Are There Two Flood Stories in Genesis?

Published 2022-09-09

All Comments (21)
  • Your videos turned me from athiest to Christian a while back, and I have to thank you for that.
  • Lets goooo! Amped for this one. The more JEPD videos the better. Heiser covers some of this, but his content isn't necessarily the most accessible for the students who ask me about it
  • Great video IP you made me from someone who just believes in Christ from faith alone to someone confident in his beliefs
  • @forsaken841
    I bought an Oxford study Bible and they present the documentary hypothesis almost as fact. And their reasoning seemed so weak to me. Glad I’m not the only one that thinks scholars get carried away with flimsy hypotheses
  • I have a book that supposedly "reconstructs" the sources used to "stitch together" the Pentateuch, but I find that a lot of it is based on pure assumption. It's based entirely on circular reasoning, with anything that contradicts the hypothesis explained away with "they were trying to harmonize it" rather than the simple "it was always only one account" explanation. One example is the hypothesis that Cain was the line of descendants followed in one source (where Seth did not exist) and Seth was the line followed by another source (where Cain did not exist). But because it has Eve saying a line about Seth being a son born to her because of Abel's death, the hypothesis says "This line must have been added later in order to harmonize the accounts." It really makes no sense IMO, because you would think that whoever combined the sources together would have harmonized the accounts even more than just in little places like that, given the amount of "contradictions" the hypothesis points out elsewhere. People aren't stupid. A person isn't going to turn a blind eye to so many blatant statements that don't work together. That person is going to try to make a seemless narrative. The entire "sources stitched together" hypothesis would have us believe that the person who stitched them together was stoned out of his mind. At that point, it's simpler to accept the traditional explanation that the Pentateuch as it stands is the way it was always written, and that any "contradictions" are just from people misunderstanding certain passages or making too much of little details (such as Noah sending out a raven and a dove. The hypothesis I've read assumes that this means that separate sources had different birds in them, when in reality there's no reason not to assume that he sent out two birds at different times. Like I said, the hypothesis is making too much of little things that are insignificant).
  • There is definitely a bias against the bible, scholars who are supposedly approaching all ancient texts with an unbiased criticism seem incapable of doing so when it comes to the bible. Interesting
  • @johngeverett
    I read a book many years ago titled "Before Abraham Was", which addressed this very issue. It focused on the chiasm with "God remembered Noah" at the center. This presentation brings many additional considerations to bear. Very good, and well presented!
  • @brandonp2530
    Waited for your videos. Great to see this come through!!
  • @andrewklassen478
    I remember discussing the J.E.D.P. hypothesis a long time ago in a small group at my church. I have always felt there were issues but had trouble articulating why. My thought patterns are usually quite scattered and unfocused. Thank you for the concise nature of your presentation
  • Repetition in pattern is an ancient Hebrew literary/learning structure known as chiasmus. This is most prevalent and seen best in Isaiah, also uniquely found in the Book of Mormon. Not sure if the flood story utilized that with all the same structure and known rules but something to consider.
  • @mikecass6502
    The flood account of Genesis, with it's three-peats, is the collaboration of Noah's sons Shem, Ham and Japheth after the flood to give a unified history to their descendants. Read several of the 'Tablet Theory" search results to better understand the collaboration idea.
  • 2:55 Of course, it contains repetition: When you're in a time where most people did not have paper nor pencil repetition helps People memorize the story since most of this would be read out loud.
  • I happen to be reading The Lost World of the Flood, on page 58 and I find this video. Great research.
  • @SteliosMusic
    Fantastic work, so much valuable insight and information packed in these videos! Thank you for your service.
  • @jabeavers
    I'd be very interested in seeing you study the multiple "Isaiahs" theory.
  • @_volder
    This effectively counters the idea that the sources were combined and immediately frozen with no further changes. But that's not the idea that people actually think. It doesn't counter what people actually think, which is that the sources were combined and then influenced each other while being treated as one thing and became subject to later thematic alterations... just like any & all other old myths & legends. Constant changing, adoption from one source into something else, and thematic/symbolic reinterpretation are how all mythology everywhere has always worked.
  • @BC-zv5sk
    Brothers and sisters, I need some supernatural help. I'm currently going through a situation where my mom is a proclaimed believer, but she has a secular mindset about a lot of things beside spiritual warfare and the book of Revelation. She has a lot of fear, causing toxic traits of being controlling. She gets aggressive quickly, verbally, emotionally, and mentally when someone disagrees with her, and says that and is to say the "head. of the household". She doesn't want my brother and I, (we're 22 and 23, finishing college this semester)to move out, get married, have children, and she doesn't want us(my dad also)to find a way to fellowship with other believers. I've brought it up to her and have been called disobedient. I'm not rebelling against my mom at all. In fact, I tend to be more on the subservient side, and I take care of her and my dad, with my brother. But when God tells me to do something that He wants(evangelism, getting married one day, fellowshipping with a body of believers), if she doesn't agree with it, then I'm listening to the flesh, and it's not of God. It's hard on my older brother, even my girlfriend, who God has confirmed for me through many times of fasting and prayer, because of this reason. It's a whole lot more to this, but this is the general. Please help me pray for my mom to let fear go, and to let us honor her by being the men Jesus wants us to be in this life🙏🏾🙏🏾💕💕✨✨. I love her, dearly.