In Defense of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

Publicado 2024-01-25
Thanks to Capcom, I was granted early access to the Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy Collection! This was pretty fortuitous timing since I already wanted to review Apollo Justice around now anyway, so I fused the two ideas together for the first new video of 2024! In the first quarter of the video, I will give my spoiler-free thoughts on the collection, and in the remaining time, I will go in-depth on my thoughts on Apollo Justice and why it is a pretty underrated game!
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Intro Bumper Visuals by @ExoParadigmGamer

Intro Bumper Music composed and arranged by @ThatSoundDesignGuy
00:00 Apollo Justice Trilogy Review
05:22 Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Review
#aceattorney #apollojustice

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @SageofLight777
    Frankly, I'm glad we have many of the Ace Attorney titles under one roof now. Now if we could just get both Ace Attorney Investigations games...c'mon, Capcom. Give us Investigations 2...
  • I agree that Apollo Justice is more straight-faced than the Trilogy and I think it's one of its greatest strenghts. It's still an Ace Attorney game with all the series' quirks, but it's relatively grounded (a bit like the first game) and it has a modern and sometimes gloomy atmosphere you can't quite get anywhere else. There's quite a bit of grey morality in the characters as well, which I don't think was ever attempted much after this game.
  • @Zelenal
    Minor correction: The bracelet isn't what lets Apollo use that whole observe thing; it's an ability he innately has. The bracelet is just a magic artefact that lets Apollo know that there's something to notice. It's just like how the magatama simply lets Phoenix know that the person he's talking to is lying when it isn't obvious that they are.
  • @keebs5780
    I love Kristoph as a villain. I wish the final cross examination with him was a little longer/complex to really feel like you’ve gotten him. It always felt a little anticlimactic to me. Love his breakdown though. The laugh was a chilling ending to the character.
  • @dragonbro8687
    25:06 People say this a lot when talking about Turnabout Succession, or just Apollo Justice as a whole, and while definitely true, I think Apollo Justice purposely takes a much different approach to a climax. Instead of having shocking, dramatic moments similar to previous games, Apollo Justice has and used darkness and mystery. There are so many different things that have been foreshadowed throughout the game, and so many different stories to uncover in Turnabout Succession, the truth behind Wright's disbarment, the fall of the Gramaryes, the story behind the Misham's, the truth behind Magnifi's death, Kristoph's omnipresent connection to it all, etc, or even more simplistic things like Trucy's origins and connection to Wright, or Spark Brushel as a whole. And then we have the slew of reveals, such as Zak Gramarye being Shadi Smith, Trucy and Apollo being related, Thalassa not being dead, etc. With all of these things to piece together, figure out unwravel, the finale reaches a incredible level of compelling-ness. There is just so much to untangle in this massive web of confusion, and that the feeling of darkness this game has, and the satisfying feeling of connecting all of these dots is nearly unmatched throughout the entire series (imo), the closest probably being Bridge to the Turnabout with all the loose ends it ties up, or Rise From The Ashes with its multiple story jumps and sections, and uncovering S-L9. While this game does not have the shocking, dramatic moments of previous finales, its masterful use of mystery, plot foreshadowing, darkness more than makes up for that, resulting in a incredibly unique and entertaining case. and game as a whole. tldr: turnabout succession underrated
  • @tftf9337
    Klavier is my favorite rival/opponent/person-on-the-other-side. He was a refreshing change from the previous prosecutors and it really felt like he was just a really decent guy. It felt like we were a team trying to struggle our way to the truth together while being blindsided and mislead at every turn. He's also so quietly tragic, but he doesn't really let it get him down. He needs more love.
  • @galaxyfam6471
    Apollo Justice was my favorite game of the series back when I played it when I was younger. After hearing how divisive this game was, though, I decided to replay it to see if it was really as good as I thought, or if I just had rose tinted glasses when I looked at it. After finishing it again, this game is still my favorite in the entire series, and I liked it even more than I did before. This game is so consistent to me. All of the classes are solid 8/10s, yet they stay more grounded than pretty much any of the other games. I also really respect how ambitious the final case is, and I love any story that has to do with the Gramarye troop. It’s a shame that Dual Destinies undid pretty much everything Apollo did to differentiate itself from the rest of the series. This game has such a cool take on how Phoenix developed in the last 7 years. I also personally think this art style is the best looking in the series. The games after still look good, but a lot of the animations look really uncanny. This was a great video on the game!
  • straight up best soundtrack in the series. i love the sorrowful and melancholic tones throughout, it's really brilliantly done
  • I think saying that AA4 isn't as funny as the original trilogy is a little unfair because I think they have very different senses of humor AA1-AA3 has a very outwardly goofy sense of humor with wacky characters, silly quirks, and jokey dialogue, and while AA4 does that too it's not the main sense of humor. AA4's main sense of humor is very sarcastic and witty, focused more on the humorously realistic responses from Apollo to the goofy weird world he now lives in with the Japanifornia legal system, and how everyone around him just accepts it without question. It leans very heavily on Apollo being the straight man and he plays that role wonderfully, and I think his humor is a big contributor to his relatability
  • @lssjgaming1599
    I remember playing these games back in high school in the 3DS. Im so glad to see it on modern consoles after a long while of waiting and with the eshop being down. Makes it much easier to access these games
  • I'm glad you got this Capcom partnership! Was super into your AA series retrospective for the original trilogy, so I'm super glad we're moving along with the following games, but I didn't expect Capcom to send you the new trilogy and all!
  • Ace Attorney probably has one of the best translations to using 3D models. Literally none of the original charm or soul was lost.
  • While ive come to terms with it over the years, im still sad that it feels like DD and SOJ basically abandoned everything unique that AJ was going for both narratively and thematically. It just has this unique feel compared to every other ace attorney game and its sad that DD played it so safe in comparison. Im also really sad we diddnt get the characters expanded on. Klavier has a lot of subtle details in how he is characterised that a future game could have expanded upon, but just werent. Trucy technically got more in 6-2, but imo that one felt like it kind of oversimplified her character and removed some of the complexity she had in AJ.
  • @fdg2208
    Apollo Justice is doing FINE!!!
  • The use of Sam Riegel’s voice clips in the remastered version of Apollo Justice is so jarring. It feels so odd to hear his voice come out of Trilogy/AJ Phoenix. I can understand why they did it though.
  • @apollojustisnt
    Yesssss Apollo Justice is my favorite AA game (if you couldn't tell) and I think you did a great job at pointing out all the things that it did to stand out from the others. It's sad to see it being dismissed as one of the weaker titles with little regard to the things it did right
  • @rasengdori13
    One thing I’ve learned all these years is that gamers HATE change. Anytime a franchise tries something different and takes a big risk there’s always backlash, only for the game that did it to be fondly remembered several years later. It happened with MGS2, Wind Waker, and now Apollo Justice. It will happen again (The Last of Us 2).
  • @petertilton7004
    One thing you forgot to mention: The original Apollo Justice had Ben Judd's Phoenix Wright voice clips, but for the trilogy they use Sam Riegel's Wright voice clips from Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice.
  • @Cejilmeister
    Always good to see people back after the New Year. I'm excited to see what you have in store. Also, nice intro animation.
  • @thattimestampguy
    0:41 The Apollo Justice Trilogy 1. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (2007) 2. Dual Destinies (2013) 3. Spirit of Justice😊(2016) 1:50 + You can Customize The Menu Screen 2:12 + Extras 2:38 Updated Apollo Justice to HD. 3:00 Upscaling animation 4:03 + Endearing Characters and Mystery Solving 5:20 The Birth of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. 6:16 Apollo Justice Ace Attorney got favorable reviews in 2007. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, The Story 7:20 AJ Case 1: Turnabout Trump. 10:17 Fake Evidence to Catch The Real Killer 🩸 ♠️ 10:53 Case 2: Turnabout Corner • New Characters • The Wright Anything Agency 11:28 • Trucy Wright, “quirky and confident to a fault.” 🎩🪄👧🏻 11:46 • Ema Skye, “Grump Homicide Detective.” 🕵🏻‍♀️ 12:28 Perceive 👀 12:55 • Klavier Gavin 🎸 + A Prosecutor That DOESN’T hate or want to ruthlessly defeat The Defense. 15:30 Case 3: Turnabout Serenade 🎤 🎹 🎸 🔥 17:33 Case 4: Turnabout Succession. ☠️ 🏥💅⚖️ 19:42 Confident, Capable, Phoenix Wright. 20:01 Dramatic Irony 🎭 20:10 Assinine Legal Standards for Presenting Evidence in Court! 📚⚖️ 21:59 “Evidence won’t be good enough.” 22:34 Cool Calm Confident, Serious yet Goofy Phoenix Wright. 23:41 Kristoph, A Villain of The Old Legal System 📚⚖️ 25:22 The Strength of Apollo Justice + Telling a Story about The Ace At