How To Be The Creator Of Your Life

Published 2024-05-20
#374: From Victim to Creator of Your Life with Mind Architect Peter Crone

In this episode, I welcome back Peter Crone, a writer, speaker, and thought leader in the realm of human awakening and potential. Peter and I discuss victimhood, personal responsibility, and the power of self-evolution. Peter talks about the importance of letting go, forgiveness, and reframing perspectives in relationships. He challenges the victim mentality and champions authenticity through freeing ourselves from limiting beliefs, embracing vulnerability and the transformative journey to self-discovery. Tune into this inspiring episode to invite more self-awareness in your day-to-day and to take back the reins of your life.

Peter works with everyone from world-class athletes to stay-at-home parents to redesign the subconscious mind. We exist within limiting mental constructs that dictate our thoughts, feelings, actions, and the results we experience. Peter helps people and groups step outside of the world as they know it by identifying mental constructs that have been holding them back. Peter’s work explores the fundamental issues that affect us all to foster a deeper understanding of our common humanity.

—Peter’s Website:
—Peter's New Online Platform - Freedom:
—Peter's Mastermind:
—Peter’s Instagram:
—Peter’s Facebook:
—Peter’s Previous Episode:…

If you want to dive deeper into Mark’s content, search through every episode, find specific topics we’ve covered, and ask him questions, go to his Dexa page:

Themes: Authenticity, Relationships, Spirituality, Boundaries, Self-Worth, Self-Love, Health, Transformation, Conflict, Mental Health, Victimhood, Personal Responsibility, Self-Evolution, Letting Go, Forgiveness, Reframing Perspectives, Limiting Beliefs, Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:14 Deconstructing Thought Patterns
0:07:07 Stay or Go in Relationships
0:14:23 Fully Committed, Totally Unattached
0:15:34 Love Includes You
0:17:32 Creating Room for Evolution Inside of Relationships
0:21:21 How We Let Go
0:27:06 Liberated Love and Individual Paths
0:30:36 Understanding Forgiveness and Compassion
0:31:37 Reflections on Past Actions
0:37:05 Shifting Responsibility and Accountability
0:40:03 Unpacking Ego and Identity
0:43:58 Embracing Truth and Freedom
0:48:11 Understanding the Nature of Responsibility
0:51:00 Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs
0:52:27 Revealing Subconscious Prisons

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All Comments (21)
  • There’s no such thing as a future, there’s just thoughts about future ✨🧠
  • Nice to meet you Mark. Excellent interview and synergy between you two. Trust fund baby full of humour and openness ( freedom) that Peter Is, It’s truly more than wonderful , joyful and inspiring to the rest of us , and his modeling and mapping the way , it’s quite amazing. Thank you both. It’s a pleasure to be in your company.
  • @greenpaws1
    Love love love PC ❤️❤️❤️ just finished his current Mastermind and WOW what a fantastic journey that was and I am a completely different human…upgrade complete 😊
  • @HolyHannah444
    Great dialogue - the hour was over in a flash! Always get big shifts and ahas from Peter Crone. Thank you both.
  • @catsteinhilb2880
    Peter Crone always says something I need to hear. What a gift ! ❤ Thank you 🙏🏻
  • @Oli_Cirillo
    Love Peter Crone ! And you Mark! Such a great conversation. Wow there are just so many places where I am not free… but I continue to search and have compassion for the version of myself that’s naive and didn’t know better ….I’m so grateful for all the experiences , and I had a thought about the future the other day and just how incredible unpredictable it is. I thought WOW… if someone told me what my life was going to look like or how everything was going to unfold, never would I have believed them. And so I trust in a future that will be exactly what it will be because it can’t be anything else, and omg is it going to shock the absolute fuck out of me… but bring it on! 👊🏼
  • @kah3773
    Authenticity is beautiful! So many gold nuggets here, thx guys ❤
  • This was a great conversation and made me laugh as well. “I’m ok, I will be ok and something greater is coming” great mantra to live by. Mark your deepest pain has become your purpose work and message and a testament to the greatness for us on the other side!!
  • @DonnaBlissVLOGS
    I have been WAITING for this moment for this guest to be in your channel Mark!!! Thank you.🙏🏽
  • @CleanWithDarian
    Fire podcast right off the bat! Funny, deep and poetic all the way through. Thank you
  • Two Masterminds to be blessed to listen to thank you so much for your wisdom and insight today is gonna be an awesome day what a way to start it . 👏👏👏👏👏
  • @hawkarae
    Peter ❤❤ it's wonderful to see you again. Strange thing that...I only just now see what happened. Three years ago me and Peter: simpatico. Then the lights went dim again but this time it was. Just like that. 🫰 Of course I scrambled my way back. Stupid odds. Until your mind, brain and body align with the hearts intention: one love baby. Redemption. Must be come together time ❤ Never let the children cry. ❤
  • @rmasb4967
    What a harmonious coming together of beings. Great stuff. Loved this. Thank you brothers.
  • @hawkarae
    It is Einstein all over. Do you exist in a friendly or hostile "world? ❤