Starseeds, Lightworkers, and the USA Pluto Return Energies Activations ~ Intuitive Astrology

Published 2022-03-21
Starseeds and Lightworkers will have significant cellular level activations from 2022 into 2024 as the USA Pluto Return energies open up deep memories for you from other lifetimes, specifically Atlantis. The Atlantis energies were not balanced with masculine and feminine harmony, and much of this lifetime's work has been doing intense healing to ensure you could handle the strong energies on the planet without becoming unbalanced yourself. Now is the time when more soul gifts, memories, activations, spiritual insights, and karmic rewards will be emerging for you to embrace and work with in the higher consciousness realms. Much more to share in this podcast episode.

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All Comments (21)
  • This resonates deeply. It helps me feel ok with the intense emotions that keep arising over the last couple months. I am doing my best to be consciously aware, and be kind to myself when I am not consciously aware. I am working toward balance and faith in my own self.
  • @wallyfayewells
    I have no words and yet I’m full of things I want to say about this podcast. You have described the last 32 years of my life to a tee. So much has healed that was so very difficult to look at and required a level of trust I didn’t know I possessed. In 2018 I left my career of nearly 30 years and turned my life upside down. I lost nearly everything and then… it all came back to me. I’m one of those light workers you were talking about who rarely gets triggered now, who really has no desire to stir things up. I simply hold space and heal. Wow! Such a fabulous podcast, Molly. Thank you 😊 🙏
  • @mekaangelo9484
    Wow wow wow Molly. I decided not to work today. I sat pm my balcony and just watched the palms and thr birds fly through the air, and just got to a very satiated position within myself and my perception. Then all of a sudden I was standing in front of a HUMONGOUS tree. As I looked up tears filled my eyes as the majestic energy filled my being. I said to it "Mother, I made it back to you" and I just cried as I stood there. I felt so supported so carried. I couldn't believe where I was and what I was looking at. It was just so MAJESTIC. I watched as the birds and monkeys climbed through her and how it brought her so much joy and the love emanated from her was just incredible. I layed in her roots which held me perfectly and there was nothing to do. No where to go. Just a connection of complete satisfaction. As the sun set it lit up the underside of the tree and it sung! Once it set, it went to "sleep" and when the sun rose again the under side rejoiced at the awakening of the sun. It was the absolute most profound thing I ha e ever experienced. I can still feel her within me. I think tht is what you are talking about in this video. Bringing that connection forward. Bless you Molly for giving meaning to an experience.
  • @pamthomas25
    Sometimes it is as if you are speaking directly to me, Molly! Thank you for the work you do & for what you share with us all......much LOVE to you!
  • @PetStorK1
    Molly, I am 66 yrs old and have struggled all my life to find peace with my soul, then I found you. Thank you for helping so many of us find our light. ❤🙏❤
  • @IndigoAwakener
    Well this explains a lot. I'm the one who points out all the good things that have gotten shifted and changed and grown because of Covid. It was a huge gift to me personally. I'm a silver lining person, and have wondered why I feel excited by things that are happening, watching the really well written movie we are playing out. I'm so grateful to be here in this theater at this juncture. I have also come to understand that I cannot and should not attempt to fix everything and everyone. I offer wisdom thru my FB group, The Indigo Awakening, and in general as I meet people, but have stopped personalizing when folks can't hear/understand me. Second Saturn Return x3 in Aquarius at 22° in first house this year, as well as fifth Jupiter Return x3 at 4° Aries in second house this year. BIG GROWTH AND WONDERFUL CHANGES 😃❤️ Thank you Molly!
  • @tnryan61
    Thank you Molly for the light you are and the light you hold for me so that I might continue to hold the light I have been holding for myself and others. This is hard homework, but necessary. Since finding you and your work I have truly come to honor and embrace the Black Sheep that I have always been. 💕
  • @LuffyTsuki
    Three minutes in, and you are speaking directly to me! I even have a yod that involve Pluto, Neptune, and mercury... hmmm Eternal gratitude, love, and respect 🙏🏾🤍✨🎶
  • @naomilombardi
    I am inspired to never give up, no matter how chaotic the external world appears. I resonate with your podcast. Finally, an astrology podcast that dives deep into cosmic consciousness, revealing rare jewels and gems of the heart of a light worker. May wisdom prevail on earth.
  • Thank you so much, Molly. This particular podcast is so helpful. For so many of us we understand the immense challenge, seriousness & meaning of the times we are living in & through. It is essential to have the kind of information, perspectives & overall understanding to navigate individually & collectively. It is clear that we are riding intersecting monumental waves of chaos, transitions, change & transmutations. The long cast & deeply entrenched shadows of the patriarchy are playing themselves out in brutal & incredibly uncomfortable ways for all of us to see, whether or not everyone has an analysis or a language for it. I feel that the fabric of what has both held us together in very positive ways as well as the ones which have oppressed us & kept us hostage are coming apart. There is a shattering taking place right now which is very concerning due to increased aggressive activity (war) & extreme manipulation, hostility, division & divisiveness. It is very important for us to hold together the basic human foundations of caring, strength of mutuality in relationships, a humane human morality, attention to basic needs, conscious awareness & respect brought to self, others & valuing of nature & our relationship to Mother Earth. Self-awareness, honest self-reflection & ongoing shifting is necessary as we ride the large & small waves of our individual & collective lives. I believe that Lightworkers & Starseeds are helping humanity evolve as human beings. Can we accomplish this together? It is my hope & the hope of many others that this is possible.
  • @ginalouise1284
    Molz Darling, we just graduated to ‘Lightfighters’ Me thinks…. Many many thanks to you 🙏 Love to all xoxo
  • I was so excited when Pluto returned to USA I celebrated. I understand my mission here. My life purpose on this Planet at this time. I came here for this global awakening. Once in a lifetime. Keep Shining folks, we are doing it!!! Entire globe 🌎 has shifted into a higher frequency, higher consciousness. We need to get out more so others can raise their frequency. Anywhere we go we raise the frequency, grocery store, mall, anywhere we walk. So get out no more hermit mode, that time is over. We have saved humanity. Those who can not hold the higher frequency may choose to exit and that is their choice. Marina Jacobi explains it. Love, love, love ❤️ out to all. 🌏💫🌈🌒🌞🌺🌱
  • @bloodyumi4164
    Oh my goodness, Molly! I literally yesterday began thinking about how I've completely wasted this lifetime. I feel so much hopelessness. Thank you for your encouragement.
  • @RedFoxBlueMoon
    Yeah, fight or flight...still working on that one for sure...thanks Molly.
  • @xefirah
    WOW 🤩 You are dead on for me as usual! I had to replay from minute 27 onward about three times to make sure I was really hearing it correctly. I saw my guardian angel when I was about four years old. And I asked him what would my life be like. And he showed me a horrible horrible experience. I said no I want to leave now. And he said it’s going to be horrible. And it needs to be. But remember you will have all these horrible things happen to you early in your life and you will be strong. When the really bad stuff happens it won’t be so hard for you, because you will understand it and know how to deal with it. And that’s why you were here. To show them how to make it through. And then I was shown that when this happens I become a princess and I live by the shore and I am very rich… And that’s that karmic return
  • @celestegrayxo
    Yes, yes and yes Molly. :) I've been in this consciously this entire embodiment/incarnation. For anyone feeling that existential questioning you mention of what difference anything we do is making, I would encourage taking a view through another lens. The higher the frequency the smaller the spatial footprint and the further the reach. We are operating multidimensionally and more in the subtle realms within the higher frequencies which cannot be seen when viewed from the lower dimension lenses. So much of our 'work' is in the unseen worlds as beings (rather than doings). Looking at it through the conditioned/programmed lenses will give a distorted view, so when those considerations arise it could be indiciative of an invitaiton to greater integration/embodiment. We must lift our hearts and eyes to the language of the outer/upper dimensions.
  • @nikmartin6668
    Thank you so much for this positive uplifting message. Your words about maintaining a connection to 5D energies are exactly what I needed to hear. It sounds like the future will be challenging but with you and your messages to us, it feels like such a supportive time. Thank you, Molly 🌹🌹
  • @bertanelson8062
    I feel no "guilt." Some, in 1930 in Germany (and Europe) saw what was coming & went to safer places. It is our job, as those who "see," to hold steady to our vision of an entirely new way of being. Suffering is unnecessary. Yet, of course our hard times usually lead to greater strength & compassion, so it's best to let those who are going through hard times to discover their own resources. We are all in this together & all are "up to" whatever circumstances we seem to be experiencing.
  • My absolute favourite pod cast you’ve ever done … thank you 🙏