Wolfram Physics Project: Why we Chose to do Science in the Open with Q&A on the Backstory

Published 2020-04-21
Stephen Wolfram & Jonathan Gorard continue answering questions about the new Wolfram Physics Project, this time specifically to answer questions about the backstory and why the project was chosen to be available publicly. Begins at 1:53

Originally livestreamed at: twitch.tv/stephen_wolfram

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All Comments (19)
  • @Chaosdude341
    Stephen, PLEASE upload that John Conway interview! He's one of my favorite mathematicians.
  • @kenking145
    i dont know math but as a musician, this is interesting. everything youre saying is how would i articulte chord structure, scales, modes formula and genres. also the perception of it and its ambiguity. fascinating
  • @Sylosis333
    An open sourced approach to establish new first principle frameworks sounds like something we might look back on in the future with a "why didn't we think of that sooner" sentiment. Hope to see you on more podcasts to get the word out.
  • Fascinating I can hardly believe what I am seeing and hearing I will start with the book
  • @Sylosis333
    You should call the theory computational complementarity or comp comp (Comp2) for short. Since GR and QFT are emergant phenomena in the theory as far as I understand it.
  • @JadenJahci
    “THE NOW”, “Inspiration”, & “Free Range Honesty” look very good on you Mr.Wolfram. Kind Regards, C H A N E ...L
  • @tarkajedi3331
    This is how science should be done!!! Open Science means we can watch the ideas take flight and their evolution in real time and maybe even contribute)))
  • @Anders01
    I propose the name Computics for the new kind of science. And the definition of computics is that it involves models that can be directly computed. Not indirectly calculated such as the three-body problem in physics where only approximations can be done for general solutions.
  • @xemy1010
    BTW, for anyone who's noticed that there's over an hour of video missing here for some reason, the full stream is on Twitch. EDIT — they fixed it :)
  • @princee9385
    4000 years Philosophy Questioning vs 300 years Mathematical Equations vs 30 Years Computational Universality = We are still looking forward to what could be the best approach to understand and figure out the Basic Connecting Unit of Everything.
  • @y86
    Here is my name suggestion for the field: Rulics
  • @alexwilson8034
    My name for the theory is: unicompution Also you’ve discovered like Terrance McKenna that language IS reality, which really impresses me. So maybe a name like “biblio-techno” or “compulinguistics”
  • @adamgolding
    1:10:00 but you've built the impossibility of backwards time-travel into the system?
  • Just wondering if anyone has found anything analogous to friction or drag. Sort of in a golf ball in air scenario.