Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About T'Pol

Published 2022-09-11

All Comments (21)
  • @billhill897
    She nailed the role. Blalok was the best actor doing a vulcan since nimoy.
  • @draege626
    One of my absolute fave characters on STE. Would love to see Jolene reprise T'Pol in SNW. There is so much more to T'Pol's arc left to be explored.
  • Badly written or not, Jolene did marvelous work... thanks to her, this character is one of the best and, albeit, possibly the most underrated in the franchise.
  • Never considered T'pol as a weak character. She defied the high command to stand up for veritable strangers at the time. She was forced into an act that led to her getting a "disease" (syndrome) but it was eventually cured. And, while eventually everyone on the vulcan ship succumbed to the trillium "poisoning", she did not. She fought an addiction, showing the fight many addicts face. The hard days and worse nights. The "I'll do anything for it" mentality. And yet she won. With the great support system and help from Phlox, she beat it. How is that weak? It shows that love and support is the cure. And understanding. When it's discovered that her "disease" is the result of improperly mind melds, it's then easily treated. Her episodes showed we need to help. We need to seek understanding, not judgment, of people dealing with addiction and disease. She did that. Jolene did that... through T'Pol.
  • @kevrod8979
    I loved how well Jolene subtly expressed T’pol’s buried emotions.
  • One of my favourite characters across ALL Star Trek, I agree with Jolene that they took T'Pol in a different direction, but Jolene for me acted like a true Vulcan. She was vastly underrated
  • @OrdinaryDude
    While Jolene Blalock played a Vulcan with suppressed emotions, she was able to project more emotion than the human characters. She was my favorite character because of this, and for once it had nothing to do with the cat suits and her admittedly impressive physique.
  • @mrock828
    T'pol and Trip were the only reason I watched "Enterprise". I just loved T'pol! You could always see her irritation just behind her deadpan deliveries.
  • Recently rewatching Enterprise I was really impressed with how much character Jolene Blalock brings to T’Pol. Even just her irritated glances at Archer early on, there’s so much Vulcan emotion in it. Really felt like she was working hard within the Vulcan confines to show character.
  • I just finished watching every episode of Enterprise and love the show and especially the character of T'Pol. Really hope to see her and Archer again in one of the new Trek series.
  • @CelticCubby
    T'Pol was one of my favorite characters in Star Trek, despite some of the questionable decisions by writers and costuming. I would love to see her show up in Strange New Worlds or some references to her in other areas.
  • @fadingbeleifs
    Star Trek Enterprise was very underrated and it was sad to see it end.. it felt like it was just getting started..
  • @jhmcd2
    I like T'Pol, and I actually liked the direction they took her character it. I think it Vulcans were one of the most explored aliens in Trek, and without seeing her character struggle with emotions the way she did, we wouldn't have been able to truly see why events in Vulcans time of awakening was so important. Me personally, I never thought of the fact they were loading her into skin tight outfits for sex appeal. But clearly it didn't work.
  • I NEVER thought her character was weak. ABSOLUTELY NOT! All that happened to her, and she still came out an outstanding member of Star Fleet! No, she was probably the STRONGEST character on the show.
  • I was about 16 when ENT first aired, and I remember most fans feeling like the characters felt pretty flat for a bit in season one. But Trip, Archer and T’Pol quickly became fan favourites for most of the fan base. Jolene did a great job considering all the tom-foolery going on behind the scenes at Paramount back then.
  • @ByloBand
    Every time I work my way through Enterprise I find myself having more respect for T'Pol. That speaks to the depth of both the writing and acting. Great character.
  • T'Pol and 7 got their clothes from Colonel Wilma Dering (Erin Grey) Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century.🖖🖖
  • @SeismicFrog
    Good on you for giving T’Pau a little “Heart and Soul” - this Trekkie got it.
  • @johanprx7985
    Brilliant. When she said "She was meant to be T'pau" at 06:58, they actually showed a piece of the rock group T'pau with Jolene Blalock's face over it. That put a smile on my face.