New Shunning Changes Explained

Published 2024-07-02
As a newly published Watchtower makes yet more tweaks to the Jehovah's Witnesses' now infamous shunning policy, I explain why these are not the sorely needed reforms former members have been craving.

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All Comments (21)
  • Hi Lloyd, I’m a therapist from Australia who is also an ex jw. Any followers who are looking for support with their mental health, I would love to offer my services. With my background and understanding, it allows me to relate to my clients and for them to not have to educate or explain the nuances of the religion to their therapist. Thank you for your advocacy work. You continue to help so many people.
  • Lots of active JWs are watching your video Lloyd. They really are.
  • @darrellh.9680
    I went back after my dad died and went to meetings with my mom. Everyone there was very nice and welcoming. I wish I could fully believe these people, they’re the same people that lied, and led double lives growing up that are making up the congregation now. I at least was honest and was just who I am and I refuse to not be. My dad was just like the father in the prodigal son story, no matter what my status in the organization, he was always there and was always checking in on me. Miss you dad..
  • @serafin1352
    I was “removed” in 2018 when my non-jw father passed and I went into a deep depression and questioned my faith. Did I commit sins? Yes, was I sorry? Yes, however when elders came by to speak to me and my wife, all they cared about discussing was if I believe in the GB in which I stated clearly no that I follow Christ not men. All they did was get up and leave. Rumors then went around that I was an apostate. These people do not care about you as a person, all they care truly about is if you follow their GB (men). Its disgusting really. Since then my mother and daughter act like Im a criminal. This is a hate crime by this organization.
  • I left the cult 37years ago and never looked back. I survived without any of them and am extremely happy I left.
  • @NineOneOneFx
    "The Governing body has decided" = 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
  • @yurizhivago4591
    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984
  • @Beautyrest575
    He said “ the governing body “ has decided! That says it all, no Bible scripture as back up. The GB is above gods word!! Thanks Lloyd for explaining it in detail.
  • @mrbizness1
    Telling the followers how they must treat someone and saying that it their personal decision is a lie. If it is a personal decision, the followers would not be told what to do.
  • @Mark-ec3lp
    Sanderson says "if they repent". Repent from what? Not believing the JW 'organisation' is a cult? That is not a sin, that is simply recognising a high control group and wanting nothing to do with them. There is no sin in asking questions and having doubts, especially when this religion has made more U-Turns than I can't even count.
  • @LinaGenX
    These changes are not enough to get state funding reinstated here in Norway. I have seen the results of shunning. A close friend of mine was shunned from age 18 when she no longer wanted to be part of the religion. What followed was close to 20 years of anguish, self harm, hospitalizations due to self harm, several attempts on her life, and becoming so ill from the shunning she was unable to work. She lived in special housing where the residents are closely monitored due to self harm, her shunning alone must have cost the taxpayers a pretty penny. Today she isvthrough it, still shunned, but happy, have an education, is a home owner, and works full time. When JW sued to get their stipend back I was enraged. How dare they cause so much harm, and still stand there with their hand stretched out asking for government funds? Shunning is harmful, ugly, costly, and downright immoral. It does'nt matter if the person shunned is over or under 18 years old, the damage is the same. Also, how dare these predator protectors tell people that they are the gatekeepers to eternal life? Shame on them
  • @Batise
    Thank you Lloyd, your info is always great. I've been "removed" for 36 years and I continue to be amazed at the shunning I still experience.
  • I'm 55 and spent my entire life in the Truth, It is horrible what life is like being shunned.
  • @doneestoner9945
    I grew up JW in the 1960s. As a young girl, I loved The Beatles. The JWs said 8 was worshipping false idols. Then I thought I would rather worship the Beatles than the JWs.
  • I am from the Kingdom of Eswatini.I received a call this morning from an elder who disfellowshipped me thirteen years ago.I waited for my phone to stop ringing.I didn't pick up my phone.I am not interested in any nonsense he had to say.Leaving this cult was the best decision I ever made
  • @dalet9841
    Why didnt they use their bible based conscience before?
  • @logannobles
    I was disfellowshipped five years ago when I was 17 for dating a girl outside of the church, acting out because my parents were not understanding and I had severe mental health crisis's that no one understood or cared to listen to. My only out was someone who understood me, and I didn't let her go. I was disowned and pushed away. I can't trust a human led organization to ever be empathetic enough. I needed help, not abandonment. To this day I feel orphaned. The grief had massive impacts on my life.
  • @deborahd4310
    The day of memorial I got a call from my "elder" brother inviting me to go to memorial and to offer a bible study with me. This is almost a word for word quote asking me if I wanted to study with him -- "A lot of things have been changing in the organization and I can now study with you. I figure, if it's okay to study with rapists and murders (at Folsom Prison) then it should be okay to study with you." I didn't respond to his rude comment because I know that is how he thinks. However, after I got off the phone, OMG, what did my brother just say to me? That was hurtful and rude, not that it hurt me because I have a barrier but good grief what crazy thinking. So, since that phone call, I have not gotten a call to invite me over for dinner or just to check and see how I am -- nothing, not a word. Nothing has changed with shunning.
  • @mmhca357
    It remains the same. Just changing words. A word game. Shame on the GB!!!!