$35000 GIANT RC jet explosion! 🔥😳

Published 2022-06-04

All Comments (21)
  • The real explosion occurred when he got home and told his wife what happened to the $35,000 RC jet that he spent all his retirement money on.
  • @hobo1452
    As an old RC instructor told me years ago, "If you aren't willing to crash it, you never should have built it!"
  • @stevejh69
    Sorry for the guy who lost his plane, but he was putting on an excellent show.
  • @dr_jaymz
    If you're gonna have such an epic crash, the best you can hope for is someone at least gets it on camera. This camera guy did a great job.
  • @goryburk
    I can't get over how realistic these RC Aircraft are . That crash almost looked real too, but the aircrew didn't eject.
  • @RicktheCrofter
    One reason I have RC tanks. When the battery or engine fails, it doesn’t fall out of the sky.
  • Even the explosion was to scale! LOL Shame about that jet. That was very impressive engineering and piloting. I hope he can rebuild!
  • @fozzywxman
    Boy, those $10,000 mini Stingers really work! My G.I. Joe really nailed that sucker.
  • @markfisher7962
    The announcer gave a top speed, but I was wondering what g-force he was pulling in those snap-to-verticals. I was waiting for the wings to come off.
  • @Heiple2007
    Sorry for your loss. Kudos on your flying sir, you rocked it.
  • Flying RC planes is an exercise in humility and impermanence. I’ve felt awful losing a $600 plane. $35000, I can’t imagine.
  • @wellsd1959
    I spent 3 years building a Ray Hayes Oly III 3 meter sailplane, it was flawless. On my second outing, I flew it into a steel power pole and it looked like someone threw 10 deck of cards in the air. I was sick for months. I feel for this dude.
  • @shelleyking8450
    Jets tend to do that boomy thing when crashed into a field. Pretty spectacular flying though, right up till the boom.
  • @DH-tj6tf
    These RC videos are absolutely Amazing! From Planes to Boats to 4x4's!
  • @sullivanrachael
    Now that jet had real ‘presence’. It sounded great, flew with amazing grace and energy. So sad to see it crash. Even in death the machine made the most spectacular smash and burn I’ve ever seen.
  • @stevis8264
    I've been flying rc since 1984. Those pretty turbines that cost as much as a car can crash just as easily as the $100 ones made out of foam board do and when they crash the destruction is often total like this one. The rule is that if you can't afford to crash it you can't afford to fly it.
  • @slash11lipo
    That is one hell of great pilot and being someone that loves everything RC this makes me really feel for the guy.
  • An awesome jet for sure. Amazingly fast and so sorry for the loss of it as well. Thanks for posting this.