Publicado 2024-05-30

Todos los comentarios (17)
  • hmm, sounds good for this team, but mind to show the speed tuning? and the builts of other champs?
  • @ehirudit
    Big error about geomancer, his damage scale^^' you see 0 when demy block damage is actif btu when you take damage on a sheild it's work juste fine, use it a lot with mitrala / valkirie in hydra and iron twin, but is passive isnt' increased by break def and weaken and break armore set, it's remain 75k whatever you use, so with a break def you may win 10-15m on your run from waremaster but not more. check at 6:45 there is a bunch of 900ish damage between the 75k of the passive. Tanks a lot for the video anyway^^.
  • Yes he does. My team did 400mil on void UNM. On spirit UNM, they did 450mil since the speed debuff by Demon Lord slowing down the team. It means more turn for the boss = more damage by Geo's passive. The last 100 turn the reflected damages are so huge!
  • @testos2701
    Glad i bumped into this video, is good to know that I won't be playing it since I don't have entire day sessions for a boss fight! Jez I'm glad. 😅🤣😂
  • By the way, for geo, his passive actually using Giant Slayer. You can choose warmaster for his A1 and A2. But A3 remain Giant Slayer. He will proc up to x5 times. Try it to believe it.
  • @alihanar9926
    If you use geomancer in a infinity team you should go 1:1 ratio, more boss turns is better for geomancers passive. I am running 1:1 ratio team and boss go 250 turns. Thats why my geomancer hits over 300millions by own. And i have a brogni so two dwarfs hits like 500+ millions in one key
  • @PioPicoGaming
    Yeah My Geo team is weak, rly weak with low gear, and my geo in a 1:1 with brogni and wixwell , geo did 400+mil and like 650mil dmg in total, just key to have Burn up 100% during both his aoe´s :D cuz at the end turn count 1000+ geo does 7mil on one aoe 3mil on 2nd aoe :D just from reflecting.
  • Grazuur, Emic and Brogni with Wixwell and Mikage. Still tryingvto tune it up for 1 key unm, but everything up to nm is single shot. My gear isn't great atm. 😅
  • @Djobaable
    1:1 is 100% better for geomancer it gives him twice the damage frrom his passive in 1500 turns now his damage is limit to only be half what he could do in a 1:1 team, but it would still be lower then jintoro's damage atleast in this team setup.
  • @jamesb2326
    So im the one who commented before about the geo team and it does do more dmg this team wont because decrease atk and you need to lower to minimum defense team needs to sustain shield. This will maximize reflection if using brogni and geo also geo being higher awakening and empowered for example lower dmg from reflection because higher defense equal less reflection across the whole team. I would share all info with you i experimented with this team a lot. Forgot to mention actually check nub raids for a screenshot of my dmg he used it in video about saph drama.
  • @adrian.82
    You are loosing so much damage without Jintoro. Switch off demytha a3. JINTORO in lead. You can apply manually block damage on him on the begging, help suck the damage and build shield.
  • @S.D.0000
    The less turns you make, the higher damage you accumulate. The Turn counter counts your team's turns, not the CB's. Slower team means more turns for boss and longer battle means more damage accumulated. You want 1:1 with Geo for his passive. You want 2:1 or 3:2 for nuke champs wih their Active.
  • @barbosa86