Worst MMO Ever? - Alchemia Story

Published 2023-11-04

All Comments (21)
  • @Lobito-shi
    "Welcome back to all the viewers who just glanced over. Hope you guys are doing okay" Josh read us like a goddamn book
  • I got an achievement for making it through this video. We've done it, we found the worst MMO ever.
  • @mangotango1031
    "I then get an achievement for getting ten achievements" got a laugh out of me This game is something else, we appreciate your sacrifice
  • @chaptap8376
    "A girl who dramatically dies of hunger and rushes us for our potato" is one of the funniest descriptions you've given on this channel
  • @paroxysmal2645
    Being called a "sussy baka" in a proper British accent was just as thrilling as I always imagined it would be.
  • @Feuerhamster
    The overreliance on wife and NPCs is because the game wanted you to self-insert as a main character. However, this also means the main character isn't supposed to do anything because the kind of people who would play self-insert gacha game are the ones who will bitch and howl if a character is allowed even a single independent thought (down to choosable lines of dialogue). So we have a literal log of wood with a legendary +9001 sword duct taped to it, a Waifu (who is supposed to be the eye candy of the game so she's naturally in every cutscene) and a bunch of NPCs because authors realized writing plot when MC is an actual, literal log of wood is difficult. The only way this differs from an average isekai manga is that our MC (who, and i cannot stress this enough, is an actual, literal log of wood) somehow lacks even what passes for isekai protagonist personality.
  • @SolariusLunarius
    Being able to set your age between -100 and 100 made me laugh. Like, I was wondering if the game was broken enough to let you go as young as 0 years old, then the game exceeds my expectations dramatically. These kind of random unexpected details are always those that make me laugh the most :D
  • @AvauntVanguard
    This is the most quotable episode by far. "I'd say this is god-awful but there's no god here, he's left" "This game is just three crunchyroll subscriptions in a trenchcoat" "There's no easy way to find the stats on items but it doesn't matter because nothing in this game matters" "This game has so many systems the law of averages says they should have gotten one right by now and YET they have not". "We're on our way to the Road of God and I thought good because I have questions and they're all variations of 'why'" "This boss took three hits so that means in this game he's the tankiest tank to ever tank"
  • @RisqueBisquetz
    6:23 "Yome" is japanese for "bride", so calling yours "Josh Wife" is actually spot on lol
  • @Vesdus
    Okay, but the story beat of the priest talking about how important Yuuki and Karen are while totally ignoring you, just to have Karen and Yuuki immediately murdered by the first monster they fight is actually hilariously genius. If only they stayed dead.
  • 6:50 The sad eyes ... the shock of seeing another soul willing to play this game ... yeah that rabbit is self aware šŸ˜­
  • @RaikoTheMC
    Never expected to see an MMO I actually played to make Josh so upset. Though the fact I didn't even remember playing this until I saw the dialog box and gacha animation speaks volumes.
  • @air5723
    Is... is this the most upset Josh has ever been? Came out bloody SWINGING on this one! Great video, thank you for your suffering
  • @Poldovico
    The fact that they decided they should have a very short, very loud loop for background music, and the instrument of choice for playing this loop was the bagpipes is amazing.
  • @pacodapea432
    This game has a funny quirk where sometimes instead of starting in Duchy (where you started) you start at the State, but there's little to no difference because you get booted out immediately for wanting to be an adventurer and end up at Duchy anyway. Alchemia Story is definitely a game of all time.
  • During lockdown me and a couple friends ended up playing this game together out of a desperation for having some roundabout way to just hang out together (because somehow between the three of us the we had no compatible consoles and only 1 good working pc at the time). I have a weird sort of love for bad and broken games and none of us really cared about getting far into the game, so we kinda just made our own fun messing around together. We made jokes about our little customizable companion characters, one friend actually managed to take really nice aesthetic pictures, I screenrecorded moments of complete jank, and it was a nice way to goof around together when we were all so isolated. Good times. Will never touch it again.
  • @twelfthknight
    I like that idea for an Isekai. You've died and met a god who gives you the choice to move on or go to a game-like fantasy world with OP stats, you naturally choose the fantasy world and power-fantasy of your dreams... but the world itself turns out to be so frustratingly dull you've decided that moving on was actually much more preferable. However, due to a mix of super-high defense and health regeneration nothing in the world can meaningfully harm you, and the whole story is just you going from one potential threat to the next hoping they can reduce your HP to zero.
  • @gz7006
    I legitimately glanced over when he called it out, damn you Josh
  • @hardlogic3046
    "yome" (or 嫁) literally means wife in japanese. So yes this is just a waifu adventure simulator. And if you thought Koreans MMORPGs line lineage were grindy, then prepare yourself for Japanese MMORPGs which are grindiers, with absolutely no content bar endless dialogs, little to no customisation gameplaywise (but you can play dress up), and horrible pacing where everything is lightning fast at the begining and then hits a turning point, suddenly becoming the worst slog ever. And they virtually all follow the same pattern of "you unlock double hit at level 10"
  • @FreshSmog
    It might be an overreaction to their previous game, Toram online. Toram was an insanely hard game. The main storyline barely gives you any exp or item drops and eventually the story bosses out-level so much that you can't do the story anymore. Mob monsters give you less than a fraction of a percent of the exp needed to level up, but bosses delete you in one hit. I've never seen another game as hostile to new players as toram.