Defending Serial Killers - Legally Speaking

Published 2014-12-19
(Visit: John Henry Browne is a criminal defense attorney in Seattle who is best known for his work on behalf of the notorious. One of his first clients was Ted Bundy—a vicious, serial killer who murdered scores of women in at least a half-dozen states. More recently, he represented Robert Bales, a former U.S. Army sergeant who is now serving a life prison sentence for the murder of 16 Afghani civilians. These were, to say the least, extremely difficult cases for a defense attorney to take on. But no matter how vilified his clients, Browne could always be counted on to give prosecutors a rough time. As one prosecutor once observed: Browne in the courtroom is like “a pit bull on crack.” In November, Browne spoke with California Lawyer contributing editor Martin Lasden. Series: "Legally Speaking" [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 29107]

All Comments (21)
  • @DaveSeavy
    I'm not certain why a couple of you are calling him a scumbag. Why? I haven't heard anything to suggest that he's not a decent person. If it's because of his clients, every criminal defendant is guaranteed counsel through all stages of a trial, regardless of the crime(s). He appears to be very ethical, and he's dong a job that few would want to do.
  • @Padoinky
    He is doing what must be done in our legal system - his level of excellence forces the prosecution to do their job, to the highest level of performance possible. Like it or not, those prosecuting citizens need to be held to a high standard of proof. The alternative is a “kangaroo court”, where any of us could be unjustly persecuted
  • @meg2231
    the fact that he was able to get bundy the option of serving life without the death penalty is a remarkable feat...& i respect anyone who's had a loved one taken from them by a murderer yet still stands by the principle that taking any life is wrong.
  • @TheShouldoos
    I bet the reason Ted Bundy liked this lawyer and considered him a friend is because he saw himself in him. He probably thought if he hadn't went down the path he did that he would've been a lawyer. So in a way this guy was probably a role model for Ted.
  • @mjccmc82
    This man is a brilliant writer & a superlative attorney
  • @johnsmith-tr3dh
    If anyone cares, the un-name lawyer Bundy had that became a judge later was Bruce Lubeck who sits on the bench today in Utah. Lubeck said something in a Netflix docu that i thought really summed up ted, "Ted had too many wires crossed, he was born with the safety off.". How true
  • @msrose4051
    I found him fasinating, thoughtful and very appealing.
  • He's the definition of professionalism. I believe even Ted Bundy deserved a professional hearing him out and vouching for him in court.
  • @Lista078
    I think Ted Bundy was right when he said him and this guy are lot alike.
  • I think he's awsome. He had a job to do and he did it. Bundy was his client and he needed counsel. He did not like Bundy and certainly dident commend anything he did. It was his job
  • Wow John Henry Browne is really interesting: witty and profound, very funny what an inspiring gentleman. I so want to read his book, where is it please?
  • @vegaslover5930
    Great personality, awsome defense attorney. Never seen someone with a more overwhelming charisma.
  • @kd47730
    Great interview.  Mr. Browne is very inspiring!  You have to keep going at it everyday!  Never give up!
  • @julieb7785
    I go so far as to say this guy is heroic for what he what he believes in and for what he has done.
  • wow this guy is so incredibly interesting and i love for a guy with such obvious accomplishments in life, in this interview he comes off as so humble and just so soul baringly honest....
  • He notes he has a nice house on the water with 4 cars and a model girlfriend. Defending the right criminals gets you PAID!
  • @rtj246
    Agree with Freddie - a terrific interview of a fascinating person. Off to Amazon I go.