Lecture #11: Taking Notes Effectively - which words should you write down?

Published 2021-10-15
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This is part of a series of lectures, intended for first-year college students, on 'How To Do Well in College" or university! This one is about how to effectively take notes.
1. Do not write down everything down world-for-word
2. Do not even grab exact phrases
3. Add felsh to the text within 24 hours
4. Write the notes with a pen or pencil, by hand, not by typing on an electronic device.

All Comments (21)
  • After years of not being a student, I returned to graduate school. My first term I had a professor who was a recognized expert in his field who lectured for 90 minutes at an astounding rate without refering to notes. He referred to the textbook often, but also spent a great deal of time speaking freely about the topic. The amount of information in a single class was overwhelming and as I looked around at each student frantically (and miserably) taking 10 to 20 pages of notes I knew I couldnt keep up using this method of note taking. As you say, often my notes were scribbles that didnt even connect. Then I tried taping a lecture, but that meant listening to 90 minutes of material at least twice - too much time, not practical. I thought to myself "when I have an engaging conversation with someone at a party, and my wife later asks what we talked about, I can recall most of the conversation with no notes at all because I WAS ENGAGED AND ATTENTIVE. So I decided to prepare for the next lecture by doing the assigned reading with margin notes BUT sit in front and maintain eye contact and engage with the professor - ask and answer questions, but only write down a few key words. I ended up with a single page of notes but feeling really connected to the teacher. After a few lectures the professor asked me to remain after class. He noticed I wasnt taking notes but listening intently instead. He said "I look at you and you are looking at me. I feel listened to and appreciated. When I ask a question you are the first to raise your hand and if something is unclear you are the first to ask for clarification. Im curious to see how well you retain the information for the first test using your method." He smiled and nodded at me when he passed back our first essay test of the term and I had a A-, one of the highest grades. I had literally just eight pages of notes for eight lectures, but each word on those pages was a key word, an important idea, or something I didnt understand and spent additional time sorting out later.
  • What really worked for me back in university was to read the chapter before the lecture. I didn't need to understand everything, but having seen the material just once really helped me.
  • I am 51 years old, living in Jamaica and I'm going back to school. This will help me. God bless.
  • @11sid87
    Not only is his advice golden for someone is learning how to study, but the comment section is a box of jewels as well. Thank you all for sharing your experiences
  • @keithlongley362
    Im not a student, just an old man who wants to retain more. This advice has been invaluable, reading has become my passion, im now defacing my books with notes and my own thoughts and its made reading a far more enriching experience. I wish i had this imformation when i was a young man.
  • @ALI_B
    I also teach. Statistics. And I follow you because I learn from you. I really admire what you do and the effort you spend in doing these videos. I will share your advice with my students.
  • @nilphilodox5759
    What is good about these videos is that the maker is someone who went through the same situation as us and now currently someone who is in charge of people like us.
  • @lectrix8
    This is the kind of professor is what I think of when I call them a Brofessor. Candid, practical, down to earth, able to convey in clear and memorable ways. A professor with good older brother energy.
  • @qbtc
    I took notes for this video: 1. Process and HANDWRITE in your own words what your professor says/writes. 2. Fill in the details from memory within 24 hours preferably that night. 3. If you must use an electronic device to take notes, sit in the front to minimize distractions.
  • @alwaysdistracted
    Bonjour, Your YouTube lecture series on 'How to do well in College' has been an invaluable resource for me. As I approach my 45th birthday, I'm preparing to dive into a unique educational journey in 2024 – an accelerated bachelor's degree program in France, tailored for individuals with significant professional work experience. This program condenses two years of college into just six months of intensive university classes. In my relentless pursuit of strategies to excel in this challenging endeavor, I stumbled upon your series. While this video was posted almost two years ago, and it is unlikely you will read this, I want to convey my deep gratitude for your commitment to educating people on YouTube. Bravo for sharing your expertise! Your advice, particularly on effective note-taking, has left a lasting impact on me. I'm committed to adding 'flesh' to my handwritten notes. Thank you once again!
  • Without out a doubt in my mind, you are the most influential teacher I've ever had...Thank you
  • @missmjl2468
    Recently typed my notes before attending class. I was astonished to find when I attended that class ot was like I had not taken notes at all. I recalled NOTHING. Hand writing for me from now on. Thank you Jeffrey 🎉
  • @thomastthai
    You articulate passionately and strongly believe that what you share will help students. Your students are fortunate to have you as a teacher.
  • I wish somebody had explained this stuff to me 40 years ago. However, never too late to learn. Thankyou
  • @sabrinaxx8827
    I really ENJOY LEARNING from teachers such as This amazing Guy!! The exuberant ability to express every word keeps me wanting to listen. All my favorite teachers had this type of teaching style and energy! Makes you love learning!! This kind of teacher in the process of attaining knowledge isn't appreciated like the overrated careers that earn higher salaries.
  • Just stumbled across your channel- what a treasure trove. I am one of those neurodivergent types. My notes are all by hand, but consist of numerous drawings and symbols, that allow for a personal shorthand. I went back to college in my 50s. I literally cannot type or spell well, because of my spicy brain, and discovered the ability to make connections with instructors and the material was easier via images. I defended my masters in front of a whiteboard and illustrated and mind mapped my argument visually as well as verbally. The professors were blown away. I have had them stop me and tell me they were still remembering my thesis and using the information in their own teaching. The connections our brains make to other things becomes what scaffolds memory and LEARNING. I worked in the writing center, specializing in non traditional students. I was booked back to back all year long, once word got out about how I taught, wrote, and took notes. Thank you for these videos. So few students are ready for college, and fewer instructors are able, or willing, to help them. Best to you and your community.
  • Two years ago and still as relevant as ever. You do an amazing job. I am hooked on your style of videos because they are so engaging and it doesn't feel like you are mindlessly reading from a script. You've convinced me to give up typing my notes!
  • @jcvp2493
    Summary: How to take notes - No verbatim, *the meaning*. - Never exact phrases, understand first whats has been said. - Expand the notes withing a 24 hours frame with your ideas (what you thought about it). - Write notes by hand (it is scientifically proved to be better). Benefits - Its a record - Absorb more information To learn, to remember something you have studied, it needs to have been processed-mixed with your prior knowledge End summary --- This from me: whats important is to have a record you can refer back so can either solidify those notions or actualize them.
  • @9UaYXxB
    I've had the true fortune in life to have had a number of profs and instructors who had similar groundedness, humility and relatability to that exhibited by Kaplan. These are the great ones. These are the ones who motivate and energize you, make you face up to your own nonsense, even on your down days.