Low Tackles

Published 2019-03-19

All Comments (21)
  • @TwoUp22
    “Can’t run without their legs” - every rugby coach ever when you were a kid
  • @bobbylockes
    This is the best rugby vid I've seen on youtube , concise explanations. Tackling in rugby is everything - It's like a martial art.
  • @James-hm3jk
    watching the good tackles : “I wanna go play some rugby rn!!!” watching the fails : “Yeah I’m never stepping on a pitch again”
  • I recently learned a valuable tackling lesson the hard way. I had to make a head on open field tackle on a bigger player. I was tired and failed to close the space before he picked up speed. I knew I had to go low but I came in with my feet to far forward tried to bend at the waist instead of at the knees resulting in a torn hamstring during the tackle. I wanted to share my lesson. when going low adjust your target height at the knees and never bend over excessively at the waist. make sure your feet are well behind your ass so you are not putting tension on your hamstrings. quads should be driving.
  • @KeanuWeaves
    Telling you now boys, this is an art form 👌
  • @mysticpanda6314
    Thanks for the tips mate! When rugby starts up I will remember to do the correct actions! (you may not know it but your basically teaching kids how to tackle properly) 👍
  • @isitwasit8756
    Technique is absolutely everything when it comes to tackle completion...
  • @stuartkcalvin
    Great piece, the art of the hip bump has almost been forgotten. Nice to see the fend, as well.
  • @wgcurtis78
    Great analysis on Proper Rugby Tackles and how it improves a team's defence.
  • @samumalu932
    Sanchez the Argentinian fly half comes up clutch again
  • @kamilszecz3733
    Is it just me, or the Argies are actually pretty good low tacklers?
  • @Fudgeis1337
    Dan Lydiate was/is the absolute GOAT for tackle technique. Always exploding out of the line to chop someone around the knees
  • @nb8982
    y’all rugby players really know how to tackle . i play american football and i’m juss watching this to learn
  • This was literally my philosophy throughout my whole high school rugby career 🙏🏿
  • 2:54 - When tackling low from the side .... this was how we were taught to tackle when we first started playing rugby at 9 years old -- grab round the waist and slide down the legs so that the tackled player loses his balance. Keeping you head Behind the ball carrier is Very important when he goes to ground.
  • el de nico sanchez es epico,se iva solo practicamente era try,me acuerdo como si fuese hoy de esa.
  • @mannybuscus
    Great video for a new guy like me that's been trying to get better/safer tackles!
  • @jackdeth37
    Being a big guy (6'3", 280) I have always had difficulty making the low tackles. I usually go high, wrap them up and wrestle them down. If they did get by I always try and grab jersey and if not get them down slow them up enough for help to arrive. This is a fabulous video though and if we ever get back on the pitch I'm going to show the team so we can practice these types of tackles. Making a tackle is great but doing it safely as shown here leads to a longer career!
  • @khantnyar7116
    144 lbs! Still learing to beat massive carrier with proper techniques of tackling. Thanks Admin..