Planet of the Apes (1974 Series). Bohemian Ape City and other Simian Similes.

Published 2022-09-02
#planetoftheapes #retrotv #vaultofalmost
Stam Fine looks at the short lived 1974 TV adaptation of Planet of the Apes.
Two astronauts from the 1980's crash on a Planet ruled by Simians. Virdon (Ron Harper) and Burke (James Naughton) join forces with cheeky chimpanzee Galen (Roddy McDowall) to find (insert maguffin that will go nowhere here). Also stars Mark Lenard as Urko.
Like the astronauts, the series also crashed and burned as far as its network was concerned, but was the show any good?

All Comments (21)
  • @dfulce
    Met Roddy in March of 1976, he said that series was the most fun he had in his career. ..years later met Urko himself, Mark Leonard at a TREK con, he said the same thing about the joy on the series and the makeup being a challenge to an actor.
  • I see Urko but hear Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan lol. I watched this series when it originally aired and enjoy rewatching it every couple years.
  • @shallendor
    It was such a fun series! Roddy McDowall tends to steal any show he is in!
  • @geebards
    I was a huge fan in the mid-seventies. I still have a significant number of the TV show bubble-gum cards and my brother and I ran around the bush wearing plastic ape masks playing Planet of the Apes. Ah, the memories.
  • Those guys look like Starkey and Hutch LOL. I loved this series when it first came out.
  • As a 13 year old kid I was so excited for the series. I remember playing baseball with my friends & running home at 7:55 to catch the first episode. I enjoyed the series & was disappointed it only lasted a year.
  • @dfulce
    Roddy was very devoted to the series..The only reason he didn't appear in BENEATH was he had committed to directing his one and only feature film TAM LIN. The year he died he did wraparounds for all 5 Ape films on AMC ( American Movie Classics ) cable channel...He was visibly ill but still soldiered through !!
  • @daverage4729
    I remember coming home on a Saturday afternoon from getting tutored to watch this, U.F.O., Space 1999 and Dukes of Hazzard. Was always looking forwards to Planet Of The Apes on the bus heading home. Good times. :)
  • @eville62
    I watched this back in the 70's i was a kid..........I loved it! Still do.
  • That episode where Burke and Orco get stuck in an abandon subway station was always my favorite. It was one of the episodes they edited into a TV movie so I saw it a lot growing up in the 1980s.
  • @randalcook325
    I have always loved the Planet of the Apes movies tv series, comics and toys. This was something my father and I bonded over. I still have a nice collection of the Ape toys. I really miss watching all of those old movies with dad.
  • @xn0gaming
    I just love weird 1970s television. The mental acrobatics the scriptwriters had to perform to make this work (considering the weird timeline of the movies) must have been considerable. Always a joy to watch Roddy McDowall, even if he simply repeats the Cornelius part with another name.
  • This was my introduction to the that franchise and I still have the cup that came with my Planet Of The Apes school lunch box
  • Listening to a fool, indeed... Interesting perspective you have on this show... As an 11yr old when it aired in the UK, I thought this series was amazing. Exciting, serious sci-fi, full of action and pathos - I would watch this every Sunday with my Dad. I had the MEGO action figures (Burke was always my favourite), I collected the trading cards, the UK Marvel comic was delivered every week, and I was always allowed to stay up late if one of the films aired late at night. The TV series does get a deal of criticism, but for me it was, is and always will be, a great tv show. It should not have been cancelled - and I'm confused and disappointed that some comic book writer didn't continue the adventures of Virdon, Burke and Galen... But even that's too late now, as the modern comic writers and artists are mostly just pale imitations of those who have gone before... I enjoyed the modern series of films, but would have preferred more from the world created in the original movies and the TV show. :(
  • I didn't discover the series until it appeared on ME TV and fell in love. Roddy McDowell is excellent bringing a sense of joy to his character, Galen. Two-time Tony winner James Naughton in an early career role makes Pete Burke a multilayered character with a sarcastic, pragmatic facade but the first to jump to the defense of those being bullied and unable to keep his anger in check when dealing with apes like Urko. Ron Harper as Alan Virdon was the steadying influence that sought to find common ground within the ape culture. The producers truly took a wrong step when they went away from Virdon's obsessive need to find his way home. The relationships shared among these three is a strength of the series. Mark Lenard as Urko was a marvelous villain who saw the humans as a threat to simian society and responded accordingly. Zaius was probably the more dangerous of the two because he sought to understand these humans from the past but made no secret of his determination to destroy them once he no longer had use for them. The series deserved more time to develop, and it is a loss that those stories were never told.
  • @gozorak
    I was 8 in 1974 and this as well as Kolchak The Night Stalker were my two favorites shows. Only one of the two hold up and that would be The Night Stalker(The first made for TV movie and the four or five best individual episodes that is) In fact it would be awesome if Mr Fine and this Fine Youtube channel would choose the Night Stalker original made for tv movies as well as the series as a subject.
  • @ivane5110
    The 70s was a blast to be a kid in. Planet of the Apes, Godzilla movies, Star Trek TAS and so much more. POA was in the theaters, TV, toys (not to the Star Wars level of merchandizing but pretty amazing in those days), comics, records, etc. Lol, the B&W UK comic even ended up involving cyborg Martian apes. Wild to think realize that the astronauts came from 1980. I think the mobies had them be from a few years later. I really wish once shows like this and Logan's Run realized they were likeky to be cancled that they use that to take risks with really creative or impressive last ditch tries. Maybe having a crossover showing that the West World and Apes TV shows took place in Logan's past (and future) with Remy being the result of the robot tech of West World and Logan and crew discovering Apes now intelligent and starting small pockets of society. Another fun video. Thanks. Here's to hoping y'all covet the cartoon series some day.
  • Gotta say, those are some impressive costumes for '70s TV Sci-Fi.