How to Fix Thoracic Kyphosis | Rounded Upper Back Fix

Published 2014-08-20

All Comments (21)
  • @uzairraza7351
    1)avoid slumping at work 2)avoid crunches/situps/they tighten abdominal muscles 3)get your shit together (mental health) release work ... 1) peanut mobilization ... use stuff tapping two lacrosse balls together and press you thoracic spine on it, release your muscles. 2)forced thoracic extension ...strech your spine 3) T-hold (strengthening exercise)
  • I've had this now since 14 years old, with a slight scoliosis mixed in too boot. I'm now 62. The advanced kyphosis or wedging of the vertebrae cause some serious back pain in the shoulder/ neck region and lower back as you try to compensate. Because of the wedging of the vertebrae causing your upper body forward your head/neck vertebrae bend further back so your face and head are in an unnatural position lifted up. Also this condition can cause restricted pulmonary function of the lungs. So now you have lower middle upper back and neck pain. With me over the years all my upper back vertebrae have calcified so now they are all joined /fused together zero movement and no exercise can loosen your back. Surgery options don't exist for me anyways as access to the calcification area would need the removal of lungs to gain access plus as spinal cord runs in this area surgeons won't go there for fear of paralysis. I did want steel rods implanted years ago to help my condition but it had been left for to long. Advice is if your a parent, monitor your child's posture. Watch for tell tale signs of stooping or twisting of your child's spine. It was described to me as softening of the bones, posture goes bones harden up and you've now got it for life. Caught in the early years the child could wear back brace to hold correct posture till the bones harden off then remove the brace. Or steel rods can be implanted for a few years then removed. Physical pain aside, the mocking and ridicule of school mates and other people really does a number on a persons self awareness of the condition. You can become introverted you become self conscious and it totally destroys your life. No public bathing or swimming etc as one feels other's eyes watching you because your different. I have struggled all my life with this disease and its body shape altering and mind blowing condition. However despite this appearance I was able to find a very beautiful lady for a wife and have two gorgeous daughters who have given us 7 grandchildren who adore me. It's only as I have gotten older and wiser I now realize I may have squandered my younger life due to the embarrassment the condition caused me to endure. So advice to anyone reading this with a similar condition is too face it head on, do regular back exercises and muscle strengthening. It isn't always fixable but it can be minimized if caught early on. God bless to all
  • Dude, I want you to know - that the information you gave me here - blessed me, like my life will be altered forever, because it just hit home man. I seriously hope you are rewarded for this. I have been researching for a while, and never heard the 20min "lock in" thing with the posture, wow I will seriously practice that principal for the rest of my life.
  • @1cobaltcrazy
    Thank You so much for this! I taught aerobics for 30 years getting all my group fitness certifications and keeping up with all the new fitness craves, ignoring that kyphosis was inherited from my family and thought that exercise would be a cure all for it all. I've been successful but I know now and I truly believe that unresolved stress and ignoring it was a major issue...thanks to you in this video, you said it! Out loud & clear! I had buried lots of traumatic abuse growing up and thought my love for aerobics would cure it. Your video hit home and I'm on the road to working on it! Bet you didn't know that by doing this video, you would help a complete stranger immensely just by being true to your experience & philosophy and sharing your knowledge. Thank you very changed a life today!
  • Just did one set of the T hold, Y hold, and wall press. Just that and I can already feel how weak those muscles along my upper spine are. Really looking forward to strengthening those up! Thanks for this!
  • one of the best easy to follow instructions I've seen. great help thank you
  • @HBsurfista
    Excellent video. Love professional therapists like yourself that post these helpful videos to self-diagnose. I've seen 2 different PT's thru my insurance and neither were helpful in providing any proper diagnosis nor exercises that help with my back pain. I've been able to educate myself in hopes of improving my health rather than solely relying on horrible HMO physicians that only have 10 mins before the next patient arrives.
  • @jamesavery2597
    love your videos! especially you explaining the science behind each action you do. looking forward to future videos
  • @DrewanNicholson
    Really appreciate the effort you put into your videos. Pointing out common gotchas and the detailed overview and tips. So good.
  • This is awesome! My physiotherapist gave me these exact exercises to do and I paid way too much. I'll tune into your other exercises now.
  • @gregdoh
    I googled, "how to fix posture spine", found an infographic of 5 various bad postures, identified the one I had - thoracic kyphosis (it was obvious), searched for a video on how to correct it, found yours. Right off the bat you seem to know what your talking about and your website backs it up.  The video was great. The last strengthening exercise is very difficult for me but I'll work on it.  I spent half my time on a computer and half my time skateboarding growing up.  It's good to know it's something I can fix as I'm much more active now and opening a floatation therapy business in a couple of months and want clients to notice a fit person behind the desk.  Thanks!!
  • @TBONE273
    Thanks man. You seem really sincere in your videos, and I appreciate it a lot.
  • @d1ndark25
    I did a 20 min AMRAP with barbell ohp, kettlebell swing, dumbbell overhead press and airbike. Found out 3 days later I have kyphosis. These exercises have given me substantial relief from the pain I thought I had a slipped disc for a week. Thank you so much for posting this video!!!!!!!
  • Thank you for sharing. I found your information and examples most helpful. Which I am going to add to my program.