Try not to laugh or smile | Funny raccoon compilation 2017

Published 2017-04-10

All Comments (21)
  • I have about 20 raccoons I feed every night. Some even let me pet them. Love those guys so much. Make me laugh every night. Each one of them has their own personality.
  • @BreckStewart1
    I could watch raccoons all day long, they're beyond adorable!
  • @davargo-
    1:02 if a raccoon does that to me while im eating, im giving it my food, wallet, keys to my car and house.
  • @Steve.Cutler
    Such cuteness. For anyone watching that have never been around a raccoon in person, NEVER try to pet or touch a wild raccoon no matter how friendly they act.
  • @jen5127
    People see them as a threat, I see them as dog-cat-ferret hybrids
  • @caddyjoint96
    Yes, raccoons are very cute in their looks and in theirs ways. They seem to be even more intelligent than either cats or dogs and, because of that, I'm sure it's more challenging to keep one because they're so mischievous -- I wouldn't be surprised if they could learn to open a child-proof pill bottle before your child can, with those very dexterous little hands they have.
  • @AndyinMokum
    Here in The Netherlands we call raccoons, wasberen. "Was", in Dutch, is the first person indicative of the verb, "wassen", (to wash). Beren is the plural of the noun, "beer", bears. ("beer" is pronounced the same as in English - bear. Not like the lovely malty beverage πŸ˜‚) So raccoons are, "washing bears" because they look like little bears, that are always washing their food with their hands. It's really a charming translation πŸ˜€.
  • They are all adorable, but the one rolling was hysterical. I just love these little guys.
  • @vickiemckie5681
    My parents started feeding cookies to two out their back door. In three years there were about 30. My dad would walk out to the garden and they would chase him down, trying to get a cookie. Needless to say, they had to stop feeding the raccoons
  • Um I know raccoons are EXTREMELY intelligent but that doesn't mean they will automatically understand western birthday celebration customs like blowing out lit candles on a cake. Smh.
  • @sirmowdy
    As someone who adores Raccoons and grew up with them as a baby,This video is a love letter to me.β™₯️
  • I never knew raccoons were so keen to make humans laugh. That's so cute. I loved the video
  • I couldn't help it. The broom and rubbing his hands for the big pay off got me 😁
  • @candylanes6462
    Really??? Give a raccoon lit candles? And you didn’t think it would end badly for the raccoon???
  • @MrMinimanmatt
    The candles thing was dumb and cruel because it was obviously gonna happen.
  • @Givulinovich
    Come on, who doesn’t love raccoons? Those teeny tiny hands…