the chaos pearls and the shit they caused in chronological order

Published 2022-05-02
they also infected the water and brainwashed the entire town but I can't add that part 😭

please sign the petition to help randy return!
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to answer all questions:

1. Randy cunningham 9th grade ninja

2. yes the show looks like invader zim because its creator designed this series(it wasn't created by him however)

3. if Randy's voice sounds familiar its ben schwartz, the va for rotmnt leo, Dewey duck, and sonic in the new movies.

4.i don't know why randy cunningham 9th grade ninja is getting recommended by i really friggin appreciate it, this shows underrated

I also have a continuation comic, and am a co leader for

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All Comments (21)
  • @hoobar5331
    I find it funny that the sorcerer isn’t some mastermind with a complicated or tragic backstory, he’s some guy who was like “hehe glowy ball go brrrrr”
  • @nyotamwuaji6484
    In randy's defense, the nomicon didn't mention that removing the ball breaks the seal.
  • @danifromtwitter
    The fact that ben schwartz ended up voicing sonic in the movies, makes it really funny to hear him talk about chaos emera- … pearls
  • @slythepuff5
    I wonder if the pearls were the strongest of the Sorcerer’s balls, or if he just needed all of them to be at full power. I find it intriguing that he was weakened so easily without them
  • @skinnydude9118
    Chaos Pearl sounds way better than Power Ball. Also, how has Randy not bought a safe to hold the Chaos Pearl instead of it lying in his unlocked closet?
  • This show has so much lore…I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT THERE IS THE GREATEST EVIL!! Well, at least we can spice up more of it by ourselves to fulfill Jed and Scott’s mutual wishes!
  • @Cooper-Radio
    If I had a nickel for every time Ben Schwartz went up against a madman with chaos powers and that madman decided to build a giant robot I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it happens twice
  • @kailevil3444
    The balls were always interesting, and also funny because even the writers made jokes with those, saying their canon name wouldn't make good jokes. It's interesting too that their vessels/themselfs can be emptied.
  • @OmarM626
    "Where's that damn fourth Chaos Ball?" - Shadow the Ninja.
  • @ShablonkaSatire
    Ok so like. Evil Julian is not that different from Julian Julian. But the sorcerer "evil version", the one we see for the majority of the show, looks so different to his human self. What's the deal there?
  • @Crabeman16
    Booray eating that pear was so weirdly well animated and it’s amazing
  • @kyonguyen4556
    This is surely enough to have a season 3? The premise of exploring the Power Balls/Chaos Pearls is surely worth something?
  • @necroexoricist
    I have head cannon that Randy is changed the story that's why Balls of Power/Chaos Pearls dropped in different corners of Norrisville. Because after Randy's interruption First ninja is beat Sorcerer but his ball got dropped in different corners of Norrisville.
  • @randomd8266
    Has someone thought about the fact that the page that talked about the balls didn´t existed on the Nomicon before randy travelled to the past?
  • @nikoneo1174
    tbh I'm not okay with how lack of attention Ghoulian is getting, he's like the best character in the series!
  • Why did it take me this long to consciously realize it... but doesn't this mean that The Ultimate Evil that was teased. at the end of Season 2 may have to do with the origin of the chaos pearls? (like we'll probably have to figure out more about the sorceress and her deal first 'cause that's still unresolved IIRC) but the origin of the pearls could play a role in setting up the new all-powerful big bads? Akso, not to get too lantern-corpy, but what if there are similar emotions affiliated with the color of the pearls? I.e. The Sorcerer (and Evil Julian) manipulated people through exerting willpower over them, the sorceress' manipulated people through love?) :)