4/4 - Bill Murray illustration by Joe Bluhm

Published 2008-01-30
Illustrator/Character designer Joe Bluhm talks about his process and philosophy as he paints a caricature of Bill Murray (as Steve Zissou from the Wes Anderson film "The Life Aquatic...") as part of an illustration for a Canadian Pop Culture Magazine called the Naked Eye (available in USA, as well). Using Adobe Photoshop, Joe renders the face in very little time to demonstrate his approach to an entirely digital painting, with a cartoony and loose feel to the art.

You can find more of Joe's illustration, character design, blog, caricatures, podcast videos, and his book at:


All Comments (8)
  • @chriszilla82
    great illustration! And it was interesting to be able to see your process.
  • @joebluhm
    OhMymy- this is up to you. I recommend anything by WACOM. I use both the Intuos 3 tablet and Cintiq tablet monitor. I recommend the line of Cintiqs, if you have the money to drop on it, but don't be afraid to buy the starter "Bamboo" series if you are very cautious or worried about investing.
  • @joebluhm
    liron95, I am complimenting those that care about it. I definitely did NOT say it should only be a hobby. I was rambling and stated that I don't know who would do art without the intention of always improving, because if it's solely a 'job' for you, you can make money any number of ways; that can't be the only motivation. My income is my art, as well. I am like you, and was not insulting you. My apologies for the misunderstanding. The statement was to reinforce the love of our profession.
  • @liron95
    they are both (hobby & job) but he says that it should be only a hobby cuz you cant make a living being a graphic designer, and as i said in the first comment, art CAN be a main income. since when art isnt a job?, being an art director, g. designer, illustrator etc. we can make a living that way, its only up to you.
  • @liron95
    maybe i still want to believe that being a graphic designer is a job and not a hobby..
  • @liron95
    that was extraordinary. BUT ! the way you refer art as a mian income was insulting. thanx for the vid anyway.