Going Bald Made Me Beautiful

Published 2022-05-16
I remember the day I broke like it was yesterday.

I'd just got home to take my mom to the Cancer treatment center. I hadn't seen her in some weeks & didn't expect her to be in such bad shape.

Her stomach was so swollen that it literally looked like she had swallowed an inflated inner tube. She could barely breathe & she could barely move.

And I couldn't handle seeing the strongest woman I ever knew in that kind of condition so I started to breakdown -

but I didn't want my mom to see me cry so I went into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of my pitiful face in the mirror & saw that the hair at the front-middle of my head was clearly thinning. To the point where I couldn't deny it anymore & it crushed me.

For so long, my identity & my confidence was rooted in feeling attractive. That was my power. So losing that & my mom at the same time triggered a confusion & depression that took me years to work through & overcome.
I definitely feel less attractive as a bald man but going bald was a blessing in disguise because in losing a false identity, I gained a true identity.

Which is why I'm ultimately grateful that I started losing my hair -

because even though going bald made me less pretty, it also made me more beautiful ❤️👴🏾🌞

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