feel the REAL & TRUE answers are way more fascinating than these stories of the bible. Once one reads Genesis 3:22, sees that God, & company were threatened by what mankind knew, they ( God & company) ALL were needed by God to keep 2 puny humans away from the tree of life. In other words, God was actualy powerless once man ate from that tree. This automatically shows me that I can throw the bible away as regards real truth. Some of it's observances have good lessons...that's all.
  • @RODikUlus
    @thetruthrover- I like the way you think, as it's similar to my though and reasoning process. Debating over interpretation is helpful when they are HUMBLE truthseekers. Then they are open-minded to accept they have been wrong for so long. But pride & denial keep those ex JW's withno humility stagnant. You, I, & many others are the result of humility. I used to swallow this crap too, as my main motivation was trying to please family. I'll make another comment as this one approached the 500:>)
  • @Discern4
    The term cautious just doesn't fit the context. And nothing in the text suggest the snake was cautious *prior* to being possessed. Calling the snake cautious is actually more sympathetic towards Satan. As though he were just some timid being trying to tell Adam and Eve the truth about the fruit (which he did).
  • @thetruthrover
    @codegoddard I believe Jesus cursed the fig tree because it was not producing what it should have been. Yes the bible does teach that God will go out of his way to make his plans work; i agree with you there. However, God did show a lack of command in the Garden. He was nowhere around when Eve conversed with the serpent, and again when Eve and Adam ate the fruit together. If it is as Paul says, and Adam was not deceived, then he must have eaten because he wanted to die with Eve.
  • @thetruthrover
    It seems to me the question should not have to be whether or not God exists. For instance, in the garden of Eden, the existence of God was a given. But every human alive today must decide whether God exists and then also decide on the proper form of worship. Adam and Eve were told exactly what to do, and were perfect, and they still messed up. God should speak up before he slaughters us.
  • @thetruthrover
    @codegoddard i agree with you once again. It is good that we are not all robots. But wouldn't you agree that mankind not only has the capacity for, but actually tends toward carrying out what the bible calls sin? We have all been sinning from the beginning.