Glory vs Tsunami | #wings_of_fire | #1v1 | #battles | #shorts

Published 2022-10-14

All Comments (21)
  • @_slna
    Glory: We’re not calling it magical death spit! The whole comment section and fandom: Oh, yes, yes we are.
  • what would happen ( my opinion) tsunami jumps at glory and bites her tail, causing glory to scream. then glory opens her mouth, about to spit venom, tsunami leaps off her and hit her tail in glorys face, but she missed. glory jumps on tsunami, her scales turning red. suddenly, the other dragonets hit glory before she could spit venom. sunny tackled glory, but tsunami got up and hit her out of the way. but.. glory opens her mouth and her venom hit tsunamis tail,chest, and under her eye. tsunami screams in fury and pain jumping off glory, clay ran to glory , hitting her in the face, knocking her out. sunny and clay dragged tsunami to the water, trying to wash the venom out. then glory woke up, realizing what she done. and ran to the rainforest. then she got jambu and came back jambu got his venom and carefully put it on tsunamis venom wounds. " im sorry tsunami... i was defending myself" glory said, her scales turning white,green, and blue " its...alright.." tsunami choked. (later) glory woke up, hearing sunny crying, " what?" glory said walking to sunny, " i think its..too late.." sunny said to glory, wiping her tears off her snout. " but.. jambu." glory said clay walked to tsunami, checking her pulse, " sunny..." clay sobbed.. " shes still alive" without further notice, glory ran to tsunami,grabbing her by the talons and said " help me! To a doctor!" the nightwing, mudwing, and the sandwing grabbed one of tsunamis talons.flying, (once they arrive) the doctor got bandages and wrapped tsunami up, and helped her to the dragonets. " shes blind in one of her eyes but she will live" the doctor said ( one month later) tsunami is alive and well, she forgived the dragonets are living a peaceful life. thank you! I worked for an hour for this ( btw glory won!)
  • @_Mitiri_
    I think they would both get REALLY hurt in a fight. Tsunami's really strong, and Glory has the "MaGiCaL dEatH sPiT!" I LOVE THEM BOTH, i think they have the same strenght.
  • @O_O0909
    I would personally say glory because of camouflage and ✨magic death spit✨
  • Glory would win. She is fast and Tsunami is not careful. She prefers to rush in so if she leaves her eye of something open Glory could get her with her venom
  • @JJfourkisser
    definitely a draw, tsunami’s mum is queen of the sea wings and has lots of control. glory has a whole rainforest kingdom to herself and her venomous spit.
  • Tsunami. Cuz, she knows about Glory’s Venom and invisibility but Tsunami has such high battle intelligence and strength that Glory would most likely be striked first. Also, Glory may have more feat’s but that’s ONLY because her only way of defense is spitting venom because most recent battles she included in is just her spitting venom and she even got pinned down by a Nightwing. I’ll go with Tsunami 🌊
  • What might happen (in my opinion) Glory jumped at tsunami and bit her neck then camouflaged into the sand. As tsunami got up venom came flying at her belly leg and mouth. But some came flying at glory! It hit her in the eye and back. When glory woke up, she was in the medical hut from the rain wings. Tsunami was lying next to her. Then she heard clay. “Glory? Are you awake?” He said. “What happened?” She asked him slowly getting up. “You and tsunami where fighting then you both got shot with venom.” He said to her. “I-is tsunami okay…?” She said slowly. Silence. “Clay! Is she going to be ok?” She asked him again. “I erm…have to go….” He said. Glory new what he was trying to say. “But….she can’t be dead! We need her!” She yelled softly. “I’m sorry but she is.” He said quietly. “It was to late.” And that’s where Imma leave off! Hope you like it!
  • Battle if this actually happened: Tsunami took a step towards Glory, snarling. Glory backed up and hissed, baring her deadly venomous fangs. Tsunami suddenly jumped and pinned Glory down, clawing her underbelly and biting her wing. Glory retaliated by shooting venom at Tsunami's shoulder. She let go, roaring in pain. Glory immediately shoved her off, hissing. Tsunami dashed at Glory, claws outstretched. Glory dodged out of the way, shooting venom towards Tsunami's eyes. Tsunami leaped out of the way and smacked Glory in the face with her powerful tail. Tsunami slashed her face and Glory kicked her underbelly. The other dragonets watched, shocked. Tsunami and Glory both backed away from each other. That's all I had for this fight! (Btw Tsunami won it)
  • @SpringLocket
    Glory magic death spit and camouflage scales plus her long tail could be used to choke Tsunami.
  • I think, Glory would win, unless Clqy split them up. Even if Tsunami won in the short term, rainwing vemon keeps burning for quite a while, so a small hit would hurt and melt for hours. Plus, I mean, if Glory was Attacked by Tsunami, we all know that our Dear Murderbasket would do something. (Also, great edit!)
  • @Autumn-321
    I think glory will win as tsunami will probs rush in to battle with a rage but glory could just use her “magical death spit” tsunami would most likely strike first using most of her energy up giving her a disadvantage,but it also depends where they are fighting I guess. (Just an opinion, maybe it shouldn’t count as Glory is my fav wof character)