Jon Stewart pushes VA to cover troops sickened by uranium after 9/11

Published 2024-07-27
Comedian Jon Stewart and troops sickened by uranium ended a meeting at the Department of Veterans Affairs angry that once again they have been told they will have to wait to see whether the VA will connect their illnesses to the toxic base where they were deployed shortly after 9/11. Read more here:

#jonstewart #veterans #usa

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All Comments (11)
  • @zilufuzi
    Jon Stewart is a true American hero! 🦸
  • @kreiner1
    Why are we still fighting for this. It should not have to fall to Jon Stewart to get this done.
  • @km1dash6
    It really seems like whack-a-mole. We should just make it so all our veterans have all their healthcare needs covered without delay. Why is that so hard for Republicans to get behind?
  • @aftonair
    Thank you all for your service. (including you Jon). We need to take care of our vets for real. We've got to make it a priority. They deserve the best care.
  • Jon Stewart is amazing!!!! Fighting for our vets Excited to see him on Monday on the Daily Show
  • @Mdautkreix
    RUN FOR OFFICE ALREADY! Thanks again Jon.
  • @gamerguy2458
    I wish Jon would come out and say that Israel did it