Sue me, I enjoyed Starfield - Underrated Game Review

Published 2024-03-12
Rad(s) enough for me.

All Comments (21)
  • @skyriminspace
    You are not alone in having noticed the high quality of the plastic flaps.
  • @ohmnesia
    I loved Starfield a lot. First game in maybe 10 years that I spent over 300 hours in. Kinda stopped having the motivation to share my enjoyment for it because of all the toxicity online, but I'm glad to see more people also enjoying the game.
  • @ir8dudefpv
    I love Starfield, but I also don’t listen to YouTubers. I love Starfield. Cracks me up seeing all the content on YouTube from people saying “500 hours played and this game is terrible”. Nobody plays a game for 5 hours if it’s terrible let alone 100+.
  • I had a lot of fun just ship building and decorating my outposts, not even doing quests, also just being immersed in the sheer loneliness and quietness of space is an experience I’ve never had in any other game
  • @fallout0624
    I never truly understood the hate for Starfield, the game is a little barebones but its also a modders dream how many completely free planets are there to build on or to rework you could make literally anything and since the game still has DLC coming out its likely going to have major improvements in the future
  • @mknewlan67
    The only bug I really hate, because it got me every time I started over, is the ships land but won’t open up. You board a ship in space and no one is on it. Ships not opening on landing screws so many different quests. Other than that love the game.
  • @Ikcatcher
    Starfield is fun when you don’t have a pretentious YouTuber in your ear with their five hour “essay” videos about why this game is the worst thing ever created
  • Finally. i was starting to think im crazy. i am absolutely loving it as well
  • Bought it on spring sale & went in with low expectations. I'm blown away with how much there is to do. One thing i'll say is that performance during gunfights needs work especially when using scoped weapons. Crashing has been my only real issue. Keeps happening to me on planet Akila.
  • Is Starfield the bestest game that's ever been made? No. Are there bugs and other annoying things about it? Yes. Am I having a ton of fun playing it regardless? Absolutely.
  • @samwiseb2799
    The biggest irony is the lack of nuance imo. Like yeah I agree Starfield isn’t a 10/10 game but it doesn’t need to be. Like there are plenty of things it does well and there are legit criticisms of the game but to me the problem is it’s all over the place. Like I get that people have different opinions but when it boils down to “everything sucks in this game” it’s hard to take criticism seriously. Like I legit dislike (even borderline hate) BOTW and TOK (to a way lesser degree) but there are legit things I enjoy about it (like the ability to freeze time and shoot arrows, the bike being fun to use, etc). It’s like the gaming community has gone to absolute shit because it’s either 10/10 or -10/10 with no fair nuances or thoughts. Like I hated cyberpunk and consider way way worse than Starfield but it’s melee combat and combat in general was fun. It’s a problem because it doesn’t lead to healthy game discussions because everyone has to jump on a team. “Oh but you just dislike that everyone hates the game and they have legit criticisms” maybe but couldn’t you say the same about any other game that’s gets universal appeal? Hell couldn’t you say the same thing to the people that loved BOTW that got mad about criticisms? Like the gaming community has this massive problem of applying logic that’s never consistent and it’s annoying af. “This game has gotten 10/10 therefore it’s a masterpiece and all criticism is wrong” “this other game got a 10/10 and all the reviews are just paid by the company” Like do you not see the irony?
  • @yarp1246
    I will say that I did enjoy wandering aimlessly and/or scanning/surveying planets and moons. It works wonders for my depression and anxiety. Most of the hours I put into the game were doing just that.
  • @neponplayz2253
    Just bought the game. 8.5hrs and I’ve enjoyed it so far. After delivering the first artifact I told Sara I got other things to do and fast forward I stumbled upon a side quest that ended with me getting some cool mantis armor and a spaceship.
  • @crabcore420
    Got it 5 days ago. I'm 50 hours in and haven't even touched the main quest. Just been going around doing quests and being a space pirate lol.
  • @makdrumz
    I have played starfield for 2 hours now and find it just a step below skyrim (cause i am a fantasy lover). The amount of detail there is in the environment is truly astonishing. Yeah you can’t freely travel space or land on planets BUT the whole classic bethesda recipe that made oblivion and skyrim, is there!!! I can’t wait to jump right back in and continue the story and sidequests!
  • @Colorado-Coyote
    As someone who is in their twenties, I wish I could make a character that looks like they're in their twenties. Everybody looks thirty to forty in this game.
  • @joelsenters2204
    I've learned to not care what people say about the game, the game is amazing to me, flaws and all 🎩
  • @tyreekjones5668
    Hey major lee I came across your channel probably about 2years ago I think it was an star wars battlefront review it was funny, your someone I could listen to because you seem normal, a lot of people on YouTube are weirdo's, I'm glad I found your channel again so I can hear some normalcy.
  • @Z3r0_St0rm
    Nice. That final statement at the end about how it has the potential to become better and potentially even seen as great is so true, especially after the update the other day and content reveal/leak of what they're bringing to the table. Also immediately after 76 seems to have had its redemption story. For the record, i haven't played much of Starfield. I'm level 15 or so, and can only stream it since my PC can't run it native and I'm on PlayStation instead, but that space game urge is creeping up on me, and my 300-400 hours in No Man's Sky is telling me that Shaun Murray's universe, as much as i love it, ain't gonna cut it this time.