All 39 Mandalorian Ships Explained

Published 2020-10-22

All Comments (21)
  • @GenerationFilms
    Hey y'all, some technical difficulties forced us to do a big mega video today recycling some old content. Basically, my computer is in surgery. Please pray for it. I'll know soon if it is to live on or enter the afterlife in robot hell. Still, enjoy this and new content is coming soon!
  • @falloutboy9993
    Jango Fett was not a wanna be Mando. He was a Mandalorian, raised by Jaster Mereel. And Boba Fett eventually became Mandalore. Those are in legends now. You can’t call them wanna be.
  • @casbot71
    If you're having trouble with the metric system, a simple trick… A metre does a one for one conversion with a Ewok. So just translate into Ewoks and you'll be fine.
  • @andrewolson5471
    "If you're not bipedal, you're ridable." This is a great quote. Imma using that in a D&D game.
  • "Wanna be Mandalorians?" You use legends ships and in legends Boba and Jango were absolute crazy Mand'alors so it doesn't make sense calling them wanna be mandos
  • @TheRevanchrist
    As an engineer, I laugh at your confusion of the metric system.
  • @joshuar.1099
    2:01 - That aged well 😂 Jango Fett was a Foundling and Mandalorian who fought in the Mandalorian Civil War
  • @casbot71
    The Aggressor would've made a good Jedi fighter, they could withstand the G forces. The Fang fighter would also have been appropriate for Jedi - if any of them were still left by the time it was developed.
  • @EverythingSuck5
    "wanna be Mandalorians the Fetts" get bent... There is one line of one traitor to Mandalor that said they weren't Mandalorians. Long live the Fetts.
  • @aps1138
    Star Wars - have catgirls Star Trek - have catgirls Warhammer 40k - have catgirls Real ducking world - ....
  • The Firespray was stolen by Jango and refitted into the Slave 1, it wasn't actually made like that. Before being stolen it was a prototype ship being used to guard a prison. From what I read a while ago that is.
  • @ZackStormYT
    Fun fact: these ships designed and built during the Jedi Sith war during the days of the old republic where still in use during the days of the new Republic and still won most fights with ships close to their size.please keep in mind that ships designed during the clone wars where extremely outdated and got obliterated in most of their fights.that is some terrifyingly good ship design from the mandos yikes!
  • @blamalam7257
    I'm sad that you guys ,Generation Films/Tech forgot the Lancer class Pursuit class
  • There is a 40th ship, but its more of a heavy hover tank with shields…
  • @doomyoda7298
    Cathar... Thundercat.... Thundercats ARE cannon in Starwars. Confirmed
  • I wouldn’t call mandalorian tech more advanced. It’s simply more dedicated and purpose build. Like the Westar blaster pistols they use, they were available to the galactic market. Tho the free market versions were somewhat weaker than the mandalorian use versions, they were also more dedicated and more expensive, but packed a higher punch and accuracy. MandalMotors made the ships available to the free market too, but they were essentially purpose-designed for the mandalorian way of combat. Since nearly nobody outside of mandalorians needed all the dedicated tech, and didn’t need the capacity for rapid aerial troop deployment, they were too expensive and specialized for widespread use