We Are Innovators - Neil Turok on the Power of Ideas

Published 2018-06-29
Perimeter Institute Director Neil Turok explores a universe of ideas and shares his optimism about the positive power of human ingenuity. A renowned cosmologist and advocate for international research and education, Turok delivered "We Are Innovators" to audiences across Canada as part of the Innovation150 collaboration during Canada's sesquicentennial year.

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Perimeter Institute (charitable registration number 88981 4323 RR0001) is the world’s largest independent research hub devoted to theoretical physics, created to foster breakthroughs in the fundamental understanding of our universe, from the smallest particles to the entire cosmos. The Perimeter Institute Public Lecture Series is made possible in part by the support of donors like you. Be part of the equation: perimeterinstitute.ca/inspiring-and-educating-publ…

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All Comments (21)
  • @maxfob3899
    This was one of the most inspiring presentations that I have ever seen. Dr. Turok is amazing!
  • @zeus5793
    Neil is awesome, a wonderful personality. Love his lectures. Thanks
  • @pl443
    Amazing man Neil has turned out to be. I knew him; he was in the academic year behind me at William Ellis School, London NW5 (just on the east side of Hampstead Heath). We briefly shared an 'O' Level Russian class!
  • totally inspiring on so many levels. Love the Perimeter Institute
  • A Truly Wonderful presentation on the subject of the actual proven truth about ourselves and our place in the natural universe.
  • @aurelienyonrac
    lovely personality. the little variation of the vacuum started creating our universe 13.8 billions years ago and still is. the variation of the vacuum are still creating the present universe, the big bang never stopped.
  • @ddiehl5664
    So enjoyable! Please upload more of his lectures!
  • @holdmybeer
    NICE! . . (kicks off work boots, and packs a big f'n bowl of weed, opens beer and listens to an incredible speaker) Thanks PITP! and Neil Turok.💗💗💗
  • @xinhangshen6721
    I really like the words of Prof. Neil Turok: "As a theoretical cosmologist, most of the ideas which I've explored have been proved wrong. I often console myself with the thought that at least they could be proven wrong. It is far better to know, than to live with an illusion." Regarding current theoretical physics, I would like to discuss with Prof. Turok the behavior of the status of a physical process in the framework of special relativity. We know the status of each physical process is determined by the product of relativistic time and its developing rate in each inertial reference frame. After Lorentz Transformation, relativistic time will expand by factor gamma and the developing rate will shrink by the same factor gamma (similar to the transverse Doppler-effect) to make the status i.e. the product of relativistic time and the developing rate unchanged. That is, the status of any physical process will be the same observed in all inertial reference frames. We know that the display of each physical clock is always represented by the status of a physical process such as the digital display of an atomic clock which is the product of relativistic time and its frequency divided by a calibration constant. According to the above conclusion, the display of each physical clock will be the same observed from all inertial reference frames. If there are many stationary and moving clocks have the same display observed in one inertial reference frame, then, they will have the same display observed in all inertial reference frames. This has been demonstrated by the universal synchronization of the atomic clocks on the ground and GPS satellites. That is, physical clocks can be universally synchronized to show the same time observed in all inertial reference frames. Thus, the physical time is absolute, which is different from the relativistic time. Therefore the time of special relativity is not the physical time and all special relativity describes is irrelevant to the physical world. Moreover, the disproof of special relativity means all relativistic spacetime based physics theories are wrong. Prof. Turok, am I wrong in the reasoning?
  • @rfbeckerc
    What a pleasure to listen to this humble and brilliant man, marvellous.
  • @Epistemer
    innovation is a process rather than an outcome :) deep respect