Before Skyrim Ch.2 | Elder Scrolls | Daggerfall

Published 2015-06-26
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The second entry in a series of Elder Scrolls game showcases, I will be doing them in order of release and the non-numbered releases will be included as full entries as well.

Each episode will have the same basic structure including: Game Information, Story, Game Information, The Ending, and Commentary.

This is the LARGEST and consequently my favorite game in the series. I've also been doing a Live-Stream on my Zhakaron (LIVE) channel if you are interested in actually watching the game being played.

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Q - When's the next one?
A - I post these INFREQUENTLY, so all I'm going to say is IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME, because I've got a lot of other videos to do first.

Q - Hey, I've seen that intro before...
A - Yeah, it's the Cinematic opening from Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, you probbably saw it on Shoddycast:    • The Elder Scrolls Lore Series: Season 1   I make fun of this fact in Episode 1 of this series, but this is the legit opening I use, although I will always reference Shoddycast here, as they are the inspiration for me going over these.

Q - Is Part 3 Morrowind?
A - No, Morrowind is not the third game made in the Elder Scrolls Series, watch the entire video.

Q - I missed your Live-Streams, where can I catch your Archived Versions?
A -    • Playlist  

Music Used:
[Rallying The Defense] [Battle of Kings] [Escape from the Temple] [End Game]
CC BY 4.0 -

[Main Theme]
Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall
Bethesda Softworks

Multiple Themes
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon
Bethesda Softworks

[Main Theme]
Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Bethesda Softworks

All Comments (21)
  • "You can literally give the middle finger to Septim's quest, and do whatever you want as you see fit." Love it.
  • @user-hs5vb6kc9o
    Ok, man. Here I am, 2020, extremely bored and massively disappointed that there isn´t a Chapter 3 Morrowind
  • @mrcokez1
    Holy fuck I didn't even know they were giving it away for free. Thank you Zaric, thank you so much -- can't wait to play this gem
  • @grumgi5486
    This guy could fill an encyclodpedia on his knowledge of Elder Scrolls
  • By the way, he is under stating the size of Daggerfall. Skyrim is 15 square miles while Daggerfall is 64,394 square miles. You can fit thousands of Skyrim in Daggerfall. I think it's somewhere around 4,000.
  • @Brycefied
    I died on the first enemy and then discovered that I had to remake my character all over again. They didn't fuck around back in the 90s.
  • @higgins240
    This has to be THE most complicated lore ever, and I love it. DRAGON BREAKS
  • @quanicle101
    the first time i heard lysandus say "vengeance" i thought he was saying "virgins".
  • @SallowDawn
    You should continue this series. You did an excellent job.
  • @VivianAckers
    This guide alone helped me get through the starting dungeon no problem (before I would get to the first skeleton and just get slaughtered) and has made me enjoy this game like crazy. Thank you so much for making this video, i'm really forever gratefull.
  • @QueenFondue
    I got really excited to watch a series on all of TES when I found this, but I'm sad to find out you only did the first two... :(
  • @shadybrain3424
    this made me go from, "i dont think im ever going to play daggerfall". to, "i think im going to give this a shot". good content, especially your character build explainations. also nice suit btw
  • With the current tech, Bethesda should at least try to make populated cities, not that puny villages like Whiterun or Solitude. I was amazed by Oblivion cities. I actually got lost in Skingrad and loved the Imperial City. And here we are, 200 years after Oblivion Crisis, we enter Solitude and... it's basically a single street and 3 courtyards. That's the "amazing" capital of Skyrim. And guess what? It's made in a place that basically prevents it from expanding. Nice move, Bethesda.
  • @urbanninja313
    Great video. So that small area in Daggerfall is that much bigger than all of Skyrim according to the size of the game maps eh....Wow that's crazy.....
  • @JDG602
    "The up and down button" is extremely useful in the log...I am glad you mentioned that I was lost on that one.