Top 10 Worst Faction Mechanics | Total War Warhammer 3

Published 2023-05-05
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All Comments (21)
  • @KC-kl6qc
    What about Repanse de Lyonesse's water supplies mechanic? To refresh your memories, when one of Repanse's armies docks in a settlement, they refill their water supply, which lasts for 5 turns. While the army has water supplies, they ignore desert attrition and.... that's it.
  • @Adoak1
    Savage Orcs are way better for Wurzaag than other Orcs. He gives them so many buffs/upkeep reduction. Big Uns doomstack is still very good too.
  • @damdu28380
    What is amazing with Ogres and their Big names is that with the DLC Champions of chaos the heroes and lords can have up to 3 paths to glory that are like Big Names but stronger
  • @boomerix
    At least as the Skaven I never really "felt" the Loyalty mechanic as there were fairly regularly events in which you could increase a Lords Loyality. The VC were okay since you could regularly leave them raiding somewhere when necessary, the mechanic is worst with the DE in my experience.
  • Brettonia needs a Dismount Knights option that lets them choose to dismount and fight on foot to give Brettonia some much needed Infantry options that are not Peasants
  • @MrJoneschase
    Geomantic Web is one of those ideas from a lore perspective sounds amazing. However, failed in translating into a game… I think they should revisit what it does entirely. The Geomantic Web is tied to the Old Ones which should be an automatic given that whatever it does should be OP. I personally think it should provide some type of defensive buffs to those in its range and some sort of offensive magical ability on the battlefield (i.e. Weather or Orbital attack that is lore friendly).
  • @Dessiekens
    One time while playing with a group of friends, one of us was playing dark elves, and for whatever reason they encountered a bug where they couldn't field any armies because they weren't able to build loyalty, or it kept dropping for no reason, meaning every time they tried to make a new army, it'd immediately revolt within 1-2 turns
  • I LOVE The Great Bastion mechanic, it lets you farm magic items, if you park lords with the right trait(Sharp) there. I would just wish for more control over it, like increasing the threat level voluntarily!
  • @Sheimock
    In my opinion, I actually enjoyed playing Nakai the Wanderer's campaign. While I do agree with the Geomantic Web mechanic being outdated, Nakai's whole vassal and temple offering mechanic felt super refreshing and engaging for me (since Lizardmen are always my go-to factions). My reasons / defense being: 1. The vassal settlements' only purpose being temple offerings and lunch money tax makes them replaceable, and since you don't really get commandments from owning full provinces, that gives you even less to worry about when it comes to territory defense---meaning you can just focus on being a legit wandering force of nature conquering new territory wherever you need to go (which aligns excellently with Nakai's lore). Also, the instant-defense-ready garrison makes them useful as added support to a medium damaged army or as settlement chaff that can soften an enemy army even just by a bit before 3rd partying them with your main armies. 2. The Blessed Spawnings here feel more controlled as opposed to the usual Lizardmen Quest RNG. Once you're stacked with favor from your preferred Old One and special currency, you get to just pick the Blessed Spawnings you want / need. Because of this, it's possible to create a few full stack Blessed Spawn armies of varying units. 3. The recruitment exclusivity mechanic I feel can easily be worked around. In early game, just have Nakai recruit what you need then transfer to your first new lord. This way you can already have a new horde army that can fend for itself as it grows to become more self-sufficient. In mid to late game, you would have already unlocked a bunch of recruitment bonuses from research or stacked up on special currency for blessed spawnings that you can just give a fresh new lord some much needed blessed units for a head start. 4. As for the whole Auto-resolve being sucky, I feel like Nakai shines more as a Manual Battle-favored faction (like Slaanesh or other factions that actually have better results when played manually rather than put through the black and white power criteria of the auto-resolve AI). 5. I feel like the special army abilities and spells you unlock as you offer more temples is what the Geomantic Web mechanic was missing. The fact that Nakai's armies have these special abilities and summons actually makes his specific faction's mechanics more interesting and rewarding compared to his other Lizardmen Lord brethren.
  • about bretonia you know the chivalry allow lords to starts with the 2 1st vows completed and also no supply lines means you can just replace chaft with more lords
    A lot of these complaints are either things like Loyalty or Peasant Economy which I've had no issues with over multiple campaigns (never had a lord defect ONCE) or just not getting enough bonuses on factions (and a game) that are otherwise too easy. Every redditor wants the game to be Ikit Claw where you can turn every unit into Doomstack material and can destroy half the map without even fighting. Fun power trip at first but Jesus the last thing this game needs to be is EASIER. Faction mechanics should make them more rewarding and interesting to play, not just give them pure bonuses at every turn.
  • @kmanalpha453
    My only issue with the geomancy web is that it should be directly attached to the settlements main building and not a side building
  • @GallowglassVT
    I love how the Great Bastion more or less illustrates the historical reality of the actual Great Wall: pretty cool concept, but functionally useless. Also, nice BoJo roast.
  • You forgot to mention the Markus Wulfhart hostility mechanic, wich is not only useless but against the player without any sense
  • Skaven Loyalty can be exploited for more food, which some players enjoy. But it's horrible for Vampire Coast, since the ways of increasing Loyalty there is limited
  • @Razielts1
    Bastion defense - The only thing that can, and should improve here, is CA expanding the map northward, and adding the Hobgoblin steppes. This would give you some breathing room for the hordes to engage when they gather, making it more epic than annoying. ( But they would ignore Hobgoblins in the area when they come in the future, cuz otherwise they'd be wiped out fast ) Maybe just Vilitch would have some skirmishes with them, prioritizing the player. ( yey, an example of Logical Player bias! ) Savage Ork focus - Not an actual mechanic, just a lord focus, Greenskins in the future must have a savage ork lord to keep this dynamic going. 1:40 ACKCHUALLY The savage orks use warpaint, cuz they believe it protects them, so it actually does in the form of physical resistance. Wurrzag increases this to around 45%, so its a very hefty amount if the enemy doesn't have magical attacks. With the Savage ork warboss to continue the dynamic it will be more viable to continue. But an actual mechanic for Wurrzag would be to receive prophecies from Gork ( or possibly Mork ) and complete them as quests, kinda like T'zarkan's whispers. Ps: Units with 0 Armor actually negate AP damage, since there's no Armor to pierce. So only normal damage is accounted for ( and negated because of phys resist unless magic damage is involved ) , making savage orks Strong against AP focused units, but weak vs normal damage dealers. Skaven Loyalty - Their mechanic actually rewards you if you can go through dilemmas in a smart way, so you get many crafted items and increase their loyalty from 3 to 5+ this way. The only consequence being that they get attrition for some turns some times. The only time i had lords defect was after a confederation, where they're beyond saving. Otherwise i never had this problem. Brettonian peasant economy - I disagree 100 and i dont even play Brettonia. This mechanic very explicitly tells you to build up, rather than out, so this faction would'nt fit for hyper early aggressive players. Just focus on building economy and buildings first, then build out. Big names- Finally i agree 100, yes big names should stack, encouraging the player to actually go after quests bringing interactive / thematic play, instead of being a choice. Geomantic web- Disagree 100, it isn't underwhelming at all, i agree that it is overlooked, for players that dont care about detail, but rewarding for players that do, and regarding the money spent, it rewards you not only with the commandments, but with the % income boost to the province. This is where all the lizardmen gold comes from. Its hard to get, but rewarding once you get it. I've seen a few players complain that Lizardmen are poor, but they're actually not, you just have to toil more for it. Not everything has to come easy Imo. Vows- Agree. There must be a way to ramp up later on, so for example having a late game tech that makes you have the most important vow unlocked for all lords, or having a building that does this when recruiting lords in the province would fix this. Nakai's Vassal- Agree 100, needs a rework similar to how they work for WoC. But that comes from the AI problem that needs upgrades ALL across the board. Ok, i agree with the final two points indeed. 100% But Boris should have his own mechanic. He should'nt be a part of the political struggle at all. Should gain bonuses for fighting chaos instead.
  • @phnexOice
    An easy fix to loyalty would just be a skill like immortality that would make them have max loyalty permanently with the cost of no longer getting loyalty dilemmas, along with maybe a “buy loyalty” mechanic where you could automatically boost their loyalty with gold or some other resource depending on the faction
  • @itsjesus9362
    I think the big names from the ogre are okay. But even more pointless is their mission mechanic. 90% of the time you ignore these and even then the things you would get are not good. Every faction got random missions and they gave the ogre another one. It hurts me to see that my fav race got (mechanic wise) nothing special.
  • @Frederatorr
    with boris ursus, I think it would be cool if his supporter feature was like markus wulfhart, where depending on what side you support, you receive supplies and bonuses from them.
  • @atomicLord97
    no joke, every time I play as Cathay or as any faction near it I always watched the ai go around the great bastion. playing as death master snitch or how ever you spell it I literally watched Kolhek Suneater go through the mountains of mourn and around Cathay just to invade them. as far as bretonia's peasant economy goes... you can hate me for this ALL YOU WANT in fact I invite you to call me a fucking ape over this but I tear down the farms and windmills to replace them with the weavers building line and storage buildings that let you upgrade them because the peasant economy only effects farming income. with this I have had three or more stacks of chaff units like 20-30 turns in and still earning like 1500 a turn, with most of bretonia forcibly taken over, because I was rockin around with more fantasy Frenchmen than Ferdinand Foch in 1918 which is something only a fucking ape would do with bretonia.