My Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Recovery Story

Published 2018-05-15
I would like to share my story to spread awareness about Functional Neurological Disorder and to show people that have FND that there is hope. Unfortunately there isn't enough awareness to give everyone the best availability for treatment and diagnosis. They say this is one of the most common neurological disorders and yet most people have not heard of it. We need to change this!
I would like to send my love and well wishes to everyone with FND, you are stronger than you think and you are not alone. Jamie x

All Comments (21)
  • @armaghanghiai
    I’ve finally been diagnosed with FND after 5 years of dizziness, nausea, foot drop, hand weakness, brain fog, and more. I’m a 55-year-old female. First, after head to toe MRIs, a spinal tapping, countless blood tests, and numerous specialist visits, they told me I have MS, then they said it’s Benign MS, migraine, and then “it’s all in my head”. Then, after five years of a lot of disappointment, despair, and suffering, they say it’s FND, for which none of the Drs and specialists gave me a treatment plan. A psychiatrist even called it a “non-existent” condition. My life has been turned upside down. I’m a chiropractor but unable to see any patients since I’ve lost my left hand’s strength and am unable to stand up without wobbling. I have to use a cane to take any steps. Most of the time I use a walker around the house and a wheelchair outside. I also can not wash or blow dry my hair, drive, cook, go for a walk, or dance. I’ve had physical therapy but my weakness is not from my muscles but it’s neurological. I’m so glad you’ve recovered. Your story gave me hope. Thanks for sharing.
  • @bagathplays27
    I have trained my whole life to be a lab based scientist. Now I have this thing that's stopping me being safe in a lab. This really sucks, I hope we all make it though this
  • @umayusu
    I’m currently studying FND for my thesis and your video was wonderful at providing a glimpse of what it is like to face this difficult diagnosis. It’s very under-studied despite being relatively common, and I hope we can get a better understanding of it soon. Thank you for making this video and sharing your journey!
  • @M7BVV-Phil
    I was diagnosed yesterday with FND after two years of being in & out of hospital.your story broke my heart, (a over flow of emotions), as I went through & still have a lot of the same symptoms. The point is Thankyou so much for sharing.
  • @SandieRoberts
    “It’s not’s very hard” - now HARD I can do!! 💗
  • @jennwellings9913
    Watching this was literally like watching a video of myself. The violent and debilitating leg tremors. My FND “happened” in July this year, I was totally okay, collapsed due to adrenal crisis, came around and couldn’t feel my left arm and both legs. Couldn’t walk since then. I too am in the UK and have had NO care, follow up, physio or anything from our “wonderful” NHS, just a website for FND scrawled onto a piece of paper upon my discharge from hospital whilst my dad physically carried me off the ward. This is what terrifies me, how will I ever get better without any correct intervention? I am so glad that you have received care, and were so unbelievably strong to power through such a horrible affliction. Wishing you continued health, healing and happiness! 💕💕💕
  • @torioriorio1998
    This is so encouraging. It bothers me that people with FND have had such a rough go of it - that many doctors (at least here in the US) don't treat it with the support it deserves because they don't understand it. It's amazing that you've taken this often-dubbed "unexplainable" illness and, rather than feel overwhelmed or frustrated by the diagnosis, determined to overcome it regardless! You are amazing and I am rooting for you!!!
  • I just cried my eyes out. I’m 18 and woke up with my legs tremoring last November. I am under London St Mary’s and have been diagnosed for FND. It’s a scary thing, thank you so much for giving me hope❤️❤️❤️
  • Thank you for this video. I'm a military veteran (USMC), and have been dealing with FND related to other damage for the past 15 years. I've mostly had to treat myself due to misdiagnoses, and know how frustrating it can be. I'm glad to see you were doing so well at the time you posted this, and hope that you've continued to improve! Showing yourself at that phase of your life is a truly couragous thing to do. Thank you.
  • @aloggins69
    OMG. This gives me so much hope. I was just diagnosed with FND in 12/2022 and it has turned my life upside down, but watching this has given me hope. Thank you for sharing.
  • @ginkgotreehealth
    I was a professional dancer and got diagnosed in 2011-2012. They told me it was psychological and conversion disorder which baffled me. I have had months and years of no symptoms and then they come back. I had no symptoms for 2 years and now they came back. You’re lucky you just kept getting better. Mine keeps coming and going.
  • I'd just like to say how much this made me smile. I've just been diagnosed with FND and I feel so alone. The physio is taking weeks before I even get an appointment, I'm stuck at home away from my own freedom and my car etc and to just know that someone who clearly had it way worse than me has gotten over it so well means so much
  • I was diagnosed with FND in August 2022, after I collapsed at work in april 2022 and couldn't feel my body. I am still waiting for doctors. Is hard, I am not able to stand more than couple of minutes (not able to cook without breakes), dragging my legs after myself, shaking, constant panic attacks... I am very happy for your recovery.
  • I cried so hard. I was diagnosed with FND and I have lupus, and it’s been a challenge and many, many tests to figure out what all I have. I decided a couple of weeks ago, that I won’t let it define who I am. Thank you for sharing your story! ❤
  • @YM-hr3re
    Thank you so much for this video. 😭😭😭😭😭 My boyfriend has suffered with FND for six years and never got a diagnosis until this year. He is still not getting proper care here in the States in Augusta, GA. He has racked up so much medical debt and is where he was six years ago. I'm begging God for support like what you have received, for medical staff who truly care and are actually helping, and I am so incredibly happy for you. Thank you so much, again, for sharing this, and may God bless you so much.
  • Thank you for sharing. I have FND & it’s turned me & my family’s lives upside down
  • Thank u so much for this. I was diagnosed with fnd a couple days ago and I’m only 15. I can’t take a step yet or even stand for longer than 30 seconds right now without fainting but thank u for showing me recovery is possible.☺️
  • @Matthaios93
    Thank you, it's nice to not feel so alone and helpless in this.
  • @starhope2082
    I was told it bluntly,given the information sheet.No one explains whether I get better. Thank you very much for your encouragement.I'm on the way of recovery. 😊
  • @wildcat102
    Thank you so much for sharing this. I have been diagnosed with fnd this week after 4 years of seeing multiple specialists and being discharged and told what it wasn't. I was able bodied and lived an active life. Now I have difficulty breathing every few minutes, can't walk over 10 feet and almost fall asleep whilst standing plus more symptoms. I decline every 2weeks and proper treatment as yet hasn't started and could be a 2year wait or longer. I feel I may not make it but seeing your video has helped me so much today. Love and hugs to you I'm really grateful 🙏