" Glory to Hong Kong " - Anthem of Hong Kong Protestors (English)

Published 2019-12-09
United with Hong Kong, Liberate Hong Kong now.

"Glory to Hong Kong" is a Cantonese march composed and written by a musician under the pseudonym "Thomas dgx yhl", with the contribution of a group of Hongkonger netizens from online forum LIHKG during the 2019 Hong Kong protests. It has been widely adopted as the anthem of these protests, with some even regarding it as the "national anthem of Hong Kong".

Since widespread protests in Hong Kong erupted in early June 2019, various songs that symbolise democracy, such as "Do You Hear The People Sing" from Les Misérables, have been sung by protesters on different occasions as their anthems. "Glory to Hong Kong", according to the composer, was created "to boost protesters' morale and unite people". Since the song's publication, it has been sung at most demonstrations. There are also numerous versions in English and other languages circulating the web.

We pledge: No more tears on our land
In wrath, doubts dispell'd we make our stand
Arise! Ye who would not be slaves again
For Hong Kong, may Freedom reign

Though deep is the dread that lies ahead
Yet still with our faith on we tread
Let blood rage afield! Our voice grows evermore
For Hong Kong, may Glory reign

Stars may fade as darkness fills the air
Through the mist a solitary trumpet flares
Now, to arms! For Freedom we fight with all might we strike
With valour, wisdom both, we stride

Break now the dawn, liberate our Hong Kong
In common breath: Revolution of our times
May people reign, proud and free, now and evermore
Glory be to thee Hong Kong

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