The perfect Uno hand! đŸ€Ż

Published 2023-01-03

All Comments (21)
  • Man, I do love scripted scenarios based on a misunderstanding of the rules performed with sub-par acting.
  • @station428
    His turn would be over as soon as he put down that first wild card
  • @zachariasis
    “I’m telling you right now, if I change the rules to the game I’m guaranteed to win”
  • @Yash_0769
    UNO makers are having a stroke watching this 💀
  • @PHARA0H
    I need this guy to do my taxes with how many rules he broke
  • @brianhull2407
    1. As I understand it, in a 1v1, it is a common house rule that Reverse skips the opponent’s turn (so that Reverse actually does something), so that’s fine. 1a. Though, if they were competing for second-to-last place, this wouldn’t truly be a 1v1, so that rule likely wouldn’t apply. I guess it depends. 1b. Come to think of it, it makes little sense for them to be playing a 1v1 Uno match with so many people watching. Not impossible, but not all that believable. 2. When you play a Draw 2 or a Draw 4, you have to let the target player draw before playing your next card. The only exception is if you’re doing house rules where you can respond to a Draw 2 with another Draw 2 (or a Draw 4 with another Draw 4), at least if they’re the same color, but once that chain is over, your turn is over, and the target player must draw 2/4 cards before your next turn (or, for a Draw 4 card under certain house rules, choose whether to draw 4 cards or challenge it, at which point they either draw 6 cards before moving back to your turn if the challenge is unsuccessful or force you to draw 4 cards before making their own play). This guy plays right through when the girl should be drawing. It doesn’t matter that she wouldn’t be able to do anything. 3. Under no rules I can think of does a normal WILD card skip anyone’s turn, nor can one ever respond to a normal WILD card being played while ignoring the turn order. Every time he played a WILD, the guy’s turn should have ended, allowing the girl to proceed with her turn. Depending on which card(s) she would have had at that point, she might have been able to play something that would have prevented him from completing that chain and winning (namely a normal WILD, Skip, Draw 2, WILD Draw 4, or Reverse). Yet he keeps playing cards. This is by far the most egregious error made in this video, as he does this repeatedly and there simply is no excuse for this. 4. The whole thing is unbelievable. Unless she specifically had a WILD (be it a normal one or a Draw 4), her card is either blue or one of red, green, or yellow; in the former case, if he has a red, green, or yellow 7 and plays it, or plays a normal WILD and picks a color other than blue, she would have to draw and would mot win; in the latter case, if he plays anything other than a 7 that matches the color of her last card, a blue card (other than a Draw 2, Reverse, or Skip) that matches the number of her last card, or a normal WILD while choosing the color of her last card, she would have to draw and, thus, wouldn’t win. On top of that, if he plays a WILD Draw 4, a blue Draw 2, or a series of Reverses and/or Skips starting with a blue Reverse/Skip and then ends on a Draw 2 or Draw 4, she would have to draw 2/4 cards before she could take her next turn, meaning she wouldn’t win that next turn. Given the size of his hand, it was incredibly likely he would have a card that would prevent her from winning on her next turn. As such, her confidence was way too high given that she claimed to be willing to bet on it. The guy’s confidence made some sense, since it was his turn, and he believed (incorrectly, since that’s not how normal WILD cards work in Uno) that he could win before she could play anything, meaning it wouldn’t matter what card(s) she has/will have; the outcome would have a 0% chance of being different.
  • @trtlgal21
    He did a wild then kept playing 😂😂
  • @XOXEmilyart
  • @vern8206
    My man’s broke more rules in this game than the NBA finals
  • @-caspo-
    “So we can’t act and we don’t know how to play uno. Let’s make an uno video.”
  • @jimppu01
    bro just took "nah id win" to another level