Hunger Games BOSAS - Why a BAD idea is a GREAT movie

Published 2023-11-30

All Comments (21)
  • @tennyopallas
    I personally felt they left Snow in a really good place at the end. He's clearly identified his wants and ambitions, he's no longer inhibited by his humanity and fully embraced murder as a means to an end, and his lingering empathy for the districts has been squashed by his relationships with sejanus and lucy grey which have convinced him that people are either to be used or there to use you. He's not the Snow at the beginning of the Hunger Games because we've still got 63 years before we get there. But he's definitely set on that path. I can clearly see how another 60 years of this will create the Snow we saw in the first book/movie.
  • @lisakristin1810
    It’s interesting to see the perspective of a movie only watcher because knowing the book, that heavily features Snow’s inner monologue, obviously colors how we interpret the movie. It’s good that there are reviewers out there who can share their fresh and unspoiled reviews of the movie as a standalone thing and not just a companion piece. For example how you see act three as a ‘turn’ to the Snow we knew, while I saw it more as a ‘dropping the mask’ based on his consistent choices, actions and thoughts/ideals in the first two acts.
  • @gwhhsbnjioshbjio
    If you read the book you wouldn't be calling it a 'bad idea' buddy.
  • Good review! Your feelings about the characterization of Snow was my biggest fear turning the book to movie. With his inner dialogue in the book we see more clearly how everything he does is selfish, how he looks down on Sejanus, and everyone from the districts, how he feels possessive of Lucy Gray. He’s far less charming and likable in the book, but the movie captures how he comes across to everyone else. The third act is super rushed and kind of disjointed. Same as in the book 😅
  • @MadameDinoLady
    I think the movie was a great adaptation of the book. That being said, (which I know other people have already commented on) Snow's inner monologue helps you make more sense of his downfall. To sum it up, I'll say this: Snow wasn't always evil, but he was always Capitol. That's really his motivation for everything throughout most of the story. He was born and raised with the mentality of a Capitol citizen and believing that he was more exceptional than everyone else. As a book reader, I really can't tell if this was apparent no the non-book readers. Anyway that's my justification for him being totally evil by the end making sense.
  • i think a really genius point in the story that shows how little snow actually cared about anything else rather than himself was that he does exactly the things that he always claims the "district people" do- he kills when he's attacked in the arena, and again outside of the games where his life is not directly threatened, and even deliberately after he's back home even though he knows he's now safe- yet he never sees that as the same "prey to predator" that dr gaul always preaches to him about. even his family (which the book makes it seem he actually cares about) he eventually turns away from or cuts ties with.
  • @toiletsponge
    The movie really fixes the problem in the previous movie's where Snow seems reluctant to kill Katniss. I always thought it was because she reminded him of his granddaughter but nah, she reminds him of his first love
  • @alexthomas962
    I didn’t see the film but I read the book when it released and I thought the film was a good idea from the start. I think it’s only the people who didn’t read the books who were skeptical about whether or not the film should be made. But honestly I’m not surprised about the hype because the book was fantastic.
  • @joshbiggs3162
    Great review!! regarding you criticism how at the end of the film Snow doesn't feel like the evil President we know him to be, I do agree with you. But do keep in mind that this story take place over 60 years before the HG series. Obviously a lot happens in his life between where this film left of and when he becomes dictator.
  • @neon_wombat
    As others have said, the book has Snows monologue, which makes it clear the downward spiral started much earlier than part 3.
  • @wendyrock4260
    A good actor playing a bad guy, knows the character doesn't view his character as bad. This movie is a great example of that.
  • @fabiomachado9025
    I never rooted for him. Especially cause in the book you can see that he is manipulative, selfish and attached to comfort all the time
  • @tj3603
    I disagree regarding third act. It was necessary and it was done pretty well. This story is an antihero downfall arc, who shown to be rather duplicitous and morally grey from the beginning. He is capable of working hard, but he also willing to lie and cheat, if it brings him advantage. He can be caring brother and gentleman to Lucy Gray, but he also manipulative and judgmental ahole. Until his values put to the test you don't really know which part is real. Third act is doing exactly that, making him do hard choices and showing, he is not a good person in desperate situation (as he coming off in first two parts of the movie, because you can empathies with him, when he lies to his entitled classmates, or cheats to save Lucy's life, or kills in self defense), he actually is cold blooded bastard, who puts his ambitions above everything and everyone else (because in third act he lies for his own pleasure, cheats to get ahead in his career, and kills few people, including his friend and girlfriend, to cover his tracks, which is far from nice). If they ended a movie at second act it would have been heroic story of underdog who fights for love and gets punished for it because system is corrupted, but as it is we can see villain origin story, because he made a choice to put his ambitions before simple happiness in obscurity. Maybe at the end of the movie he is not yet complete tyrant, but it's obvious he is on a rails there.
  • @GP.Records
    Bro this was an excellent video. Agreed with your takes and I enjoyed the presentation- length, other pop culture references etc. Well done, if you keep this up your channel will gain momentum 🎉
  • I’m personally totally fine with hunger games becoming a big franchise that branches out to other stories. I really enjoyed this movie and think that i’d like to see more from this universe. Snow has the perfect origin to turn him into the ruthless dictator we see in the main story. You still see him as the bad guy but you understand why he is the way he is and you can almost empathize.
  • @lethe232
    i personally love when book series stray to tell the stories of the other characters like Snow. we get to see why he is so evil. i tbh would LOVE to see a movie about haymitch
  • @adamkalb1
    A bad idea that makes a great movie, also applies to The Lego Movie, The Disney Channel Descendants, and Wonka. January 29, 2024, 5:08pm
  • @tallbean
    I think that you did a good job at analyzing the movie. The book is even better in my opinion cause you see Coriolanus isn't good from the start.