Kingdom Hearts 3 : Remind - VS Yozora (With Style? Kinda, not really)

Published 2020-02-15

All Comments (21)
  • @larrycho1260
    Yozora: Teleport here and there Sora: Walk casually
  • @Syrahl696
    0:13 I'm just imagining some poor sap's car down on the street now being drenched, or a popsicle.
  • @ExcuseMe411
    So moral of the story is "Never mess with a Kingdom Hearts player that decides to take out a camera and snap some photos during an epic boss fight"
  • @metalmagerin3
    Sora: "Hey, Yozora, have you seen my Kupo Coin anywhere?" Yozora: "I don't think so." Also Yozora, while selling about 50 Kupo coins to moogles: "Got this."
  • It takes a real keyblade master to put a little bit of style when fighting a riku clone that has a light saber and a laser tag gun
  • @T725db
    It’s all fun and games until Yozora takes your keyblade and beats the ever loving heart out of you.
  • @truebladeseeker
    This is my first successful attempt for Yozora, which as you can see have quite a lot of screw up than usual, so I can't really say this is really "with style" (Not like I have a standard for this kind of thing anyway, Style is for fun after all,.But I don't feel like it's good enough). Still have no idea how to deal with mech part man, and still can't get all of his second phase patterns down. will try to do a better run later. Gonna take a break from KH3 for a bit after this. I have been playing this for 3 weeks, while I have a freaken blast. It's also super exhausting. Will come back to redo Young Xehenort and Dark Riku later and maybe do "With Style : Flawless Edition" (No damage) for other bosses later. but it won't come soon for now. Got some crap to deal with life and other games.
  • @vicmur4679
    I like how sora looks like the boss fight here with all the fancy moves. Itd actually be really cool if there was a fight where you fight Sora at full power. Id imagine it'd look something like this.
  • Dude, this is beyond impressive. The gunslinger finish, especially, is stylish as hell.
  • @guilerobs8085
    Yozora: I have your strongest keyblade, ultima weapon Trueblade Seeker: Don't need it, keep it warm for me tho >:3
  • Imagine being that confident that you don't heal IMMEDIATELY once you reach 1 HP on Yozora's fight xD
  • @jotarokujo4178
    Yozora be like: hippity hoppity your kupo coin is now my property
  • @InktheImpassive
    0:41 this is why people should use the shotlock flowmotion warpstrike thing more
  • @kazyle3897
    Much deserved break. You're a legend and man this had so much style in it. I've been showing all these bosses you beat to my friends that arent kh players, and boy you make this game look like the dopest game man. My friends are actually interested in the series now.
  • @JonFardi
    This is not only "with style", it's a top-10 anime battle. The rhythm is perfect, the protagonist is constantly on the verge of losing, but still manages to overcome the villain with perseverance and flashy plot-twists. Marvelous.
  • @TheStrangr
    Yozora: So, you got any hobbies? Sora: Well, I used to juggle a bit. Yozora: Show me. Sora: 0:41
  • @Okata150
    5:49 Sora: walking and doing literally nothing Yozora: "i DoNt ThInK sO!"
  • @Raydnt69
    9:23 Its like Yozora waited for the exact instant that Ultimate Form ran out! So cool