Mel Brooks on Orson Welles | BFI

Published 2015-07-02

All Comments (21)
  • @markcarey67
    Orson was putting Mel on. He put almost all his voiceover money back into financing his own films.
  • @nonconforumity
    I knew before he got to punch line what Mel was gonna say. Welles would narrate radio shows like The Shadow. He would walk in just before show went on live, read the script cold for the first time live on the air, walk out as soon as the show ended. It would drive people crazy, but they couldn't say anything because he didn't make mistakes and he did a great job.
  • @kropchik
    Brooks and Welles: the two people I could listen to from morning to evening
  • Many people don't know this, but Mel Brooks was an expert at the business side of film production. This is always a plus to a film's financiers because mistakes can be costly. He prided himself on coming in on or under budget. To help accomplish this, Mel relied on other production experts who found cost effective ways to film particular scenes, but still achieve the desired effect and impact. One such expert was Robert Latham Brown who is, in fact, the author of one of the must-read books on the subject called "Planning the Low-Budget Film." As far as paying Orson Welles "more" than he had to given Orson's own abilities in narration, I think that Mel was really happy to pay him what he did just to have the honor and prestige of working with such a legend in the industry, and the "pain" he "conveyed" was just part of his Jewish humor.
  • @AngusRockford
    Few things give me more pleasure than listening to either Mel Brooks or Orson Welles speaking on any subject.
  • @dallisb1047
    Orson Welles timing was impeccable. Whether it be drama or comedy.. Mel Brooks, what can you say but comedic gold.
  • @pierresavoie
    When Mel Brooks says the title of his film in french, I remember the scene with the French Revolution and then he said that famous quote "It's good to be the king" only he could have come up with that. I got the DVD set of his movies and I still loving it. Also have the Get Smart TV series too.
  • Mel Brooks discussing Orson Welles. We are truly blessed to have access to these moments.
  • 🗿 Mel Brooks and Orson Welles: One artistic GENIUS hiring another❗✔
  • @StephenDoty84
    I didn't realize how much money I was saving by not smoking Cubans or eating caviar. Feels good.
  • @kbrodeur
    I love this guy, he is so creative and got me going in the industry just with "what if". Thank you amazing Mel Brooks <3 :)
  • I Love this So Much! Artists Supporting Artists - "We joined the world of cinema art because of people like Orson Welles." So True.
  • @rwdplz1
    "Cuban cigars and Sevruga caviar" Damn the man had good taste.
  • @gabe_s_videos
    I love Mel saying the title of his movie in French while disusing American cinema as a legitimate art form. It really shows how much one has to care about the craft of filmmaking even when he's making broad comedy.
  • @suchanhachan
    Let us not forget that Orson Welles was also the narrator in the wonderful Start the Revolution Without Me...
  • @arnoldconrad744
    I have long thought how great it would have been to be invited to a dinner hosted by Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft. Great stories and a laugh-a-minute.