Was it Good? - Devil May Cry 2

Published 2024-06-30

All Comments (21)
  • @Lerkero
    The best part about DMC2 is that it makes DMC3 one of the best comeback stories of all time
  • @VyvyantOH
    Good to know that the best devil may cry game in 2003 was in fact Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
  • evil business guys lines when he is juicing up are the best. especially when he says "Weeirrrreeghh" causing dante to get freaked out a little
  • @azhathzel89
    The dedication to actually GET THAT MAGAZINE is mindblowing... You sir, have earned a like, and this comment. May this channel grow until it eclipses the sun and we all wonder whether Josh the Smooth-talking shall devour existence itself with his retro reviews. Not a bad way to end it all, if one were to get the chance to choose.
  • I like how Dante's personality is such a 180 from DMC1 that the game publishers made DMC3 a prequel to explain why.
  • Waiting through that countdown for a "No" was hilarious. Lmao😂
  • You didn't mention that if you beat the game on DMD mode, you unlock Trish from the first game, who now wields Devil Sword Sparta as her primary weapon. She shares the same moves as Alistor, and her guns no longer causes enemies to rise into the air from continuous fire.
  • @outlawdg
    I cannot believe someone is bothering. I'm not gonna defend this game but as someone who thoroughly beat almost every mode in a single night as a young lad, and then proceeded to hear people who never touched the game bash it to hell for the next 2 decades, I appreciate you coming along to actually play and analyse it, I'm sure it wasn't very engaging though so sorry about that 😂
  • @ShadowCthulhu
    Dante's outfit and Despair Embodied are the best parts of DMC2.
  • @Maxpower644
    Hey that magazine talked about Tenchu: Wraith of Heaven! That game ruled.
  • @televisionist
    47:13 Lucia: "I do not deserve this power..." Dante: 👁👄👁 What a strange cut to have with nothing for the focused character to offer. On brand for this ga
  • @StoneEagle194
    Devil May Cry 2, ironically, got two things right. The gun combat was the base for Gunslinger and it was the start of bloody palace.
  • @Adam-pi6io
    The funny thing is the whole meme of "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series" is this Dante. They used this Dante in Lucifer's Call/Nocturne where the meme spawned from, right down to his outfit and looks to his coin flipping antics and if you have the knowledge that both sides of his coin are heads, you can easily win the coin toss to recruit him at a discount price by betting on heads.
  • @sathroe
    Lucia and her devil trigger are two of the best designs of DMC, and the twist of her story, the angelic powers that are hinted at and threat of the lore getting deeper getting subverted in a way i still can't fully forgive despite adoring what it does for her character arc, is absolutely delicious and i'm glad they brought it back for DMC 4. i love her throwing knife feathers, i love the arm blades in Devil Trigger, her whole moveset is the right kind of stylish to stand out even in a cast this stacked with absolute Icons. i can only hope they bring her back and give her a better showing because she deserves a better fucking game
  • @ExBlano
    You can play as Trish and she has all the moves Dante had in DmC 1!
  • @Archangelm127
    The greatest sin a piece of entertainment can commit is to be boring.
  • @massdefection
    Part of me hopes Lucia gets a return in a future game just to redeem her existence because damn they kinda did her dirty. Hopefully someday they can touch up her gameplay and put her in a new game even if it's as a bonus character.
  • @Karakuioshi
    Devil May Cry 2 has done 9 things right: 1. Dante's outfit 2. Dante has probably the best jump/aerial movement in whole series 3. Ability to shoot at two different enemies at the same time which was in some way a start/basis for gunslinger style 4. Ability to dodge and wallrunning (which is not that useful but looks cool) with circle button 5. Ability to change weapons (only guns for some reason) 6. Aim lock (which if you want to stop aiming at enemy you have to hold L2 from what I remember which is VERY WIERD) 7. "King? Yeah, here's your crown" 8. Dante's DT looks the best in the whole series 9. Some music is really great (but other sucks so hard like f.e. JOKAGTULM or whatever the name was theme) In lots of ways DMC 2 has been a bit of a Demo for abilities used later in DMC 3.
  • @SuperSky9
    Devil May Cry 2 has the same theme as DmC Devil May Cry LOL. Except DMC2 gave us prototypes of mechanics which will be used in DMC 3 and more importantly, The Rebellion sword, as Dante's signature weapon.