SECRET INVASION Review - The Real Reason Why the Marvel Show FAILED

Published 2023-08-02
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Marvel's Secret Invasion had so much promise. It adapted a beloved comic book, had a stellar cast, a great team--so what the hell happened to this show? in this video, we break down all of the real-world reasons that caused the show to fall apart, and explain where the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes from here.

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Written and Hosted by Ryan Arey (
Edited by Harriet Lengel-Enright, Randolf Nombrado, Lee Mazzio, and Andrew Finkenstaedt

#SecretInvasion #Fail #Marvel

Secret Invasion was…not great. All throughout the show, I was rooting for it. I thought it started off strong and then went downhill so fast–even getting a 13% rotten tomatoes rating–by far the worst for Marvel. So I’m going to explain exactly what went wrong with this show–the behind-the-scenes problems that plagued it, the state of marvel going forward–and why this show was the greatest disappointment ever in the MCU.

Doug: Biggest disappointment ever? Geez that seems like an exaggeration.

Well Doug, let me take you back to 2003, to the movie X2: X-Men united. Superhero movies were mostly missed until this point–the year before we had raimi spider-man, and this movie finally got the X-Men 100% right. Jean Gray had just died sacrificing herself for the X-men, and just before the credits, we got this tease [clip].

That was teasing the dark phoenix saga–one of the greatest all time comics stories ever that comic fans never thought we’d get to see on the big screen. And when X-men 3 came out 3 years later, what we got was a low-budget, half assed interpretation of this epic story. That’s how secret invasion made me feel.

Doug: But it's not fair to compare the show to the comic book.

You’re right–so I’m going to avoid comparing this show to the events of the comic. The comic was this sprawling crossover event filled with superheroes–but the show adapts a small part of the comic, where Nick Fury goes off on hisnown to root out skrulls. So I will compare this show to those comics, where it’s appropriate.,

The secret invasion director Ali Selim, even said to Variety: “Marvel has a very devoted — even rabid — fan base who have expectations and when their expectations aren’t fulfilled, they move in the other direction' they give it a thumbs it our job to fulfill their expectations?"

Look man, if you made a bad show, don't blame fans for saying it's a bad show., But, as I’ll prove throughout this video, the show is not bad because of this director. There was a confluence of events that hampered Secret INvasion, which made it almost impossible to tell a compelling story. But before we can explain what went wrong behind the scenes, we have to talk about what was actually wrong with the show.

And there was a lot wrong with this show–ain't is a failure. Now I don't use that word often–I love MCU stories, and this one has to rank near the bottom of anyone’s l'ist–but the worst MCU show is still better than most TV shows. And the secret invasion was miles ahead of the Inhumans or Helstrom.

But this show might have been doomed to fail, because the premise of the show was flawed from the start. The MCU was not in the right place to tell the story of a secret invasion.

So Back to secret INvasion–I think the context behind the show was flawed from the start. This is one of those times when I have to compare this story to the comics, and to show why maybe this adaptation wasn't right for the MCU/. in the comics, the skrulls have been villains since Fantastic Four number 2. Some skrulls are good guys, but comic readers generally accept that the skrulls are villains.

So, when a Secret INvasion crossover was announced, we understood what it meant–the skrulls were about to hatch the villainous plan they’d been building up toward since 1961. But in the MCU, the movie captain marvel went for this reversal to make the skrulls good guys. [straw drink]. Now for the movie and for Carol's character development, this was a great choice. It showed Carol that she had been fed lies about the war, made her question her identity, and humanized refugees.

All Comments (21)
  • @joonyaboonya
    It's frustrating that channels like these come up with better story lines than the actual MCU shows.
  • @stew713
    Biggest reason the show failed is because this should have had a whole phase devoted to it. Instead of just a a few episodes.
  • @helendrew3640
    I was so frustrated by Maria Hill being fridged, always loved the character and was excited to see more of her secret invasion but no such luck.
  • @nikkikindinger2718
    "Is it our job to fulfill fan expectations?" YES. When you adapt a book to a show or a movie, the fans expect to see that story being told!
  • @Ksquared2222
    I loved the part where Giah-Fury walks into the Skrull base coughing to establish the pains of radiation, but when the humans are saved, suddenly the place is clean and no precautions are needed for their safety. Real good continuity
  • @nathangasti399
    For a grounded in reality spy thriller the ending really jumped the shark. We also had Fury sidelined and got no closure on his "too old for this" arc. He just retreated to his spaceship.
  • @robertbaldwin5636
    I can describe my feeling on this show with one phrase. " Somehow....Palpatine has returned "
  • @adrianzjackson7342
    As others have said, Phase 4 should have been Secret Invasion. You start with a Nick Fury Disney+ show that opens with the skrulls collecting the DNA for the Harvest in the rubble of the Battle of Earth. You show how Fury feels like he need to reestablish his control and he is mentally broken down realizing how little he matters after being turned to dust for 5 years. Thats why he so desperate to create the Harvest so they have something to defeat any villian in the universe, and Maria Hill and Talos are trying to reason with him but hes ignoring them. Talos is also trying to explain to him how alot of the Skrulls are getting frustrated not having a home, and even Maria Hill suggesting Thanos' abandoned retirement home, and Fury says no, I need them here to create the Harvest and keep them to doing his bidding, thinking there is only a few hundred Skrulls anyway so who cares. As this is happening, Gravik and Gi'ah are gathering Skrulls together to revolt and start to plan. He sends one of his goons to start setting up the Flag Smashers and some other terrorists attacks, maybe even helping Arthur Harrow finance his cult. Rhodey starts to get wise of the situation, so they kidnap him. Fury still unaware of the scale of the situation, stops Graviks goon from setting off the nuke or releasing his plan for the Harvest to the public or sending it to the Avengers, with Talos' help but thinking that the goon is working alone with a couple other rouge Skrulls; Gi'ah's mom dies in the fight. At the end of the show, Fury is still struggling to mentally deal with returning from the Blip so he goes to SABER. Before he goes Gravik gives one final plea to him to find them a home but is ignored. Then you see Gravik and Gi'ah giving a speech, as they are opening New Skrullos and recruiting Skrulls to join them to make Earth their new home. It closes with bodies being kidnapped and celebrities, super heroes and politicians looking into the camera, some of their eyes changing to reveal that they are Skrulls and some not, so you dont know if they all are or not. Then you continue with Phase 4 as originally planned with WandaVision and Loki, etc. But like at the post-credits of certain shows, you have Skrulls reporting to Gravik on the aftermath, like at the end of Falcon, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, every crime family in those shows has a Skrull high up in the ranks that are planting all these seeds of destruction all over the world, taking DNA samples to try and build up Super Skrulls and you see their doctors working on a machine to do it. All leading up to the end of Phase 4 with the Secret Invasion movie which runs similar to the show but you can bring in more super heroes and have them be Skrulls since it is a movie. Gravik loses but in the post credit scene you see someone from the TVA pick him up at the last second and take him and then he's introduced to Kang who wants to make him and his people a proposition and Phase 5 begins....
  • @dadaaxel3189
    Secret Invasion should’ve been Phase 4, considering it would’ve established the impact of the blip, and the end could’ve set up the multiverse. It would’ve been neat to start the phase with the guy who started the Avengers.
  • @CoreZeroPH
    Remember, the abducted humans like (real) Rhodey were locked away inside a Skrull reactor-base. That would have meant the real bodies should have actually died long ago from strong radiation exposure (fake Fury was even "coughing hard" less than a day in).
  • @peniparker7968
    I still remember the soul crushing feeling when they announced secret invasion was going to be a D+ show. Just by saying that, I knew it was going to be a cheap-feeling, dumbed down version of what the skrull invasion was. Even with that in mind, I really didn't expect to be as bad as it was though. Also in the secret invasion comics, IMO, had Maria Hill finally doing cool stuff. They showed her being just as capable and steps ahead like Nick Fury. Throughout her MCU appearances she has been criminally underused, and she never did anything that showcased what a total BA her comic counter-part is. I was thinking "could secret invasion tv series finally be the moment they give her cool stuff to do?!"...Nope just killed off quick. Even though I knew I would be disappointed by this show, I still didn't realize how bad it was going to be. For me it wasn't the characters they used from the comics, but the ones they took out to make this a cheaper show...which felt like everybody important in the comic storyrun.
  • @TheRayvolution
    Olivia Coleman and Jackson’s performance were the absolute BEST parts of that show. I hope she has more moving forward.
  • @error_4004
    The director has some audacity blaming the audience for a show that’s legitimately bad
  • @jayp.4381
    That's my biggest issue with the entire show... They cheapened every single hero by so easily giving all their powers to one person. Just really stupid...
  • @thomashelmka6438
    With such a stellar cast and excellent support its amazing how "M'eh" the entire series was. You can practically see the Accountants behind every camera cutting costs.
  • @brianmarini4841
    It would have been SUPER DUPER easy to incorporate one of the key elements from the comics regarding skrull motivation... religious fanaticism. Having random skrulls say "he loves you" leading into the reveal of the zealot faction, symbols of Kly'bn all over, etc. It not only would have made for a great rational motivation, but given the show a relevant modern topic to build a theme upon. You could even have a post-credit tease of the actual Kly'bn. He's a skrull eternal! HOW DID THEY MISS THAT!?!
  • I personally think the MCU has gotten so big that even the people in charge don't remember it all. Let alone the different writers who come in to write all these new shows and movies and needing to connect all those dots.
  • @midniteoyl8913
    Show should have been Fury finding that a bunch of Skrulls have secretly infiltrated the Earth during the Blip and having him and Talos rooting them out. Then we would have found out the true story behind the Skrull - Kree war and that Talos was actually part of an advance pre-invasion scout and intelligence group. Then when Fury and whomever finally defeated Talos and his small group we get the big reveal of the pods in the basement and just how many Skrulls there are here.
  • @calico2509
    I was really saddened by the whole Rhodie reveal. He was a great character and to find out that for several movies and projects that he was a Skrull cheapens those great moments like when he and Nebula bonded over the tech for their bodies and also sad that they took a disabled superhero got rid of that. Like, at the end of Civil War, when Tony was helping him learn to walk again, did the Skrull fake being disabled? It's like his character got wiped out.