An Amazing Prophecy In The Bible! Daniel's 70 Weeks | Pastor Allen Nolan Explains

Published 2022-03-06
From Pastor Allen Nolan: In this clip from Pastor Allen's study on the Olivet Discourse, The End Times According to Jesus, Pastor goes over a timeline of the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 9, known as "Daniel's 70 Weeks."
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All Comments (21)
  • @tobysmith8406
    Awesome. We need to spread the Gospel of Christ more. Lord, let me not be ashamed.
  • @chrisgiving1141
    From Feast of Trumpets (2022) ADD 2550 Days and you land on Day of Atonement 2029
  • @trommelbiel
    wow, this is an amazing prophecy. I still have not fully grasped it but this explanation is probably the best I have seen on youtube. Thank you, pastor.
  • No need ro kind. Thankyou. There are those out there who have been abused or have gone through hardships usually where yellling is involved.
  • @worthy_is_the_lamb
    AND God said 70 weeks consecutively. Not 69 and insert a 2000 year time gap. That would be like telling my employer, I will see in 2000 years to finish out the month of work. Daniel 9:24-27 is 100% about our Messiah. It is heartbreaking that any Christian cannot see this fulfillment let alone give all the glory of our Messiah to a future antichrist figure.
  • @joshuamatondo8184
    How is the triumphal entry in 32 AD if Jesus was born in 6-4 BC and 33 during the triumphal entry?
  • @ArtIsMyWeapon
    Wait is this a new version of the one from 8 years ago??
  • @ThatBibleGuy1
    Jesus came and was anointed at the end of the 69th week, baptised and ANNOINTED by the Holy Spirit. it was then 3.5 years to when he was cut off and out an end to sacrifice by His own death on the cross! Jesus ministry on earth lasted 3.5 years. There is no verse that said that the 490 years that were set for the nation of Israel have been paused. It is a TIME based prophecy, if my boss says I have 5 days set to do something, I only have 5 days consecutive! Not 4 this week and then 1 sometime next month. after 3.5 years from Jesus on the cross, the gospel was no longer only preached to the Jews. Peter was under the belief that the gospel was only for the Jews, but through the vision of the unclean animals in the sheet (Acts 10:10-16), God told Peter that the Gentiles (the rest of humanity) were also needing the Gospel (Acts10:28, 10:34-35). Jewish leadership at the time were very clear that they rejected Jesus as they stoned Stephen and imprisoned other disciples. Daniel 9:26 talks about the Messiah, Daniel 9:27 says "he" will confirm a covenant for 1 week. And in the middle of that week, bring an end to sacrifice and offering. Jesus died on the cross and was cut off after the 69th week in the middle of the 70th week. At the end of another 3.5 years the gospel went from the Jews to the rest of the world. The Stoning of Stephen was 3.5 years after Jesus death on the cross.
  • @KSATSpotting
    He died in 30AD on Nisan 14 (April 5) and 40 years later in 70AD just as said about the 40 years in Ezekiel
  • @no59do56
  • Where do you get the info on when the decree was given to rectores and rebuild Jerusalem? Because people have different dates for that.
  • @lorenagoss2847
    Love you Pastor! but what does CRT have to do with end times???
  • @sydfreed9818
    Your close but Jesus comes once then then the resurrection of the saints to join him and his army. He said at the end of the age he would return not come go back up then come down. Not biblical.
  • @truthseeker5496
    I don’t understand how the verse can mean the church. Isn’t the church called a bride, she? The verse is saying “until HE be taken out of the way” So how can this mean the church/bride/she “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬ ‭